
Monday, January 2, 2012


It is good to be back with you all! After the December break, I'm excited to blog again. Later this week I hope to host a giveaway.

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas. Our month held many special memories but somewhere amidst the craziness of the season, I wondered where is found the "peace on earth" we sing about. 

There is moments in my days when I long for night, when quiet enfolds my home. The silence of midnight is quite appealing when children are bickering, a pot on the stove is boiling over, the phone is ringing, and my mind spinning with unfinished tasks.

Most days, life at our house doesn't feel real peaceful. Four high energy children don't usually bring a sense of calm. Even when everyone is happily playing, the noise volume can be deafening.

The past year, held events in our personal lives that brought unrest. When I look beyond my home to the turmoil in our world and the heartache of others, I don't find many examples of peace.

Before we built our addition last year, we searched for a verse to carve on our new mantle or paint on the wall. At this point we've done neither but the verse we chose has been a one I've held onto throughout the ups and downs of 2011.

The LORD will give strength unto his people; the LORD will bless his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11

I am grateful that peace isn't the absence of conflict. It isn't soft music playing while children whisper. It isn't found in an immaculate housekeeping and perfect meals. Peace is found in Jesus Christ. Through His strength and by His power, we can say that 2011 was a year when we experienced God's blessing of peace. 

On Christmas morning at our church, the sermon was about Peace. The minister read a portion from book, The Peace Child by Don Richardson, about the Christmas feast between tribes that had once cannibalized each other. Now that is a true example of peace - not temporary peace of children tucked into bed for an hour. But true lasting peace that makes enemies into friends.

That is the kind of peace I pray for - not because I have enemies, but because I desire a relationship with God that transforms my life from an enemy of God to His friend.

May God's peace be yours in the New Year.


  1. John 14:27 - "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

    So thankful with you that we can know peace in the midst of chaos and trials....


  2. Lovely to see you back, regards to your family - love froogs

  3. Wonderful post, Gina! And what a wonderful verse you have chosen for your home. It's one of my favorites too and I will be excited to see where you end up putting the verse.

    So good to see a post from you again!

  4. I am glad you are back. I have missed reading your posts. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  5. Thank you for this post Gina, and welcom back in the New Year.

    I was blessed by this... I truly have been struggling with that question too... life always seems difficult, when viewed by our fleshly eyes. But praise the Lord He works when we cannot see.

    Even when we have headaches, screeching noises, pointless questions, constantly feeling like "it" will never end, whatever "it" may be.
    It seems like we automatically have inherited the tendency to be discontent. But praise the Lord, He can be our contentness.

    I've been struggling with the constant viewing of others' lives as better than mine... if only I could trade them for an instant... oh I know how wrong I could be.

    But the Lord keeps showing me such beauty... the roses among the thorns. :) Oh and how I do love Him so!
    Praise His Holy Name.

    In Him,

  6. I have written across the top of my living room wall "Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est". Roughly, it means "where there is caring and love, God is there".

    I think if I did it again, it would read "Be still and know that I am God".

  7. Great verse choice ...
    My pastor referenced THE PEACE CHILD in his Christmas sermon as well!! What a coincidence!!

  8. Gina - WOnderful Post!! Peace is my 'God Word' for 2012 - I have recently posted about that very thing on my new blog - take a minute to pop by if you get a chance;-)

  9. I want you to know that after today, I REALLY needed that reminder about Christ's peace! How the human mind tends to wander from that Truth sometimes. Thank you!

  10. Oh, that's a good book!!! I've been wanting to read it to my children. Strange, maybe, but I hope at least one of my children catches a vision for overseas mission's work!

    I'm so glad you're "back," friend! May you have a blessed 2012!


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