Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Walk Through a July Garden

I think I'm enjoying my garden more this year than I have for years. 

For quite a few years I was either pregnant, had a small baby, or Ed was sick. I was glad I had a garden during Ed's illness because weeding gave me some place to work out frustration, but it wasn't well cared for. Last year I worked hard to get the garden back in shape after not being cared for properly for years. Layers of mulch have made this year's garden much more enjoyable. 

I'm trying to find ways to make the garden easier to care for. Mulch pays a huge role in this since I can't run the tiller myself. I've always used mulch in the summer but now I'm looking for ways to extend the mulching year round. 

The potato patch. We have been very dry so this photo makes the garden look both bigger and greener than real life. I watered a few times to keep the garden alive. Thankfully we have received several rains in the last three days so it is starting to green up.

The big-leafed plant is candy roaster squash - an old heirloom plant that grows huge. Strawberries are on the left.

As always, I hide the cabbage and broccoli under row cover to save it from the cabbage worm. Zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes are behind them.

Last fall I covered this section of the garden with cardboard, grass clippings, and heaps of leaves. In the spring I dug a hole in the leaves and planted the tomato, broccoli, and zucchini plants under the mulch. I have loved having a basically weed free section of the garden.

Zucchini blooms

Carrots (being chewed off by a groundhog) green beans, and sweet corn.

Green bean blossom.

Green tomatoes and blossoms.


  1. Beautiful! My garden is looking rather winter-ish, here in the southern hemisphere. We're adding a lot of mulch to our garden this winter, too: leaves and waste baleage. We're hoping that will make our very poor soil much better.

  2. Your garden looks beautiful!

  3. Lovely and productive garden your hard work will be well rewarded. I'm still amazed how a tiny seed can grow into large edible plants. We need the sun now not rain, it's been very wet here in the UK. Blessings to you and your family. Xx

  4. Looks like you will be busy at harvest time

  5. We've had a slow start to our runner beans this year, but the potatoes, cabbages and sugar snap peas are all doing well.
    I can't handle our tiller either, especially since we're on quite heavy clay. Your garden looks lovely - will have to look into mulching!

  6. Your garden is coming along well. I do my best thinking and praying while I'm working in the garden.

  7. Gina, the very first time I read your blog some years ago, you were talking about how much you were enjoying your beautiful garden. I enjoy your garden too! and am happy that it is once again giving your some pleasure.

  8. Gina, there is something therapeutic about being out in the garden. Your garden looks very productive nd I am sure you will be doing lots of preserving for winter as ladies in the US seem to do.


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