
Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

It is a busy week. I doubt I'll be around here much. You are probably as busy as I am with shopping, cooking, and traveling. I'll leave a few links for those who ask for our favorite Thanksgiving recipes.

Easy roast turkey
Deviled Turkey rub
What to do with all those turkey leftovers
My mom's best stuffing
Sweet potato crunch
Pumpkin Pie

I hope you find time to count your blessings this Thanksgiving. When I read of the turmoil in the news I am even more grateful for the blessing of peace with God.
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.  Romans 5:1-2


  1. I wish you and your family a joyful and blessed Thanksgiving!
    - - Philippa

  2. Hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving. xxx

  3. Yes! Very busy here with everything except the travelling part. :)
    And agreed about the turmoil in the world...sigh...I don't even read the news - but others read it aloud sometimes, and it DOES make one SO thankful for the Lord's peace here at home!
    May it continue so for years to come!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    In Him;

  4. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  5. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Thanks for the filling recipe. I always struggle
    with the filling.


  6. May you be blessed as you bless your readers! We are thankful for YOU!

  7. Looked up your turkey roasting instructions and the rub recipe earlier in the week. The turkey is waiting for the oven as I type this.

    Thanks so much for sharing your cooking knowledge with us!

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving celebration with your family!!!

  8. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so very blessed to have an uplifting blog like yours to read each week.
    Many Blessings,

  9. Have a blessed Thanksgiving. Its unknown for me. Here in the Netherlands we don't have such Thanksgiving :-)

    No turkey or extra food. Our nation is not Christian and Thanksgiving is for us a day with a prayer hour (sermon) in the church, for a small minority, who call themselves Christians.

  10. Peace in this world is uncertain, but I am thankful for the peace from Him. Love, Thanksgiving and even though it was very quiet for us,we did count our blessings!
    Blessings, Roxy


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