
Friday, June 15, 2012


It begins to feel like an obsession.

I've recognized in myself a drive to make everything possible from scratch. While good intentioned (homemade food is cheaper and more nutritious) I've had to draw a line. In the last several month, I've purchased more things like rolls and tortillas though I knew I could make them myself. 

I'll probably always enjoy making things from scratch, but I have to admit, "I can't do it all."

I can't make all my food from scratch and still have time to enjoy eating it. I can't read every book I'd like to and  have time to put what I learn to practice. I can't do all the projects I dream of without neglecting my family. I can't raise all my food from the ground without missing opportunities to serve others.

Maybe you can. But I can't do it all. I choose to sacrifice some things that I would enjoy, to have time for the things that are more important.  

I want to come to the end of my life and hear "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." 

Knowing I could make a perfect loaf of bread or grow a lovely head of brocolli won't be important if I've missed the better opportunities God has given me.


  1. I think we all have tendencies to over stretch ourselves. I always want to make everything from scratch and then I get over tired and grumpy with everyone. What is the point in being like that! I do the work to make others happy and then they get a grumpy Mumu and wife. I am pleased you are able to let go and get balance. Its not something I am very good at. Lily. xxx

  2. I could have written this post myself! You've said it so well; thanks for the timely reminder.

  3. Amen. Enough said. Go with God.

  4. I like to pick the things that are the most important like fresh bread maker bread and home made strawberry jam and decaf iced tea with raw sugar or honey these are our favorites. Every once in a while my kids will make fresh pasta such a treat. But my kids like store bread for sandwiches and that's ok.

  5. I always wonder what Ma Ingalls' priorities were and how she managed her time. I'm just assuming but... she pretty much did everything from scratch, don't you think? Were the standards less back then? Were the choices more limited? etc.. Why could she do it all and we can't? I'm constantly pondering this.......... I'm kinda weird that way LOL

    1. That's interesting, because I've thought of Ma Ingalls frequently, too! I have concluded their living standards were lower - they didn't need or expect to have everything so "nice" like we do now. And they didn't go away so much. Sometimes I think we create our own frustrations by trying to cram too much into our lives and expecting too much of ourselves and others. Anyway, this is one of my "pet peeves" so I will stop before I rant on too long. :)

    2. Their world was also smaller. While I volunteer hours and hours to get my kids to Guide camp in Mexico and a french immersion trip to Quebec, Ma would have been baking pies for a sick neighbour. We work and earn and donate to world relief efforts, while Ma might have tutored an illiterate child. I don't want to think that our efforts towards helping those far away are wasted, I do think that there is so much that God calls us to do here at home.

  6. Very well said! We don't have a garden this year (taking a little break ) and I've been amazed at what time I have to get some other things done. Like take meals to a friend etc..

  7. It is better to strive and fall a bit short of your own expections. I make most things from scratch but always buy tortillas although I make all our bread and cakes. I love your blog; it speaks of an examined life and a peaceful balance existence.

  8. Take heart as I know it is hard with a young and active family. As I have gotten older and the children have left home I have made the time to try many of the things that there were never time for before. I now produce more garden than I ever have before which enables me to donate some to the local food bank. Quilt projects for several charities are also in the making. I love my 5 children but also enjoy my time now for myself and even more service to God : )

  9. We can't do it all. I think God made it that way, so we'd have to work with each other.

  10. Gina, as a "Stay at Home" dad, I can understand what you are saying. I love making different things with my wife Anne, but sometimes there is not enough time to do it all. I really like your post and so enjoy hearing about your family. Thank you for being faithful in continually writing down your thoughts and sharing them with us. God bless you! August

  11. I agree with Marcia, Amen! A word that keeps coming to my mind yet, I still seem to be too driven. Thanks for posting this reminder that I need to let some things go!

  12. Finish well. That's what matters in our Christian walk.

  13. Thank you for writing this. I struggle with this too. And thanks to God for showing me your post today just when I needed to read it! :-)


  14. You are right honey. It is all about balance and priorities. Your lil ones will remember the time you spend with them more than anything. And you will benefit yourself by less fatigue and more joy. Doing what you love is being a mommy and wife and servant. I imagine you are being a bit hard on yourself. A season for everything. When the babes are gone from the nest, you can be homesteading Gina to the max! :o) Love your blog and appreciate your sharing and honesty. Still praying for your sister-in-law and her precious family.

  15. As Christian women I sometimes feel we wish to be EXACTLY like the woman mentioned in Proverbs 31: 10-38. Although this is a goal we should all strive for, we have to know the limits/talents that God places to us. Keep in mind Romans 12:3-11 :)

  16. Hi.. Just came across your blog and love what I have seen so far... Your post is so true.. We can't do it all but we do what we feel is best for our families..
    Have a blessed Sunday...

  17. God loves us !! So I try to do all I do for love of God.If I bake ,I bake for God and we all enjoy. When I am frustrated I realize it is not from God, but from within myself. My own selfishness or m own struggles of unworthiness. From God there is no unworthiness,for He loves us all.
    It is hard but even in our struggles God loves us and for that I am thankful.

  18. You said it well....been thinking along some of the same lines. Thanks for the reminder!

  19. Just discovered your blog.. and this post was one that hit the nail on the head!


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