I'm always eager to find another dose of encouragement from other mothers. Fingerprints: Bits & Pieces of Motherhood is a brand new book of inspiration for mothers.
A few years ago, Lucille Martin rocked her first child and wished for more reading material for her new journey of motherhood. Lucille asked other mom-writers to contribute articles and stories for a book of encouragement for mothers. Fingerprints is the result.
Maybe one reason I enjoyed Fingerprints is that most of the contributors are familiar names of women I either know in real life or have corresponded with by email. I know these are real women with real challenges and joys. Ladies like the three Reginas (Regina Rosenberry, Regina Stauffer, and Regena Weaver) whose articles you have seen here at Home Joys. And speaking of similiar names - two of my favorite email friends, both with the name Stephanie Leinbach, are included in this book.
If I could sum up the message of Fingerprints in one line it would be, "You don't have to be perfect to be a good mom, you just need the Lord." And that is a reminder that I need often.
Fingerprints' authors have a variety of perspectives. Faith Sommers and Sue Hooley are mothers of teenagers. Darletta Martin and Meredith Horst are adoptive mothers. Sarah Martin, Tina Fehr, and Susan Kreider mother in Canada while Crystal Steinhower cuddles her babies in Belize. I enjoyed the poems by Lydia Hess and even Jodi Wise with her large brood found time to scrawl a few poignant lines.
And...well...I'd better stop before I mention every one of the of the over twenty ladies who contributed to this book.
I have an extra copy of Fingerprints to share with one of you. Leave a comment sharing either a word of encouragement for mothers - or why you need encouragement and you'll be entered into the giveaway. (If you read this by email, click over to the blog to leave a comment.) Please leave your email address so I can contact you. Giveaway will be open for one week.
To purchase your own book, go to Mastoff Press. (If you live locally, Fingerprints is available at Country Drygoods.)
Disclaimer: As a contributor to Fingerprints, I received a free copy of this book. But I purchased a copy for the giveaway and I will receive nothing by your purchase of this book. Neither Lucille or Mastoff know that I'm doing this giveaway.
I think Mama's everywhere need to remember that it's not a race. It doesn't matter how big your house is, how many kids you have, the schooling method you use, if your bread is homemade or store bought or the other myriad ways we women compare and compete. You're doing great, Mama! Keep up the good work, you'll reap the rewards if you follow God's will.
I am a mother if six children. I amazed at how fast time goes n how fast they grow. Take time to enjoy today.Crystal crystalzeiset@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI'll pass on some encouragement that another mom gave me when my oldest was small. "You have been hand-picked by God to parent these children, and He will give you what you need to parent them." As a mom I can struggle with feeling inadequate, and I often go back to that little gem of encouragement.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great thing you are doing. We all need encouragement. I caution posting email addresses where anyone can get a hold of them. Dangerous things have happened in the past with openly posting email addresses. Is there any way to send you our email addresses privately?
I understand if you prefer to not share your email online. But for the sake of my sanity, I need to keep the giveaway simple so prefer this method.
"You know you're a mom when.. You understand why mama bear's porridge was cold." :)
Although I'm past the snuggle stage, I will always need to pray and nurture! I'd love to read this, then gift it to my daughter who is looking forward to boy #3. -Sharon Mast
The encouragement I have for myself- and other mothers in my particular condition of being great with child- is that this too shall pass!!! The encouragement I need might just be within the pages of Fingerprints! It sounds like the perfect nursing companion! :) Thanks, Gina, for getting the word out and hosting this giveaway...
ReplyDeleteJoanna at hearthkeeper@live.com
Right in the middle of the mothering and expecting another one, sure feel like I could use the encouragement some days, but God is faithful! joanne@zwebmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love for my daughter in law to have this book. She is married to our son who is blind and they just had their 4Th baby. The oldest child is 5 yrs old and two of the boys also have visual limitations. I think she deserves this book!
ReplyDeletemary yoder
oops here is email..... cabincreeklogging@gmail.com
Deletemary yoder
I am a mom of six and my encouragement would be to enjoy them when they are little. They grow so fast and you really will miss the busy days of your little ones being home. sixrubner@iowatelecom.net
ReplyDeleteWould love this book to bless our grandson and wife who recently had their first child.
This book sounds interesting! I'm a mother to 4 from 1-9 years old. I love knowing I'm not the only mother wading thru this thing called motherhood and wiping sticky finger prints off the wall. Mohntonmonkeys@dejazzd.com
ReplyDeleteI could really use some encouragement - I am overwhelmed with the idea of homeschooling our children. This will be our first year of 'real school'. My email is lindz23@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am a mom to 5, soon 6 LW. I LOVE being a mom. I find it a special challenge to be a mama to a child who has been effected by drugs and alcohol. I am HONORED to be her mom, and know that God does give strength for the children He gives us. HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT!
Sounds like the perfect gift for my daughter who is expecting her first
I am a mom of four, ages 2-8. I can't wait to read this book! We are laying up treasures in heaven....
I do appreciate your mentioning so many of the contributors...it made me want it even more! There were only a handful or so that I couldn't relate to.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I'm Canadian and don't know whether I qualify; if not I shall visit our local book store...or maybe have a chat with one of those Canadian contributors. :-)
Don't we all need encouragement. But as a mother of 8 running after toddler twin boys all the way to trying to build heart relationships with my teenage daughter I definitely feel like "I need thee ev'ry hour" is one of my banner phrases. Add that to living in far away Kenya - any inspiration from fellow mothers of God is so appreciated.
I would love to gift this book to my daughter-in-law who has 4 and 2 year old boys, expecting their third child in January,2017.
I'd love to read this book! My favorite verse from the Bible for mothering, is "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not." It really works, everyday! Praise God!
ReplyDeleteJust got in from painting a dresser with my 8 year old...take time to let your children help. It can make you frustrated at first...you don't have to let them help the whole time but just a little and you will be surprised at how well they do as the years go by. The fruit will come eventually!!! It's exciting to see your children bearing fruit. So take the time to let them help you once in a while. It will take more effort at the time but will pay off in the end. It also builds patience in You/Me :)
I recently heard this thought, and it was encouraging to me: "A godly woman is godly, because she is allowing God to work in and through her, not because she has attained perfection." A simple truth, but one I needed. I'd love to have this book of encouragement.
I can always use more encouragement along the lines of being a mom. My encouragement to other moms is that when you are feeling overwhelmed with all that goes into being a mom, remember those with empty arms because of infertility, miscarriage or stillbirth. They would so GLADLY be in your shoes. Being a mom is a privilege and babies are a blessing! awderstine@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI will always be a mom but the years fly by and my baby is 13. All 5 of our children are at home. There are still joys and challenging times. I want to encourage young mothers because the time goes so swiftly by! If I win the book I would pass it to a young mother. (After I read it!) Jdhistand7@frontier.com
ReplyDeleteWe are about 7 weeks away from having our 4th child, Lord willing and could always use the encouragement. I feel I need to be reminded so often to be patient, gentle, etc! vicandbets@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteOur "blessings" range in age from 2 yrs- 19 yrs. I love tidbits from other moms, and would encourage all of us to "enjoy the moment".
ReplyDeleteI've always loved being a mom, but I haven't always done the best job of it. I know, and God knows, that I've failed many times. But, the great thing is that children are so forgiving of our failures and so quick to let us know they still love us even when we may be impatient with them. I just pray a lot and ask God to help them forget all the mistakes I make and help them to remember the love I gave them. :-)
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog and thanks for the chance to win the book! skayw49@hotmail.com
Sounds like a book full of the encouragement I need during these busy summer months! Always looking for Godly encouragement from those in similar situations as I. Kris dankris@emypeople.net
ReplyDeleteI am a mom of 7. Number 7 just arrived a couple weeks ago and I could use some words of encouragement in this busy season of life. I will definitely check out this book. Thanks. amandamahle@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling rather like my cup can be filled right now! We have moved last summer, and are still traveling to our old home area to take care of property ect. that we still own. My life is very busy. My favorite song right now is: "This world is not my Home I'm just a passing thru"! And we have 6 children the oldest two will be teenagers this Aug! And our youngest is almost 3! tina@zimmermanauto.biz
ReplyDeleteI would say "Enjoy your children while they're little; they won't be little long." It's so easy to think the work is urgent - but usually it really isn't. Take time for your children today because before you know it they'll be grown beyond the stage where they are so dependent, and there's something a little sad about that. But then - all stages are good too! Thanks for the chance to win the book. Mary Beth at richlyblest@live.com
ReplyDeleteI think there are others who qualify more than me to receive a free book. May I share a tidbit I told myself in the weariness of getting up at night to take care of little ones? - "Even Christ pleased not Himself." His was the greatest sacrifice of all the ages. He will help you through as you gaze on His love. God bless and encourage you in whatever stage of motherhood you are! ~Entering the grandma stage!
ReplyDeleteKeep on keeping on...keep looking to Jesus!
My children are now in their 30s. I guess the encouraging word that I would share is to love them unconditionally. We are here for such a short time and no one is perfect. I can't be a perfect mom and I could not expect them to be perfect. Cherish the years when they are young because they really do fly by! We all want happy memories for the future.
ReplyDeleteOops, forgot my email..barb60@zitomedia.net thanks!
Deletemy six children are ages 7 through 20. It is SO TRUE that each stage has its trials and joys. It is so challenging to let them go out of my household, but so wonderful to see them serve the Lord! Regina rodnjeanie@juno.com
ReplyDeleteBeing a mom isn't an easy job but it's defnatly the best job anyone can ever ask for. larrynmaria10@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteEvery mom is good on their own way. Never judge anyone and never underestimate your value as a mother!
Trying to care for my five children, ages 5 months old to 10 years, on my own strength, does not work!! My encouragement is to look to the Lord for the daily strength you need!! mheisey7@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteI'd love to read this book. I hope I can get it here in Ontario. I so enjoy your blog, I'm always eager to hear from other moms in the thick of it. We've been blessed with 6 children ages 2 yr old twin girls and 4 boys ages 5 to almost 13. mamagrove79@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI would love to read this book! I am a momma to seven children, 12 and under and love being their mother and a wife to my husband ... of course, we can all, as mothers and wives, use encouragement from godly sources as this job and calling can be weary to our souls and bodies at times. My best advice would be to live slowly and simply - living fast and furious and always busy will mean you miss out on the blessings that are all around you.
ReplyDeleteOh, my e-mail address is gillianclairgauthier@gmail.com and I am also in Ontario. :)
ReplyDeleteI have been blessed with 3 small children. In those high stress moments I try to remember "this to shall pass". I love to read. .esp real life stories and can always use encouragement. logcabinstrites@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHaving children are a real blessing! It can be very challenging and frustrating at times when juggling between responsibilities. But when your children come up to you, independent of their own, (mine are 3 1/2 yrs, 2 yrs, and 4 months) and say, "Mama, I like you," and give you a hug... All I can say, it is worth it all. Also it is not confirmed, but I suspect I am pregnant with # 4. Will know in a couple of weeks.
I have two children ages 2 1/2 and 11 months. I feel like there's no end to needing encouragement throughout all of life!:) Atleast in my life!
My husband and I have 6 children who we are raising to be Godly adults in this wicked world. It isn't easy going upstream these days. (0:
I am a new mother of a precious 3 month old. Becoming a mom has been one of my greatest joys, but also one of my biggest challenges - as I face the reality of the full responsibility of raising our arrows for Christ in a way that points them to God. I would love the encouragement from the book! eleganthusbandry@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI feel like encouragement is so important to mothers in these days. Its a blessing for me to hear from other moms in the thick of mothering and know that I'm not alone.
ReplyDeleteBeing a mom is one of the most important 'jobs' in the world.. God sees everything you do! We have 5 wonderful children.. I'm so blessed!!