
Saturday, August 14, 2010

This week in the kitchen

Another busy week putting up the harvest.
My sister helped me one day this week and we made over 40 pint of pizza sauce.  Salsa and pizza sauce are my favorite things to can. They make the house smell so wonderful when they are cooking.

I also canned vegetable soup. It is a lot of chopping but it is so worthwhile to have canned soup on hand in the winter for an instant meal.

This week's Preserve the Bounty Challenge was oil preserving. Basically you just pour oil over your vegetables and it is supposed to keep for months! I was nervous about trying it. But decided to give it an attempt.
I have lots of garlic from our garden, so I minced up about a half pint of garlic (that is a LOT of garlic bulbs), stirred in a few fresh herbs, added a couple Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to keep the bad bacteria at bay, and covered it with olive oil. Now the garlic is to marinade for a month at room temperature, then it should be ready to use.

Last week's sauerkraut experiment ended in a disaster. I didn't take any photos and I promise that you don't want to hear the details. I know a few things that I did wrong, and I think I'll try again. But it will be a while.

What is cooking in your kitchen?


  1. this garlicky oily thing sounds good. What is this used for? So many interesting things to learn here in blogland.

  2. I tried the oil preserving with some shredded zucchini and roasted red peppers. I tossed them in the freezer for the winter. This is supposed to keep the freezer burn at bay. I hope it works.

    Your veggie soup looks yummy, I'm going to try out your recipe.

  3. Pizza will taste so good on a winter night. Our neighbor is talking about his sauerkraut canning and it sounded interesting, but I am afraid of having to clean the ceiling because a 'disaster' so havn't taken the risk today.
    BTW, J & S Byers were at our meeting today.

  4. Our busy-ness looks similar! I've got 2-3 bushel of tomatoes to get done this week and wouldn't you know it, it's going to be a running around week...which I hate, but I'm out of livestock feeds and everything takes so long to drive for....I hope they hold up for me and I can give a try at your salsa plus more tomato soup which I hope to get posted later today!

  5. Have you tried the sauerkraut from Simply in Season? We made it last year and it is fantastic.

  6. I got some garlic bulbs last week thinking I would preserve them in oil or vinegar, but in the meantime I have already used up over half of them. Whoops.

    Sorry to hear that your sauerkraut didn't turn out! Mine is a little on the strong side yet, but I think it will be excellent after a little more mellowing time in the fridge.

  7. beef broth!

    cooked overnight, and now is chilling to be de-fatted, reheated, and canned!


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