
Thursday, July 21, 2016

5 Favorite Zucchini Recipes

It is a good kind of problem. 

My zucchini squash plants are going bonkers. To stay ahead I'm picking zucchinis every day so they are small. I've quit picking the yellow squash all together since I prefer the zucchini squash. 

But there are so many ways to enjoy zucchini that I don't mind finding daily ways to enjoy the abundance.

Here are our favorites.

Zucchini Cheesy Bites - a favorite lunch for several of my children

Calico Squash Casserole - Ed's favorite

Eggs with Summer Veggies- not really a recipe but I could eat this every morning all summer long.

Zucchini Pickles - my son's favorite pickle

Zucchini Crust Pizza - We haven't had this yet this summer but once we have fresh tomatoes I'll likely serve it weekly.

You can find more of my zucchini recipes if you search for zucchini in the search bar on the right. But these are our favorites that we return to many times each summer.

What favorite summer recipe are you enjoying now?


  1. I live in Finland so right now we're picking and eating sweed delicious bilberries (kind of like small blueberries), and rasberries strait from the woods! They are so good! Those zucchini cheese bites look great too!

    1. I've never heard of bilberries. Sounds yummy!

  2. My zucchini have been going crazy too! I am trying to freeze some for winter use. We are REALLY enjoying fried green tomatoes right now! Did you ever try them? It's a good thing we planted lots of tomatoes so that enough will have a chance to turn red! :)

    1. I've never tried green tomatoes! I certainly have lots of them right now - though some critter has been taking bites out of them. I'm hoping they let some alone to turn red.

  3. I'll have to remember this post next summer (here in New Zealand it's mid winter). I love Calico Squash as well, but it takes a lot of time for me because I make everything from scratch. I came up with a quicker, simpler way to make it last summer. I think I boiled the squash for a few minutes, drained it, mixed in thyme, salt, pepper, cheese and some mayonnaise, then put it in a casserole dish and topped it with buttered cracker crumbs. Everyone loved it, so I made it several times. Another thing I made a lot last summer, when we were overrun with zucchini, was ratatouille (my version). I sliced a bunch of zucchini and yellow squash (young ones), chopped an onion and a couple of green peppers, which we also had in abundance, a hot pepper or two, which were also threatening to overrun us, and fried them a bit, then chunked up some tomatoes and threw them in with fresh basil, which was also going to town! I covered the pan and let it steam for awhile, then added shredded cheese and served immediately. Oh, and sometime in there I put in salt and pepper. Yum!

  4. All of these sound great! We had to replant our summer squash, so it is behind. However, I went to the Amish bulk store today and they had squash at 3 for $1.00! I bought enough to get my fix for now. I think my bunch would enjoy the cheesy bites, so I will try them. I remember the calico casserole from last was a hit here as well. Stay cool!

  5. I like to cut 3/4" chunks, and stir-fry in a bit of bacon grease or some other healthy oil, just until crisp-tender. Then I add a few minced garlic cloves for 30 seconds, and season with salt and pepper. Plain but delicious!
    Or fry a few that way, also with lots of onion and pepper, then serve with diced tomatoes, a chunk of cheese and runny fried eggs. Makes a great breakfast.
    I hope to try some of your recipes! I have a horror of eating soggy squash, so I'm always trying to keep it crisp!

  6. Thank you for the recipes and ideas everyone. I will definitely have a go at them.

  7. Thanks for the zucchini pizza crust. I make (virtually) the same recipe with cauliflower.

    Today I shredded some zucchini and made the recipe with half cauliflower/half zucchini....turned out great!

  8. The zucchini cheesy bites are great! I've made them twice in 3 days time!!

  9. Yum! It all looks so good! My family's favorite recipe for zucchini is Sweet Zucchini Relish! We use it on hotdogs and hamburgers and sandwiches!!


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