
Thursday, November 10, 2011

November in My Garden

Funny how excited I am to start gardening in the spring, and how relieved I am to finish in the fall. I already miss the fresh vegetables but we have plenty of vegetables and fruits preserved in the basement to last until spring. Right now I'm in the mood to sit by the fire and read to the children for half a day instead of pulling weeds.

I didn't do well at planting a fall garden this year, so our garden ended earlier than usual. Some years I would still have broccoli, carrots, and lettuce in November. I feel bad about it until I remember our summer and realize that sometimes there comes a limit to what a person can get done, even if that is only throwing some seeds in the ground. And there is always next year.

My November goals are all about making next year easier. A good mulch job now will help perennials make it through the winter and make spring clean up a breeze. Writing down some notes will help in planning for next year. Organizing my garden tools will extend their life and save time in the spring.

November "To Do" List

1. Drain garden hoses and store for winter.

2. Clean and sharpen tools and organize the garden shed.

3. Empty, clean and carry in the pots for winter.

4. Mulch or compost leaves.

5. Write down notes on this year's garden - a project I should have been doing all season since I probably already forgot a lot.

In the next week, I plan to share my 2011 Garden Year In Review with some lessons I learned and things I plan to do differently next year.

Is your garden done for the year?


  1. I know exactly what you mean. In the spring, I can hardly wait to get my garden started but by fall I am ready to just enjoy the fruits of our labor. I love the picture. Your potatoes and your children are beautiful. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  2. Our garden is done for the year and your To Do list looks a lot like mine. I got the hoses, pots and leaves taken care of and have already started plans for our next garden.

    Your little ones are adorable.

  3. I'm hoping you can answer some questions! I'm so glad you do these posts about your garden.

    How do you sharpen your tools? I've always read that I should do that, but not seen an explanation.

    Also, do you mulch right over your perennials? My hostas are yellow now - I know I can cut them off. But my irises are still green. Do you I just cut them off now?? I have real gaps in my garden knowledge!

  4. We live on the west coast and our garden is not done.We have spinach, kale, carrots and broccoli going. Fall is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors and our family. Your kids are adorable!!

  5. I hear you about the lack of a fall garden- about the only thing I have still is some broccoli and the last of the beets. I guess I do have a couple of heads of cabbage, but they are so bug infested (row cover didn't work very well this year!) that I don't think they're edible. :-(

    I'm so bad about fall cleanup- hopefully your list will inspire me to change my ways!

  6. A little cooler here, but my garden is still thriving and I won't complain. Longest growing season I can remember. I have completed your list, which by the way is a good reminder, and have mulched the bulb gardens. Little bit of soil to still turn over, where plants are still growing.

    Margo I don't do anything to my Iris.In the spring I just rake over them. But perhaps I am wrong!


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