
Thursday, June 28, 2018

Present Blessings

“Reflect upon your present blessings - of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” - Charles Dickens
This quote is hanging on the wall of hospital just down from Ed's room. I might add not to fear future misfortunes as well.

Sometimes I'm afraid that if I share the ways we have been blessed, I'll appear a Pollyanna that is absent from reality. 

But we have had many blessings. If I share bad news with you all, maybe I should also share the blessings, too.

Ed's biopsy surgery yesterday went well. It took longer than expected because the surgeon had to take numerous samples in several areas before pathology was satisfied. We are waiting for the full pathology report.

Compared to a craniotomy and resection, the biopsy incision is small, but they still opened his skull and stirred around in his white matter. But Ed took a long nap after surgery and felt great. We spent the evening roaming the halls and visiting the patient library. We've learned in the last year to enjoy every moment together, even when stuck in a hospital. 

I don't wish to be back in the hospital for any reason, but this visit has been far less stressful than in March. We've made so many trips to the city that some of the anxiety has worn off. I recognize most of the nurses in Ed's hall, and Ed had the same excellent surgeon as in March. I don't get lost going to the cafeteria any more, and when I took a wrong turn yesterday, I could quickly correct myself. I can tackle the labyrinth of halls and know the shortest distance to the lab, surgery waiting room, and the nearest restroom.

With Ed's surgery scheduled last minute, I was surprised to find an opening for me in the Family Lodge next door. It is hard to sleep well when curled up on a chair in a hospital room. While I hate to be separated from Ed overnight, lying down in a real bed in a quiet room for a few hours makes me a better functioning person.

The surgeon has discharged Ed so we plan to head for home soon.

Thanks so much for praying for all of us.


  1. What a beautiful post :) :)

    I'm in therapy for mental health problems and my very first assignment from the therapist was to write down things I'm thankful for. Interestingly, studies apparently show that writing about three times a week is more effective than writing every day. Not sure why.

    At a time when there are ten thousand self-help books and ideas floating around, and when my brain is muddled, it's great to have someone to pick just a few things for me and hold me accountable.

    Best wishes and a prayer for you :)

  2. I am praying for you and your dh. May the results be better than expected.

  3. Always praying Gina. I glad that you are finding the bright spots in this time of uncertainty.

  4. Thank you for your update! We are praying for a good report from Pathology. Glad to hear that Ed is going home today. Home is the best place to be when recovering. Praise to our Lord Jesus for His faithfulness to you all! Jesus is always there with us through all the seasons of our lives to lovingly guide us and help us. Thank you Jesus for helping Ed and Gina weather this 'storm'! God bless you all!

  5. Thank you for updating us so quickly. Glad God provided a bed for you, Gina, and blessings to be counted. Praying for His continued strength and faithfulness in your lives.

  6. Thank you for the updates. Praying for you daily!!

  7. Just as Betsy said, we are always praying for you and Ed. The load is heavy but please know that we are calling your names out to the Lord!

  8. Thank you for keeping us updated. I love the Dickens quote. I continue to pray for all of you, especially for Ed's healing.

  9. My mind is still totally amazed...Ed's skull was opened yesterday, and he was up and able to go home today! Medical advances amaze me so often! I'm so grateful you were able to navigate your way around better this time and with less anxiety, and we're continuing to pray for healing and grace for the journey! We pray for you every day, dear friends!

    ~Randy & Eunice

  10. Dear Gina,

    Thank you for the update on Ed. I will continue to pray for your family.


  11. Hi Gina,
    Glad you are both on your way home, praying for you and Ed. Glad you see blessings in all things, Pollyanna is one of my favorite books and yes finding blessings in all things keeps me going too. God is good in all things,
    praying for you all
    shelley p
    from over the pond

  12. It is a weird thing when a hospital becomes a sort of home. Not one we want, but one we adapt to. We spent nearly a month living in a hospital CC waiting room when both of our sons were intubated & in these strange rotating beds due to complications from pneumonia caused by Swine flu. There were sections to it & lots of couches & reclining chairs. Other families of patients took us under their wings & helped us to find a place to "camp" & showed us the ropes. I had a long love seat to sleep on & my husband had a recliner. A hotel next door provided shuttle service for families to have 2 hrs in a room for showering & naps. It was amazing to see God providing for us in all ways. We would find free food tickets by our luggage & money at times. We all ministered to one another which was the most important & amazing thing of all. Those who were not Christian reached out to Christians for help & prayer. There was one young lady who dropped in many nights to hang out with whomever was there and needing comfort because of the care she experienced there with several loved ones. It seemed to be confined to this one area, as when our youngest ended up in a different area of the hospital there was none of this. We commuted to the old area to sleep, which thankfully, was not too awfully far. A special place I will never forget. Don't want to go back, but I will always marvel at how we were enabled to not only keep on going ( We all had had this horrible flu & we believe I had pneumonia. I was seriously ill for all of the month, but my fears that tried to take hold of me would not stick & I just took expectorant cough syrup & went on. That was His power - not mine, I believe. ) physically, but able to find some joy in being together. He got no pay and yet we did not excessively worry. We could so feel we were in God's hands and just let go and floated along. I am sorry I went on so long, but I was moved by your account to share. I think it helps to quell the fears of those who may be preparing to go through hospitalizations with loved ones or worrying it might happen. I appreciate what all you have shared. I don't like to revisit those times normally & though I kept a few people updated during it with emails, I could not have written a thoughtful post about it then. There was some protective state I was in and I was limited in ways. It IS reality, but it also is altered to some degree by stress hormones etc...., but by God most of all, as He demonstrates that strength in our weakness.

    We will continue to pray...

  13. Gina, I have followed your life's story for 7 or 8 years and wish to thank you for sharing both the joys and the difficulties of life. You have a beautiful family. I rarely respond to a blog feeling I have nothing much to add but I do wish to let you know that I have prayed much for your family over those years and especially more recently for your dear Ed. I will not go into our situations but we have experience much of what your family is now going through. I say all this just to let you know that I believe there are many folks out there like me who will not comment on a blog but who will lift your family up to our wonderful God. Continue to look for His blessings as I know you know they are there.

  14. Although I found your blog while looking for a recipe for tomato powder, I was intrigued by your family photo, which took me to the story of your husband's illness. Your strength and faith touched me. I will pray for healing and strength.

  15. Good Evening Gina,

    It has been so long since I've blogged or read any of my favorite blog sites. I am so very glad I checked in on your blog this evening.
    Praise the Lord you and Ed are still enjoying your family and life that God has so abundantly blessed y'all with. Please know that although I've been away from blogging, I have continued to pray for your family's peace and infinite daily blessings.
    Thank you so much for sharing your faith in the Lord as your family walks through this trial with Ed's health.


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