
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Counting Blessings

Special memories from the past week.

I'm not one of those crafty moms, but my children love art projects. The directions for pastels on Hodgepodge looked like something even I could manage. Fingers were messy but the results were surprisingly good.

We spent Thanksgiving in North Carolina with Ed's sister Jean. She was gracious enough to allow her three brothers and their families, along with Ed's mom, to crash her house for three days.

The men and older nephews built a handsome wood shed.

The girl cousins shared tea parties and giggles.

The boys set up camp in the woods, cutting down small trees to build their own tipi. By the sounds of the shouts, they were having the time of their life. We were blessed with perfect weather all weekend.

We ladies were, of course, head of the food department. It was fun to share the kitchen with such a great group! But we found some time for some fun too. My crafty sister-in-law, inspired from Meadow Brook Gourds, brought along some dried gourds for the ladies to turn into snowmen.

Didn't they turn out adorable?

 It was so good to spend time working, eating, laughing, and even a little crying - together. I love my in-laws!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful holiday. You are very blessed to have such a wonderful and close family. :-)

  2. What fun! Sounds like you are very blessed with such an amazing family. I would be lost without my mom in law. She is the best, we do everything together! (it helps that she's right next door) I love the gourd snowmen. What a neat idea. I might have to try and make those.
    Thanks for sharing and have a great week.

  3. Oh what FUN for EVERYONE!! One summer some visiting little cousins at my house put up a tent in the back yard. They lasted til 10:00pm! Tea parties are just the thing for girls...and company in the kitchen just can't be beat!! I think we can all safely assume your menfolk ate well and were as happy as ...well..pie!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. Your pumpkin pastels are beautiful! Messy fingers make for fun :) ~ Tricia @ Hodgepodge

  5. What a wonderful weekend! I love the snowmen. They turned out so cute. I also love the girls and their tea party. Great family moments.

  6. I am liking them snow men! and That is a very nice wood shed( I wont covet I wont covet I wont So nice to hear when people can just stop their own life routines and come to the aid of others no matter what needs to be done..

  7. Wow! :) You were only one state north us then over the holiday. :) We are in South Carolina.
    Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)
    Ours was great too - spent it at home with family. :)

    The Lord Jesus bless you!

  8. Such wonderful pictures! I love how everyone seems to be having such a great time. The woodshed looks great. The gourd snowmen are so cute. We (ladies from my church)are having a craft day Saturday at church with a lunch meal. The girls and I are looking forward to it. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  9. Awe! It looks like it was a wonderful time! All the projects look wonderful! I LOVE the snowmen!

  10. The snowmen are ADORABLE!!! And the pastels looks like just the kind of craft my little girlies would love :-) Thanks for sharing! Blessings,Jamie

  11. I love the tipi, those boys look like they are really having a good time!


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