Tonight, a package from Australia arrived at our door! The folks at
Veggiecare had read of our experience with
floating-row-cover. Noticing that our row cover was worn out beyond use, they generously gave us some of their Mikroclima row cover to try! The Microclima is a plastic woven fabric that appears to be longer lasting then the bonded fabric we've used formerly. I'm excited about doing some side by side tests this summer with the Mikroclima and our normal row cover. In fact, we are planning to make a raise bed and hoop house following the instructions at the
Veggiecare website and try to get some early greens started. But seeing that snow is falling as I type, maybe I won't be putting seeds in the ground tomorrow!

A roll of Mikroclima and ten jumbo clips!

A close up of the Mikroclima.
We'll keep you updated on our row cover testing!
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