
Friday, November 11, 2011

Book Sale Treasures

In the past month, I've visited four used book sales. The fall book sale season is officially over. Now I can only dream of spring - or tackle my towering stack of books.

I know I'm possibly unbalanced, but I can hardly think of a more fun entertainment than visiting a good used book sale. I hate shopping, despise the mall, and don't get excited about yard sales. But give me a couple tables full of musty books, and I'm thrilled. And if it is a large well organized book sale and I can get there to stand in line before the doors open, that is true bliss!

This year I went to nine book sales. That number includes visits to the book shelves at the Goodwill. I visited more sales than normal this year mostly because my children are now old enough to go with me. As much as I like book sales, I couldn't justify getting a babysitter for every book sale. The children are learning that book sales are real treats. They will usually find a book to look at and crawl under a table out of the way until mom is finished shopping.

Most of the book sales I visited several hours, or even days, after opening. The best books do leave in the first hour but what I think is best may differ from another and I still manage to find some treasures. Some sales have such crowds that I would never attempt to take my children with me in the first hour. If you are looking for book sales in your area, I give hints here.

Are book sales worthwhile? If you are a bookaholic, I would say "YES!" We have been able to stock our family library very inexpensively thanks to book sales. This year at used book sales I bought 211 books and spent $123.70. That comes to 59 cents a book. I call that a bargain. Children's picture books and classics are easy to find at used book sales. I've also found many books to supplement our homeschool.

You could look at our loaded bookshelves and argue that we don't NEED any more books. And you would be correct, more books are not a necessity for living. But how else can you get hours of entertainment from just over a $100.00?

Sometimes I pick up a book that I don't know much about, and when reading it at home, decide it isn't worth keeping. Other times I don't remember if we own a particular book. And sometimes I pick up books on purpose that I know I have but can share with others. Many of these extra books I swap on Paperback Swap for credit to order free books. If you love books, and don't do Paperback Swap, you are missing a great source of cheap books. I am constantly amazed at the great books I can order from Paperback Swap. It just takes patience to wait for the book you want to become available.

Do you visit used book sales? Please someone tell me I'm not the only book obsessed person!


  1. I love book sales. :) I think good books are a treasure and they are so hard to come by these days. Book sales are good places to get old - but wonderful! - books. :)

    May Jesus bless you. :)

  2. I love them as well! My husband is not nearly as big of a fan as I am though, but then again, he's the one who carried all of the full boxes of books when we moved!

  3. Oh yes. Books, books and more books! And I mean the kind with real paper and ink, not those that require a Kindle etc. ;-)

    I have purposely bought second and third copies of some books ~ so that my children have a better start on their own home libraries when they move out! {though I wonder if the Lord will tarry that long}

    I love the mind-picture of your children under a table enjoying a 'new' book while you shop! ♥

  4. I love book sales to Gina... of course if my sister does I must. but she really is the book person in the family. Still I just love good books, and book sales are perfect to find them nicely priced. :) The Lord has provided many wonderful books for our family through them.

    Cookbooks are a favorite of mine. And spiritually edifying books too.

    May Jesus bless you all.
    Yours Carra

  5. I don't, but I do love books. And I like to look for them at yard sales when I'm looking for kid's clothes. I agree with you that $100 is cheap "entertainment". Excited that you found some great treasures!

  6. I love book sales too so I'm with you in the 'obsessed' group:)
    That is where you find the treasures and for 59 cents a, that is cheap but worthwhile entertainment.

  7. Oh no you aren't the only one! I LOVE books too, and we also homeschool so we are building our library as well! I love used book sales too, and I don't malls or yards sales either. My children love books and the ones I approve of can usually only be found at used book sales because there so old! I just told my husband the other day that I needed yet another book shelf! LOL :)

  8. Hi Gina,
    I love used book sales too. Our library has a used book store. The books are 1.00 for hard backs and 50 cent for paper backs. I stop in a couple times a week. You never know what people have donated to sale.
    Saturdays they have special prices so of course that is on my list of stops tomorrow.
    Have a blessed week end.

  9. Gina;

    from one kindred soul to another!!! Books , books and more books. We have owned two used book stores and it was heaven!! Love a good used book store, nothing makes me happier (well not much, a good cup of coffee) We have lots of books also and it is hard to let go of any of them . Enjoy as we do!!

  10. I always miss the book sales - I am afraid I would come home with too many! I am a book a holic...we have so many....I need to get them organized!


  11. Same here! We all LOVE books. I've had to limit how many I buy husband says I'm turning into a hoarder. : ) LOL. I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE a good day of yard sales. Yard sales and thrift stores makes shopping at the mall no fun at least for me.

  12. I love book sales, too! And when I come home, I LOVE looking over all that I bought. And then I look over them again. and again. *L* And then I have the DECISION to make - which do I read first?!!? I love that problem!

    I'm interested to know, how do you all choose your books at sales? by knowing the author, by the cover art, do you not take books that are soiled, etc.

  13. Where we live, the library book sales are a quarter a book! My husband says I am the only person that goes to the library to BUY books, but we know that is not true! My husband asked me not to buy any more books, because we don't have room, and I told him "I am trying!". My problem is that I can't store all my books in one place "library style" and find myself with duplicates alot!

  14. Caps For Sale, what a great book!!! Tzz tzz ha ha. Yes half- price books holds annual warehouse sales here, and our public library has twice- yearly sales.. HUGE sales!! My little sis is an avid reader and book collector.. I interviewed her on my blog because last year she read 365 books - books like Anna Karenina and other long ones.. not shorties! She's an incredible reader...

  15. I love book sales! And I'm always eyeing up the walls in our house, trying to figure out which one we should cover with bookshelves next!
    And thanks for your book recommendations: the ladies at the library wonder where I get ideas for all the books I request. Another good source to find books to read is the book "Honey for a Child's Heart", by Gladys Hunt. I don't totally endorse the book, but have gotten some good ideas.

  16. Hi Gina-
    I just wanted to tell that I appreciate the recommended childrens book lists that you have here on this blog. I wanted to get some books for my two little ones for Christmas. We have a small collection but I really wanted some "good" books and your recommendations were great. I did spend a considerable amount of money though on Amazon - I am going to start hitting up some book sales!

  17. I love old books. I had the opportunity to go to a book sale this past fall but other things came up that prevented me from going. Hopefully, next yr. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  18. Book sales are wonderful, marvelous things!! Half-Price books has a Warehouse sale once or twice a year, and our public library has a huge spring sale and a less huge (but still huge, it takes up an entire airplane hangar) sale in the fall. I've purchased a lot of books since I got married, because many of my favorite classics were copies that belonged to the family or one of my siblings, and I wanted my own! Caps for Sale (I spy that in your picture) is such a fun book ... Tzz, tzz!

  19. I love books too and the cheaper the better but I simply am out of space for any more so have given up on bringing anymore home. My 'dream house' has a library. (along with several fantasies)

  20. Book sales are like finding hidden treasures. I stop and look for books just about any thrift store, tag sale, yard kids have gotten used to me by now.

  21. Yes, I must admit, I'm a bookaholic like ya'll. It became rather obvious when we had to move them all a few years back. My weekness is books on doing stuff. I like a good novel, but can't justify buying it when it's only me who will read it one time, but if it's a Bible study book, or a how to book I can justify it 'cause I'll be referring back to them on occasion. I really do too. I enjoy gardening books. In fact I have purchased a few you recommended I think... on greenhouses and growing in them all year and at the same time picked up a book on root cellars. I don't tend to read too many book reviews unless they're about "how-to" books.

    I rarely have time to read in the summer... way too busy... and up to Christmas I'm usually busy with baking and making gifts.

    My children are grown, but I do look around for books for the grandchildren... soon to be 2 of them. I like to read rhyming books to children and absolutely enjoy Dr. Suess... "Pale Green Pants" and "Sneeches" and "Butter Battle"... yea for children's books.

    Yup, used book sales and free books at the library are a weakness of mine. My husband also collects books... mostly old ones, and Bible study books/commentaries and "how-to" books. Between the two of us we have a room in the house we designate "the library" and all the walls are covered with books. We actually need extra support under that section of the house because of the weight *grin*... that is really true!

    Happy book hunting.


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