Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Rosemary Cheddar Bagels

First, some blog housekeeping. 

I know that many of you like to read this blog by email. I've switched email providers several times the last couple years, trying to find an inexpensive program that worked well. Some emails were sent two or three times, and some that never arrived at all. 

Several weeks ago, when I hinted at leaving blogging, maybe joining moving to another social media platform, many of you begged me to keep this blog up. 

So, for now, I plan to keep blogging, hopefully several times a month. But I moved the email to Substack, which hopefully will give more consistent email service. This should change nothing for those of you already signed up to recieve Home Joys by email before, just will come through a different email address.

Thanks for your patience as I continue to work out the kinks.

If you haven't received Home Joys by email and would like to, you can sign up on the form on the bottom of the Home Joys blog site. Just scroll all the way down. Or send me an email at walkingbymyside AT gmail.com and I'll sign you up. 

And for those who like Instagram, I've been posting over there ocasionally. You can find me @homejoysmom. It is an easy way to share photos, but I don't want to get sucked into the IG time drain, so I doubt you'll see me there often.

Enough of that...

If you have been a long-time reader of this blog, you know that I used to write about bread baking. I've had numerous posts sharing bread baking tips, sourdough advice, and bread recipes. 

That feels like a long time ago. When Ed was diagnosted with cancer, he went on a strict keto diet, and I quit baking bread. Then when he died, I lost all joy in preparing meals, including bread baking. My children love homemade bread, so occasionally I'd make a batch, but it was a rare event. 

But last year my fourteen-year-old daughter began baking bread, and we are once again relishing the smells and flavors of homemade bread. I asked if she'd let me share a few of her recipes with you. 

The first is Rosemary Cheddar Bagels. We love these so much that she always doubles this recipe, so we can put some in the freezer. The recipe is simple to make, even if you have never made bagels. Don't skip the boiling step because that is what gives the bagels their chewy texture. 

 Rosemary Cheddar Bagels

(Makes 12 large bagels)

2 Tablespoons instant yeast

2 1/4 cup warm water

2 teaspoons salt

2 Tablespoons fresh rosemary or 1 Tablespoon dried rosemary

1 1/2 Tablespoons of brown sugar

5 cups white all-purpose flour

shredded Cheddar cheese

2 quarts boiling water

1 Tablespoon brown sugar

In large mixing bowl, mix together yeast, water, salt, rosemary and brown sugar. Mix in four cups of flour. Mix in one more cup of flour as needed to make a soft dough. Knead with a kneading hook or by hand until smooth. Place in an oiled bowl and cover with a damp towel. Allow to raise for 1 hour.

Divide dough into twelve. Roll each piece into a ball, push a hole into the center of the ball, and carefully stretch into a bagel shape. Place on baking sheet, cover with a towel, and rest for 20 minutes. 

Bring water and sugar to boil in large skillet. Preheat the over to 425 degrees. Place four bagels into skillet and boil for two minutes, flip over, and boil for an additional minute. Place bagels on parchment paper on a baking sheet and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

Serve with butter or cream cheese. Freeze any that last more than a day.


  1. These look just delicious! Have you ever tried them without the cheddar? I imagine they'll also taste great without the cheese on top but with some spread of stronger cheese, maybe goat cream cheese. Thanks to your daughter for sharing that recipe!

  2. These look amazing! My sister and I went to a bagel shop on Monday and this recipe has me wanting to try my hand at making bagels.

  3. You’ve done it again!
    You make seemingly complicated recipes look easy and fun. I bought cheddar cheese at Aldi today so I can try them.

    I made your miracle bread last week for a sister at church.

  4. They look delicious. Bless your daughter ❤

  5. Thank you for the recipe,I haven't bought bagels in a long time because they are too expensive for my budget but now I can make them !

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