Monday, December 11, 2023

Sisters Fall Reading Challenge

Sisters' Fall Reading Challenge 

We both enjoyed so many great books this fall. I'm never sure if it is because I happend to find great books or if I was simply in the mood to enjoy reading more this fall than sometimes. But whatever the reason, I've loved reading the past few months. Here is a glimpse of our reading this fall (and a photo shoot at the local library where we both grew up prerusing the shelves.)

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1. Read a biography. 

Charity - The Wright Brothers by David McCulloulgh 

While reading this book, I thought “Did I actually learn about the Wrights in school?” As always McCullough dug deep and gives an incredible story of the men who were determined to fly. I found this story engaging and learned a host of information that I won’t be forgetting for a long time.

Gina - The Bridge of Love by Grace Nies Fletcher

As a young man,  Merrell Vories asked to be sent to a difficult place of service where Jesus' name was not known. In 1908, he moved to a small town in Japan to serve as an English-language teacher. He spent the rest of his life in Japan, teaching the way of Christ, marrying a young  woman from a noble family,  becoming a Japanese citizen, and suffering during Word War 2. The Bridge of Love shares the inspiring story of Merrell and his wife and what God can do with two lives committed to Him. After reading their story, Merrel's hymn, "Let There Be Light, Lord God of Hosts" has more meaning.

2. Read a book set in England. 

Charity - Towers in the Mist by Elizabeth Goudge

Set in Oxford during the 1500s, I enjoyed this historical fiction of a time period I rarely read about. The story is based around the happenings in the university at Oxford, the Leigh family, and a boy from the street that wants to learn. 

Gina - The Two Mrs. Abbotts by D.E. Stevenson

I've been on a huge Stevenson kick the past few months. Her books are so cozy and cheerful. The Two Mrs. Abbotts is the third in the Miss Buncle series, but Miss Buncle doesn't play a main role in this book. Instead we get to learn to know her friends in Wandlebury as they experience the challenges of World War 2. I checked the publication date and found that this book was written and published during World War 2. To me it read like historical fiction, but to the author and the first readers, it was their reality. I'm certain that those readers found it just as warm and delightful as I did.

3. Read a book with a subtitle.

As an author and musician, Peterson loves creating beauty. This book is full of hope and inspired me to fully embrace the beauty in a world of darkness. I found myself with a list of books, poems, and songs to enjoy after finishing this book.

How do I relate to God? Does fear force me to try to control God? Do I attempt to manipulate God by my religious activity? I didn't agree with every word of this book, but it made me think deeply and realize anew how much God desires a relationship with His people. It inspired me love God more, and I'll be rereading this book.

4. Choose a Bible character, study his or her life, and draw a time line of their life.

Charity - David

I wanted to choose a character that I could spend a lot of time on. David’s life is packed full of action. Though I knew his story well, I was blown away by how much happened to him from a young man until old age. Studying David’s life made me realize the importance of prayer before making decisions. It was also beautiful to see how God fulfills his promise to David through the our king Jesus. 

Gina - Peter

Peter has always been my favorite apostle, but I never read through the Gospels and Acts just looking at Peter. I also read Peter's letters in a couple different versions. Knowing the facts of Peter's life and his eventual martydom, put perspective on his words to the church.

Did you read any extra good books this fall?


  1. I was on a D.E. Stevenson kick a few months ago as well! Other titles I've enjoyed are "How to Win a Heart" by Chad Johnson and "Marmee" by Sarah Miller (Little Women thru Marmee's eyes).

  2. I enjoy DEStevenson books very much. Miss Bunckle’s Book
    was the first one l ever read. Unfortunately I’ve read them all now. I will have to start them all over l guess. Athanasia

  3. Looks like a lot of great reading. I like the prompts/book ideas that you chose!

  4. I'm reading Elizabeth Goudge's Eliot trilogy now. I love her books so much!

  5. I love getting ideas from your reading challenge! Thank you.

    I'm currently reading 52 Ways to Walk, by Annabel Streets.

  6. If you enjoy D.E. Stevenson, I think you would also love Miss Read! Gentle stories set in the English countryside.


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