A new week and a new goal - this time baking.
For some of you, this week will be busy with Thanksgiving plans.
I'm not sure what the week will hold for our family. More than likely we won't do anything extra-ordinary, but Ed has a few days off work so just spending time together is always enjoyable.
The children are already talking about baking Christmas cookies, so I'm hoping to spend at least one evening this week with the sprinkles and cookie cutters. Likely the bulk of the baking won't be done until next week. I do like to have most cookie baking done at the beginning of December so that we can pull out Christmas cookies to take to various events throughout the month.
I'd love to hear about your family's baking traditions. What recipe do you look forward to making (or eating) every year?
Prepare - Baking Week - Thoughts on baking and the joy of the Lord
There are certain cookies we have to make every year. Even though my kids are in their 30's,they must have gingerbread boys,sugar cutouts,peanut blossoms, and m & m drops. I also make fudge ,hard candy (in asst. flavors),coconut bon bons, and yes, I make fruitcake! The candied fruit that comes in the containers at the supermarket contains citron; which gives fruitcake it's bad reputation. I use asst. dried fruits and nuts and people actually eat it! I usually make enough goodies so I can give some as gifts. Oh I almost forgot that we do caramel corn and a chex-type party mix. I'm probably missing something else..can you tell we like holiday treats?
ReplyDeleteGrowing up, we used to make somewhere between 5-7 various kinds of cookies. These days - like last year - I often bake butter cookies (you call them sugar cookies, I think) with the children and their friends. Last year I baked sugar cookies 5 times, and none of them made it until Christmas, because everyone got something to take home with them after the baking was over. The kids loved it. This year I want to start the "real baking tradition" again - angels' eyes (round cookies filled with jam), raspberry cookies (sugar cookie dough, prebaked, topped with raspberry jam and meringue, baked again and then cut into squares - dreamy!), coconut macaroons and perhaps some kind of marzipan cookies. Best wishes from Germany and happy baking!