Why is friendship so hard sometimes?
When I received a review copy of The Missing Invitation from the author, Tina Fehr, I was reminded of the friendship angst of elementary-aged children. (Which maybe isn't so far from adult friendship problems.)
In The Missing Invitation Megan is eager to befriend the new girl at church. But when the other girls at church ignore her and don't invite her to their special singing, she feels hurt.
Tina Fehr has written three books for children based on her homeschool family's experiences. Daddy on the Mend tells of trusting God when Dad is injured in a work accident. In More Trouble Than Trouble Creek Andrew learns to get along with his siblings. Now The Missing Invitation focuses on friendships. These books are appropriate for children ages 5-8 and could even be used as a family devotional. The lessons that Megan learned in this book could be a good conversation starter in your family on the importance of being a good friend.
Tina gave me two copies to give away to readers.
To enter a giveaway for The Missing Invitation leave a comment on this post. Tell us one of the very first books you remember reading (or having read to you) as a child. If reading by email, click over to the blog and let your comment there. I'll choose two comments to get a copy of The Missing Invitation.
Don't forget to share your email address with your comment or I have no way of contacting you.
To purchase your own copy, go to Christian Light.
Giveaway open for one week from today and is open to all US postal addresses. Winner chosen by random.org.
First I can remember reading is from a Dick, Jane & Sally book!
ReplyDeleteThorton W Burgess books. Reddy Fox, Paddy the Beaver, Sammy Jay and the rest all came to life for me. How I wished to soar the updrafts with Ole Mr Buzzard!
I remember my Dad reading the Little House books. I also remember many Bible stories being read.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite stories as a child was Pedro, published by Rod & Staff. I loved that story! Another even earlier was Little Mommy, which was a Little Golden book that was reprinted in recent years. I could recite the rhymes in that book from memory even before I could read! Thanks for the chance to win, Gina. :)
ReplyDeleteMary Beth Martin
Yertle the Turtle by Dr Suess
I remember The Gingerbread Man and let me tell you, that book made me cry for days because he got eaten at the end!
ReplyDeleteI had to think about this for awhile, as I’m 52 and it’s been awhile. But children’s books are still one of my favorite genres. I read them and pass them into my grandchildren.
ReplyDeleteThe first books I remember being read to me were The Little House On The Prairie series. I still read those every few years.
The first books I remember my parents buying me and that really turned me into an avid reader were Christy by Catherine Marshall and Hidden Rainbow and Light From Heaven by Christmas Carol Kauffman. I can still picture my mother and father picking them out for me at the Christian BookStore.
I think it was my birthday, I was probably 12 or so. I’m sure I read books before those, but I don’t especially remember them. Those books though, I remember. I felt so grown up getting them. My older sister had read them and so they were approved reading.
From that point on, I could most always be found somewhere curled up, reading.
I still love those books!
Ping :)
ReplyDeleteWe just bought this book for our 9 year old daughters birthday. She thoroughly enjoyed it! We also have the second book. Of course, the children now would like the first one! :-) I want to read them sometime myself.
ReplyDeleteI didn't mention what book I remember reading as a child. My favorite for a long time was Olive. I also remember the Thorton Burgess books.
DeleteMy favorite story books as I child was the Laura Ingalls Wilder set.... having grown up in the North where winters could be long and severe it was fun to read how they coped with the cold and snow back in the days....
Gina, I pray nightly for your continued strength. Had I known you were in my area this summer, I would have made a point to come see you.(Niagara Falls trip) you are a true guiding light. Your shear attitude , positive words in your own time of healing is remarkable. Please continue to stAy strong first for you and children then for others. My favorite book as a child, one that I read and re read as we didn’t have much money for books, was Nancy Nurse or Nurse Nancy. I as a result of that book became a RN. I must say I was a book worm and went to the library several times a week when they actually used the Dewey decimal system !!! Books are so important in a child’s life. Start reading as infants, have older children read to younger children. Please include me in the give away not for me but for a child I think would benefit of a book with a lesson. Mruggier0@aol.com. Have a wonderful week! Your Friend and faithful reader! Michelle
ReplyDeleteI actually just found a copy of this book at Goodwill. I'd never heard of it before, but I adore vintage Little Golden books, and our 4yo is loving it.
Looks like a delightful book! Probably the first book I remember is Dr. Sues's "The Foot Book". mgoering793@gmail.com
ReplyDelete"Where the Red Fern Grows" Dorcas tndzimm@outlook.com
ReplyDeleteHello David (this is an old book... a chapter book for beginning readers). itsjustreba@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThe first book that I can remember reading in first grade was “Kitten in the Well” . I also thoroughly enjoyed the Laura Ingalls wilder set. And as A teacher of second grade , I continued to read that set where the first grade teacher left off The year before.
ReplyDeleteMy email address is Brosscoffeetime@gmail.com I think this looks like a good set to Buy for my children.
ReplyDeleteSome of the first books I read as a child are by Arnold Lobel....Frog and Toad stories, Frances (a racoon) etc. My favorites were the Frog and Toad stories! =)
ReplyDeleteThankyou for a chance to win a book!
Tanya Moen
I remember my mom reading the Little House series. I'm sure there were many before then!
ReplyDeleteThanks Gina for the give away. I'm a mom of five who is learning English. Reading to my kids, has been the best tool to learn the language. I'm always looking for great books to read together with them. The first book I read to them in English was The Beginners bible.
ReplyDeleteAll of the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
ReplyDeletesmstombaugh @ live.com
Dick & Jane are the first books I remember reading and The Bobbsey Twin mysteries were my most beloved.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went for preschool day to school the teacher read Home for a Bunny, and then we colored a picture of a rabbit we named Hoppy. My mom would read the Little House books at bedtime in the winter...virgilnjean@gmail.com
ReplyDelete"I wish that I had duck feet" mjoyrudolph@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteAs small children we were read to out of golden books alot as well as the little house books. Deb at petedeb8689@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteUncle Author's Bible stories and his bedtime stories. tmiller2056@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSo many to choose from! Of course, like several others, the Little House set were favorites. Also, there was a set of 3-4 large hardcover books (My-Fun-To-Read Books) that my parents bought from a traveling book salesman that became great favorites. Each book had 3 stories along with colored pictures. One story was about Joey and his horse, another about Katie at the zoo her father owned, another story was in an Eskimos life, etc. Those books were so fascinating that I just had to buy my own set after I got married! 😁
ReplyDeleteCorinne (soon 10) has this book "wished for"on the CLP sales magazine. I think working through friendship angst starts in young years and how we cope is carried into our adult years. Looks like a helpful tool!
ReplyDeleteOne of my earliest book-memories is "Go, Dog, Go!" by Dr. Seuss. :) johnstonsandcompany@gmail.com
First complete book I remember reading is "More Days Go By" and earliest I can remember read to me "Story Time With Grandma. " I hope you have a good week. vickijyoder@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThis book looks like a wonderful one to add to our church library! One of the first books I remember reading was Dr Seuss's ABC book. Thank you for the giveaway! ~Eunice tigergal01 at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteOne of my earliest book memories is "The Donkey of Nazareth" by Audrey Tarrant, the Christmas story from the viewpoint of the donkey that carried Mary to Bethlehem. Thanks, Daisy. weyoders "at" gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHelen Keller was a favorite!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I did not read much as a child.. As a teen I started reading my Bible but have never been a very strong reader. Now that I am a homeschooling mom I really hope my girls will have a love for reading. My oldest who is 8 would love this book! She pointed it out in the recent Christian Light mailing. She is also reading Door to Discovery along with the Abeka readers for school.
ReplyDeleteI remember having someone read an illustrated Bible story book I got for a birthday. I don't know the publisher.
ReplyDeleteAlso books like 'Make way for ducklings' and 'The happy man and his dump truck' were favorites.
Krista - kristajb99@gmail.com
I remember sitting with my grandpa in his recliner & listening to him read to me--one of my earliest memories of books. One of my favorite stories was "Wee Willow Whistle" by Kay Avery, a story of a little girl & her grandpa & their time together. Imagine my delight when I found that exact book in a box lot I purchased at my grandparents' sale many years later! -Rachel
The first books I remember cleary and vividly are the Laura Ingalls books. The winter before I went to Kindergarten my mom read the entire set to us. Good memories!
I remember being read the Bible as a young child. My parents didn't have much time to read to us, and it amazes me that my siblings and I are all bookworms. The first book I remember reading that really captured me was Patricia St. John's "Star of Light".
ReplyDelete"Kitten in the Well". I still remember the first time I read it through on a Sunday afternoon. Our children have loved that book to pieces now! edwardmartinfamily@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the first book I remember reading is Jack and Janet, a Sally, Dick and Jane Book. I loved it to pieces! Imagine my delight to find a like-new copy recently at a used book sale for my own family! timsjanet78@icloud.com
ReplyDeleteWe didn't have a lot of story books when I was a young girl...but we did have the Little House books, and I also remember reading Tiger and Tom...
My mom read the Little House on the Prairie Books to us - and now we read them as a family also.
One of my favorite books when I was little was called "The Teddy Bears' Expedition". Being only five years old, I pronounced the word as "ex-ped-i-a-tion," driving my mother crazy! :) thequietphotographer96@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThe Bears On Hemlock Mountain was one of my favorites! emilygingerich1999@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMom read many books to her children. I would say I remember the Bible stories the best. fourpaws@nemr.net
ReplyDeleteBlessings, Teresa
I learned to read with McGuffey's 1st grade reader.
I remember being fascinated by the book Kitten in Well and it became more real when the main character came to our school for a few weeks while in the States on furlough. glendagroff69@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what the first book would be, but I do remember a lot of Bible stories, Uncle Arthur, and Little House on the Prairie. Jeh4281@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThis book looks like so good! One of my favorite books as a child was "God Knows My Size" by Sylvia.
I remember Mom reading us the Uncle Arthur bedtime stories. She read stories almost every evening. Precious memories! marykaygarman@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteOne of the first books I remember Mom reading to me was "Blueberries for Sal". Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
ReplyDeleteYou are in my prayers.
Laura rlksbiz@yahoo.com
Probably the first books I read independently were the ones assigned by our first grade teacher in our one room school, but I don't remember the names - too long ago. And our parents often read to us from a thick Bible story book which is now out on loan, so I can't give that name, either. lhilty1@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteWhen I was little, I remember my dad reading Elsie Dinsmore and Louis L'amour to us. The first series I remember reading were The Boxcar Children, The Happy Hollisters, and The Bobsey Twins.
Little House on the Prairie books were some of the first I remember...however, there was also one about a bear family going to bed and hearing all the night noises...the children going one by one into mom and dad's bed, till the bed breaks!! Scaring all the creatures who had been making the scary noises before. Sarah; mksauder@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteMy first memory of books was my Dad reading Heidi to my brother and I. He got so weary of reading it that he finally used our little cassette recorder and recorded it for us, after which we spent many hours listening to it. Melissa tmweaver@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteA.I.M. for High Ground is a collection of one pastor’s true stories of Christian leadership in crisis and in joy. These stories relate experiences you don’t ordinarily receive in Bible College. As you read each story you will be impressed that God still does remarkable things and brings remarkable people into your life resulting in remarkable lessons learned.