Friday, January 1, 2021

31-Day Phone Challenge - Day 1


For the last few years, I shared a blog series in January. Usually the focus was spending time in God’s Word.

I’ve talked to numerous women, old and young, who admit that technology has had a negative effect on their priorities. Most of us know we need to spend more time in prayer and Bible study, yet we find ourselves spending far too much time on our phones.

I’m grateful for the role technology has played in my life. The ability to blog and connect with many of you is a gift. I love the convenience of online communication. But do the benefits outweigh the dangers? What have I lost with a smart phone in my purse?

For the month of January, I plan to share a 31-Day Phone Challenge. I’ll be sharing things I’ve learned, Scripture for meditation, questions to ponder, and practical ideas on controlling our phone use.

I’m not sharing this phone challenge because I’ve got it figured out, but because I have needed consider changes in my life. I hope to learn even more from you, so please share your insights in the comments during this month-long challenge.

Today’s challenge: Pray the words of Psalms 139:23-24. Focus on the last phrase

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Do my daily phone habits help me see the glory of God? Or does it kill my desire for God?

If you want to make sure you don't miss a post this month, sign up to read the blog by email, scroll to the bottom of the page for the signup form, or email me at walkingbymyside AT


  1. Serendipity?...we were talking about phones just this morning. I have to admit, often my phone is more interesting than listening to a family member talk on, tho not more important. ouch.

  2. Ohhh my. I'm not sure if I want to follow along with this series or not! 🙂 Not because I don't need it!

  3. My biggest issue are those apps! I feel like I've become the app queen. I'm looking forward to your posts on this subject.

  4. I am so thrilled for this challenge!!
    Thank you! I will definitely be joining you.

  5. I'm ditching a lot of technology for this month and learning to use a bullet journal. My daughter's bought it me I had said physically writing things down helped me focus, like praying aloud felt more real than doing it in my head. I look forward to this month's challenge. I don't have a smart phone but using a tablet can be just as distracting!


I love to hear from you.


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