
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dutch Oven Gathering 2015

The eight annual dutch oven gathering had fewer participates than other years but was still labeled a success.

As always there was creativity and lots of good eating in those cast iron pots.

All ages can participate -as either cooks or tasters!

The men do the cooking (and we wives don't admit how much prep work we assisted with at home) but often the wives are called for their opinion on whether a dish is finished or needs some more time on the coals.

This year Bryce won the prize for the taster's favorite with his Hawaiian Sausage Stir-fry. 

It was as good as it looks.

Other choices included marshmallow chocolate brownies.

Sticky Buns

 S'mores Dip

 Venison Stew

Nachos (I went back for seconds, and maybe thirds.)

 Macaroni and Cheese

 Upside-down Salsa Cornbread (another one that was as good as it looks.)

Plus lasagna, oatmeal cookies, angel biscuits, and more.

Thanks to the cooks who made this a fun evening.

To see past Dutch Oven Gatherings, check out these links.
2014,  20132012201120102009


  1. Everything looks delicious!

  2. Hi, that looks awesome! I'm so glad that you guys had fun. Was that at your home?

    Also, one small question -- I couldn't help but notice that many of the boys weren't dressed with a button-up shirt like in most Mennonite churches. Is there a reason for this? I'm not judging, I'm just curious because in our church the boys aren't allowed to wear tee shirts or shorts.

    1. We did hold it at our home.

      The men at our church also wear buttoned shirts - but most of the men at this dutch oven gathering did not go to our church, so they have different convictions on dress than we do. It doesn't keep us from having a great time together.

  3. This looks like so much fun!! The food looks like it was great,too! Can anyone participate? I was just wondering..thanks!

    1. We invite everyone we know in our local area that owns a Dutch Oven. This year it happened to suit very few - but a few can still have fun.

  4. Are there any recipes available for these delicious dishes?

  5. Yes I was wondering about recipes too. We gave our daughter a dutch oven for Christmas but either of us know how to use it any and all tips would be great. Looks like you did have a great time no matter the size. Love your blog.

    1. We have found that basically any recipe, whether it is for the stove or oven, can be adapted in a dutch oven. Just take your favorite recipe and have fun experimenting with how many coals you need on the bottom and the top of the dutch oven to get the correct temperature. At first we had trouble burning food, but with practice it can turn out perfect. There is no need to buy a special dutch oven cookbook, though it might give you ideas. Your favorite recipe will work out well.

  6. I think that cook out looks like a lot of fun. One day I might get out where you live and enjoy one. Blessings.

  7. Lord but a lot of that looks good! I certainly think that the Dutch oven was a great gift to cooking: I especially love smother-cooking food. It can turn the toughest meats tender!

  8. What great fun! Would love to do this with family and friends! Yummy-looking food.

  9. Is there a recipe available for that Hawaiian sausage stir-fry? :-)

    1. Email me and I'll send it to you. My address - walkingbymyside @ (omit spaces)


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