Monday, May 10, 2010

Whole Wheat Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie

In the search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie, I've tried many recipes. I've been looking for one with whole wheat flour. Since we eat so many cookies, I'd at least like them to be sort of healthy.

This recipe is adapted from a friend's recipe and is our current favorite. I think the secret is blending the oatmeal in the blender until almost as fine as flour. It doesn't have that dry sandy texture that whole wheat cookies sometimes have. It also makes a huge batch which is good because these don't last real long at our house unless I hide them.

1 1/2 cups butter, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups brown sugar

Cream butter and sugar together.

4 eggs

Add eggs and beat well.

3 cups whole wheat flour
5 cups oatmeal (blended until fine)
1 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda

Blend in dry ingredients.

2 cups chocolate chips
2 cups chopped nuts (optional)

Stir in chips and nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes.


  1. Looks good and easy. I posted a recipe that was healthful & worked for us as it had dark chocolate chips, whole wheat and soy flours from the More With Less Cookbook. I like yours as it has oatmeal & will give this a try. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. These looked so good that I had to make them today! I just ate two and I'm considering a third, even though supper is only about an hour away! Thanks for another great recipe (I've tried several here)!

  3. They look awesome, I love chocolate chip cookies, these look healthy and delicious. Thanks!

  4. Loved this recipe, Gina! Thanks!

  5. Made them tonight and the family loves them! Thanks for another yummy, whole-wheat recipe!

  6. Can you add a Pinterst button to your recipe page please??

  7. Can you use oat flour instead of the blended oat? If yes how much oat flour? Thank you

    1. I don't know. I've never tried oat flour.

  8. Use about 80% of the volume of regular oats but since these ones are already ground up somewhat it's probably pretty close to this recipe amount - just don't add all of it until you have added everything else and then you know how much you need from looking at the texture of the batter...

  9. I just made them with oat flour - used the same amount that the above recipe calls for and cut the flour in half, added 1/4 c of molasses and 2 tsp of vanilla - they are something between a scone and a cookie and the kids all voted a hearty "yes please"

  10. was the sugar that I cut it half

  11. This is so many years after all of your other comments, but I looked this up to copy it down again as our recipe card has gone missing. Missing from heavy use! These are delicious, and we often keep rolls of dough frozen for quickly serving guests. They are always enjoyed! My 8-year-old daughter intermittently does a neighborhood business selling them. She is never lacking buyers! - Mary Kathryn :)


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