
Friday, January 4, 2019

Choosing His Words - Part 4

For the first week or two of the new year I asked some friends to share on the topic of Bible reading. Often we women feel guilty and frustrated about our Bible reading habits and I hope this can bring inspiration.

I can certainly identify with feeling guilty! I remember being upset at feeling guilty when I knew I was doing the best I could with taking/finding time for Bible reading. But eventually I understood that there was some good coming from feeling guilt; feeling guilty kept me alert to be sure I really was doing what I could and that I was making a conscious effort to take enough time, and to keep updating my methods and length of time I spent. 
So some things that have helped me...I have an app, YouVersion, that sends me a verse a day. I have it set to come early morning so it is there when I wake up. And it comes again in the evening, so I can again meditate on it at the end of the day.
BibleGateway is also a website that emails a verse of the day.
Our Daily Bread emails out a devotional if you sign up for it.
When I had young children and babies, my nights often interrupted, and being told to get up earlier to find time for Bible reading, was not what I wanted to hear...not when I felt like more sleep was what I really needed! In that season of life, I simply fit Bible reading into a quiet slot in the middle of the day whenever it fit.
More recently now, I find that my best time is right after the children have left for school in the morning. The rush is over, the preschooler relaxes and finds something quiet to do while I have my quiet time.

I continue to read about how to find time for Bible reading and different methods of Bible study, because fresh ideas keep my personal experience fresh too. - Leona H.


  1. I like this. :) There was a time when I felt guilty for not getting up early before everyone else. Somehow it seemed like it was more 'holy' to pray and read the Bible then than at other times.

    I don't think that's true, of course, and considering how important getting good sleep is in preserving one's good humor, I wish there was less virtue associated with trying to turn everyone into an early riser! :) I call it virtuous to recognize our human weakness and try to make sure we get the sleep we need to do our best during the day :) Just a rant!

  2. These are all good ideas. Thanks Leona and Gina!


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