Saturday, November 11, 2023


I hold his hand tightly, my eyes locked in his.

We speak age-old words

For better or for worse; until death do us part.

How does God make two one?

We’ve planned this day for months

and can’t stop grinning.

A weighty moment

but I don’t grasp,

I can’t comprehend

how much changed in that instant.

I am a wife.

I hold tightly to her slippery body, my lips on her damp head.

She wails her first breath,

Flails tiny hands, missing comforting resistance.

How did part of me and part of him make this perfect human?

We’ve anticipated this day for months;

he’s choked up; I’m smiling.

A weighty moment

but I don’t grasp,

I can’t comprehend

how much changed in that instant.

I am a mom.

I hold him tightly, leaning over the bed, my cheek pressed into his hair.

He gasps his last breath.

I hold him, but I can’t keep him here.

I turn off the oxygen; silence drops into the room.

I’ve grieved the coming of this day for months,

watched the slow dying; now, I have no tears.

A weighty moment

but I don’t grasp,

I can’t comprehend

how much changed in that instant.

I am a widow.


  1. Excellently written.❤️

  2. Such a lovely moving post. I am blinking back tears.

  3. Oh Gina, same here. So perfectly stated.

  4. Beautifully written. Words so true, and also heartbreaking. Blessings to you.

  5. Such a beautiful tribute, Gina!! Someday all of the mysteries will be answered. Until then, remember you will be reunited in that wonderful place called Heaven. Donna

  6. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Gina, this is so poignant. Thank you for being vulnerable with us.

  8. Silent prayers for you Gina. May God be your comfort as life goes on, that is more than anyone can ask for. You will meet Ed again, this life is not the end, thank God.

  9. Wow. All I can say is thank you for that beautiful offering 💓

  10. Gina sending a cyber hug to you and prayers for you.🙏🏾

  11. Touching, Gina ❤️

  12. Thank you so much for this post and all your thoughts in this blog.
    May God bless and keep you always, you and your family, all of you - those here on earth and those who are already with Him.

  13. Beautifully written.

  14. This is absolutely beautiful Gina. I think of you often and pray for you daily. I hope you and the children are doing well. God's many blessings to you. Lots of hugs dear friend.

  15. Other than the Bible, I believe this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read.


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