
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Favorite Books Read in 2011

Maybe I'm an oddity but I love reading about what others are reading, especially the end-of-the-year book lists. I couldn't keep my list to ten favorites this year.  Maybe because I read more books than usual, maybe because I had too many books that in one way or the other were unforgettable. This year's list is an eclectic mix of books dealing with everything from gardening to grief.

From looking at this list, I don't read much fiction. Most of the fiction I read is in the juvenile category. I should compile a whole separate list of all the family read alouds we enjoyed this year. We have especially enjoyed our study of medieval history through great books. We also enjoyed learning the history of our area and state.

If I try to comment about each book, I fear I'll repeat myself and say "This is a great book. You must read it!" Every book listed here was beneficial in some way to my life in what I learned, in how I grew, or how it made me think. I can't say I agree with everything in every book but in some way I valued the time spent reading it. I'm going to list the books in random order, without comment, and share the link if I've already reviewed it on this blog.

I've been asked how I choose books to read. Sometimes, at the beginning of the year, I make a list of books I want to read. I rarely follow the list. Typically I read whatever strikes me - a book suggested by a friend, picked up at a book sale, or spotted at the library. Maybe I'm studying a particular topic to share with others or just choose a book that has gathered dust on my shelf for years.

One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp

Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman 

Lasgana Gardening by Patricia Lanza

Adam and His Kin by Ruth Beechick 

The 12-Month Gardener by Jeff Ashton

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

Light My Candle by Stephanie Leinbach

The Johnstown Flood by David McCullough

Safely Home by Randy Alcorn

Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Every Woman's Battle by Shannon Ethridge

Keeping a Nature Journal by Clare Walker Leslie

Hints on Child Training by H. Clay Trumbull

The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Before You Meet Prince Charming by Sarah Mally

These Strange Ashes by Elisabeth Elliot  

Power of the Powerless by Christopher De Vinck

The Long Road Home by Pablo Yoder

The Secret of the Strength by Peter Hoover

A Higher Call by Harold Bell Wright

Life is a Gift by Jenny Miller

I'd love to hear about the books you have enjoyed this year. Maybe your suggestion will make it to my 2012 list!

This post contains associate links.


  1. Love reading your list of most memorable books! I also read "In Defense of Food" and highly recommend it to others as well. Another one in that vein that I liked even (slightly) better was, "Real Food" by Nina Planck. I want to read the Ruth Beechick book from your list in homeschool next year. I'd never heard of that one before. And, I want to read Ann Voskamp's book as well. Thanks for sharing and giving me a few new ones to add to my list. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  2. These all look like very interesting books. Thanks for sharing them. I want to check out our library and see if they have some of them. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  3. I love to read and have already noted a few of these books that I want to get. Thank you for the list.

  4. I admit, I couldn't really get a feel for "One Thousand Gifts", which so many people seemed to enjoy. But I did like "The Long Road Home". Thanks for sharing your list! Just dropped by to wish you a happy new year. Also, my blog has a new address at

    Looking forward to getting back on top of things this year, post-baby. :)

  5. Looks like a very interesting list of books. I would love to see the list of family read alouds you enjoy, as I'm always looking for books to read to my daughters. I love to read but don't take enough time for it so this year I made a list of books I want to read in 2012 and I'm planning to blog about them as I read them. Here is the list

  6. Hey Gina, I love books. :) But I haven't had much time for reading. One I really love is We would see Jesus, by Roy and Revel Hession. Very lovely and spiritually edifying book.

    Now, I have a cooking question I'm pondering and maybe you can help me. I'm not sure if it'd be ok to talk about breadmaking on a book post. :}

    But today I made some of my regular bread, and used potato water (not my first time) and mashed boiled potatoes (my first time) and every loaf but one fell. we thought we let it rise too long, so we punched the last four loaves down, and let them rise again. All but one fell.

    So dissappointing. Don't know for sure what it could be. Any ideas? Maybe we didnt' put in enough flour... the dough was very soft... But I've had dough like that which turned out delicious.

    Sorry such a long comment.

    Christ bless you.

  7. Carra - I'm not sure but maybe this post will help.

  8. I've heard so much about the "Lasagna Garden" book. What do you think of it? We have moved into a house with a lot less land. I need to be really creative with my gardening now. Anything you could suggest would be great. Blessings!

  9. That's quite a list! Thank you for sharing! We've been reading a few of the same books it looks like. :) Probably the most influential one was One Thousand Gifts, I am learning to practice true gratitude and seeing God's gifts of grace in the everyday. But it doesn't come naturally!
    One book I enjoyed reading a second time through this year was Passionate Housewives Desperate For God. If you haven't yet, I recommend it!

  10. I've been dying to get my hands of the Lasagna gardening book! I've read a little about it and have been using much of the technique...but I'm sure there's much more to learn in the book. Also, there's a book I've recently read and it is so incredible. It's called "Bless God and Take Courage" by Rosalie Hunt (Whom I've had the pleasure to hear speak at a WMU event...incredible woman). Anyways, it's an account of the sacrificial life of the Judson's as they were missionaries in Burma. I've passed this book around to many friends and it is now on all their favorites list. Also, it would be a great book to do a women's Bible study on. Thanks for sharing your list!

  11. I love reading!!!! SOOO much! I have been enjoying quite a few Charles Dickens book this last year with more on tap for this year. :)


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