
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Choosing His Word - Part 3

For the first week or two of the new year I asked some friends to share on the topic of Bible reading. Often we women feel guilty and frustrated about our Bible reading habits and I hope this can bring inspiration.

My life has spiraled into survival mode as I fight the nausea and exhaustion that has accompanied the beginning of my fifth pregnancy. I love Bible journaling and Bible doodling, but even that has been a source of overwhelm recently.
For this season of my life, I’ve found some lower-key ways to stay in God’s word, and they’ve fed me.
Listening – The YouVersion Bible is a free app that has many translations (including other languages) read by professional narrators. Especially on Sunday morning when I have to prepare a meal before I get the children up, or when the Sunday school lesson scope covers several chapters, listening to the Bible read aloud is an easy way to be in the Word.Sometimes hearing someone else read will make a phrase stand out in a new way. 
Repeat reading – Picking a passage, a few chapters, or even a short book and reading it over and over for a week or even a month can help the truth sink through to my mommy brain. 
Defining new words Tecarta Bible has a Strong’s Concordance app. It’s not free but has been well worth the money we paid for it. Sometimes reading over a passage and looking up the words I don’t know can help me find that nugget to take through the day.
I desire to say with the psalmist, “Oh how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.” (Psalm 119:97)  - Crystal S.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for refreshing my memory! I need to get back to listening to YouVersion. Listening to the Sunday school lesson scope is exactly what I used to do...while washing the breakfast dishes after the children left for school. Thank you Crystal and Gina!


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