
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two Years of Blogging

The Home Joys blog is two years old today. The afternoon that I sat down to decide if a computer illiterate could start a blog, I had no idea that would actual love blogging. Or that I could write almost 500 posts, and still have more to write. Or that I would "meet" so many great people.

In the craziness of the last two weeks, I didn't plan any celebration. But I did want to say "thanks" for reading Home Joys. I don't often find time to visit your blogs and am sometimes slow to respond to your emails. Sometimes I wonder if I even have time for blogging at all. But you all have benefited my life in so many ways. You have answered my questions, given me new ideas, encouraged me on down days, and become valued friends. More than once I've wanted to have you over for a warm bowl of soup and slice of fresh bread so that we could gab  in person.

Since it is doubtful that computer time will increase this next year, I'd love to hear from you on what you like to read at Home Joys. Do you come here for recipes, garden hints, book reviews, or pictures of cute children?  I've considered focusing this blog on only one topic. But I like to write about canning, chickens, bread baking, and whatever.  I always have a list of topics just waiting to find time to write on and it would be helpful to know what you would most appreciate.

And if there is any question you've been dying to ask. I'd love to hear that, too!

Thanks again for being the BEST readers!


  1. I like the blog just the way it is. I come here to read about your life and gather tips and hints on doing better in my home so I will have more joy.

    You have encouraged me so much from the time I have spent reading here.

    Pics of the cute kids are always a nice addition too!


  2. Gina,
    Thank you so much for your blog. Frankly, I enjoy the variety of what you write, so I don't have anything specifically to ask for.

  3. Congratulations on two years!! I love reading about all the topics on here, especially gardening and canning. I have a question I have been wondering forever... Where do you live? Do you have any single brothers?!?! Anyways, I love reading your blog and will continue to do so. :)

  4. Happy Birthday to Home Joys Gina!

    I'd like to see you blog for you so to speak. I find that when I start worrying about what everyone else wants to read then blogging loses the fun and turns into a chore and I don't want to do it anymore. I struggle with it often. Besides, I like you just the way you are. :)

  5. Happy birthday to Home Joys. It's the people we meet and the friendships that form through our blogs that make it so worthwhile. :-) And if you're asking for ideas...well I really like to see recipes and just follow what other women are doing in the kitchen. The time saving tips and seasonal dish ideas are probably what keep me coming back to a lot of blogs. Oh, and the gardening. Just so I know I'm not the only one out there sweating over tomatoes.

  6. Congratulations on your two years of blogging. Like the rest I enjoy the variety. Always enjoy seeing new recipes and what is going on in the garden. I just enjoy seeing what other ladies are up to. Like your blog just as it is.

  7. Hi Gina and Happy Birthday to your blog! Yours in one of the blogs that I check regularly and if I only have time for one or two, this blog would make that list. I love finding ideas for homecooked, real foods that are not as complicated as what they would seem. I love trying new things (like making bread and gardening). But mostly your blog is written in such a way that we feel like we are eating soup and fresh-baked bread with you. It is warm and inviting and honest. Keep doing what you are doing and thanks for making the time to share with us.


  8. I like your blog just the way it is! I like the variety. Congratulations on 2 years!!

  9. Gina,

    Please don't change a thing. I am encouraged by your sweet spirit, your love for your family, your desire to serve them and your creativity...

    Thank you for sharing your life!

  10. 2 years is great! I often wonder myself when I'll even get on next, so I appreciate the time you take to do so. I am sure you are keeping very busy with those 4 sweet kiddos!
    I am in favor of writing just how you are. I love all of the topics! I guess a good question is just how do you do it all!?

  11. I come hear for a ton of reasons. I love all the inspiration I feel everytime I read your posts. I love your recipes and everything else you post. I would like to see more recipes for canning but I enjoy seeing a variety of topics covered. :)

  12. You all are so sweet! Now I'm embarrassed as it looks like I was asking for compliments! I honestly thought that at least one of you would say "please skip the ___ and write more about____"! Thanks for the encouragement to just keep going!

    And Flarffy, I'm in the northeast - a long way from UT. I only have two (younger) brothers left.

    Keep on sharing the joy of the Lord in your homes!

  13. I love Home Joys just the way that it is ... since I don't do much gardening, I especially love the recipes, but read everything whether it applies to me or not! Jeni, Sarah, and I joke about making a road trip to meet you in person! Maybe someday!

  14. I'm newish to your blog and don't even remember how I found it (I'm a Mennonite, but I don't think that's it!).

    I really enjoy your simplicity and honesty. I don't feel intimidated by your blog - just encouraged. Thank you! Congrats on 2 years and 500 posts :)

  15. I think you should stick to what you write. The thing that attracts me to your blog is that you seem to have very simple and pure home values. I think that being in everyday crazy suburban life sometimes takes me out of what really matters. What you write about is what I really treasure in my heart: God, my family, growing food for my family, cooking for my family, raising my children and being grateful for family and everything the Lord provides. And you don't come across as too preachy either - which I appreciate. I do love your canning recipes and gardening posts.

  16. I love the blog the way it, canning, your adorable children....everything. Thanks for a great blog to read. :)

  17. Just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful blog. I've learned so much about canning and gardening from reading your posts. I especially enjoy reading about the times your family gets together for a big baking season. And I loved your post on homemade ketchup. I'd love to do that, too, someday, if I could ever grow enough tomatoes. Congrats on 2 years!

  18. Now that I think of it, I am looking for more casserole/freezer meal recipes, if you'd be willing to share. Thanks!

  19. I enjoy the variety; keep it coming! Happy 2 year Blogging Birthday!

  20. I love your blog because it is not focused on just one thing and it revolves around your family. I love it!!!!

  21. I love it the way it is. You are such an inspiration and I just wish I was 20 years younger. I could have used alot of your wisdom when my kids were younger. Congrats on 2 years and hope you keep going.


  22. Gina, I like everything you post. It has encouraged me in so many ways. I have often wished that you were closer so you could come over to my house. :) When I read your blog I feel a kindred spirit. Keep posting on any topic. I think that's one aspect that keeps it so interesting. And I so appreciate the step-by-step instructions on how to things. Hugs, Sherilyn

  23. I too love your blog just the way it is. All I could add is keep the recipes coming..I love your recipes and get such encouragement from your blog as well. I home school as well and love cooking healthy with wheat and everything so you recipes are an encouragement to me. I would love to see more of what you preserve, and maybe your favorite meal post. Your favorite things post too! Love your gardening post has helped me much!

  24. Since I've just discovered your blog within the past few weeks, I have to agree with others...I like variety. I love the recipes, of course. Congratulations on 2 years worth of writing, cooking, gardening, schooling ...artistic homemaking endeavors.

  25. Congrats on your blog Gina!
    I found your blog this year and I look forward every morning to reading your post. I love the simple plain, Godly life you are leading! You make everything look so easy!! Keep up the great blogging..and I appreciate your quick responses to my questions when I've asked. Blessing to you..And don't change a thing!! :)

  26. Hi Gina,

    I follow your blog to hear you speak about working with the Lord in your life. It is something I truly want to achieve. Your blog is inspirational.
    I enjoy recipes, words of wisdom, chickens, gardening, and oh everything!


  27. Gina,
    I love your blog just the way it is! Don't change a thing.

  28. Hi Gina,
    I would not change anything about your blog.I enjoy your posts as it feels as though I am listening to a friend when I visit.I am encouraged as I read about things you try,books you read and seeing pics of your kids as well.:)Thanks for sharing your life with us.Nikki

  29. Happy blog-iversary! Like everyone else, I love all of your posts and all of the variety!

  30. Guess what? I like the variety too. :) But I do admit, one my favorite things are your recipes/kitchen tips.

    Happy 2nd blogging anniversary!


I love to hear from you.