By Kaylene Hartzler
God is a fountain of life, light and
love. In Psalm 36, David praises God for His excellent loving-kindness to the
children of men. Verse nine says, “For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy
light shall we see light.” The defining attribute of a fountain is in its
ability to well up from within and spring forth. God satisfies us out of the
abundance of His house. When we pull from His resources, they can never be
depleted. God’s love is like the majestic Niagara Falls – powerful, unending,
and unstoppable.
Adoption is costly.
“But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a
woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might
receive the adoption of sons” (Galatians 4:4, 5) To redeem means to
obtain the release or restoration of by paying a ransom. What was the price God
had to pay for our adoption? It cost Him the price of His Son’s life. The
adoption journey takes its toll on our finances, emotions, and our time. God’s
cost to adopt us was infinitely more than any cost we will ever incur in
adoption and raising children.
Adoption involves legal
status. God’s justice demanded that we be punished for our sins. Jesus
satisfied all legal demands by shedding His own blood. When we accept Jesus’
shed blood as the sacrifice for our sins, we acquire the legal status of adopted
sons and daughters of God. As our relationship with God deepens, we grow in our
love for Him and our desire to please Him. The legal proceedings of adopting our
children usually come before the family has experienced a complete emotional and
physical bond.
Adoption is blessed.
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the
children of God” (Romans 8:16). God pours out a spirit of belonging upon us and
grants us His affection. He does not leave us alienated without feelings of love
and acceptance. There should be no difference in our affections for our adopted
children and our birth children.
Adoption brings to us rights
and duties. “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs
with Christ” (Romans 8:17). Adoption means full membership into God’s family. We
gain an Elder Brother and become heirs to the Father. All God’s children inherit
from the Father together. All our children, whether biological or adopted, need
to receive equal portions of our inheritance.
Adoption is planned.
“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ unto
himself” (Ephesians 1:5). Our adoption was planned from the beginning of time.
Children by birth and children by adoption each have their own uniqueness. The
choice to adopt may come second in our family history but it must not be
secondary in importance to us. Growing a family through adoption can be as
precious as having children by birth.
The ultimate purpose of adopting
children is not giving them parents or filling our empty arms, as important as
that is. The most important reason for Christians to adopt is to provide
children with a home where they will be taught about Jesus and have opportunity
to receive the Gospel. The culture of the church can be changed by the example
of one couple who steps out in vibrant, patient and practical faith. Often it is
enough to encourage many others who are just waiting for direction. Let’s
partner with Jesus one adoption at a time. Our labors in the Lord will never be
in vain!
This devotional was taken from
A Child to Call My Own, a devotional book offering meditations to
comfort and inspire women on their journey from infertility to adoption. God’s
blessing is on adoption. His heart is toward His people who are willing to get
in the trenches and fight for the defenseless little ones. Without our willing
hearts and welcoming homes, these little ones may never know who Jesus is. To order your copy, contact
Children of Promise Publishers at
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