
Thursday, June 14, 2012

2011-2012 Curriculm

I have frequently been asked what homeschool curriculum we use. I hesitate to write on the subject because I'm relatively new to homeschooling (my oldest is only eight). If I recommend a product, it does not mean that I've used all the available curriculum options. There may be a choice much better than the one I chose.

But I love discussing curriculum and hearing what other homeschool moms are using. Since I was homeschooled myself and my mom is still homeschooling my younger siblings, I have the huge blessing of having been around homeschool material most of my life. And I know how overwhelming the multitude of options can be.

So here is a run down of what we used last year and a few of my thoughts. My two scholars were in first and second grade. For most subjects, we study together; even the pre-schoolers listen in. The only specific grade level subjects are math and some of the language arts subjects.

Math - Christian Light Education 
We have used this math curriculum for two years and love it. Well, at least as much as we will ever love math. Our family is definitely more the language than math type!

Phonics - Beginning Steps to Reading from Eastern Mennonite
My first grader completed this phonics program last year. He still wasn't a fluent reader so I've been using Phonics Pathways for additional practice.

Spelling - Sequential Spelling
Began using this with my second grader this year. We took it slower than the book recommends but liked this program.

Grammar - First Language Lessons
I have an older edition of FLL that contains first and second grade in one non-consumable book. We enjoyed first grade, but not second grade as much. I don't plan to continue the First Language Lessons series for third grade.

Handwriting - Memoria Copybooks
I like the Scripture and poetry in the Memoria copybooks for practice in handwriting and modeling good grammar.

History - The Story of the World, Middle Ages
We love, love, love history and our trip through the Middle Ages was a highlight of the school year. We used Story of the World as our spine and added in lots of other books about the people and times of the Middle Ages. Maybe I need to do another post just on all the books on the Middle Ages. The Story of the World is not from a conservative Christian perspective but since I was reading it aloud to the children, I could edit and add as needed.

Science - Various materials
Our science study is rather haphazard. We spent the year reading books from various sources on numerous nature topics. Some of our favorites were Pablo Yoder's books, Answers in Genesis books, and Nature Friend magazine.

I love to read what curriculum other homeschoolers are using. If you have blogged about your homeschool curriculum choices, share a link in the comments!

This post contains some affiliate links.


  1. Hi Gina - we are not using a curriculum at all but are attempting 'unschooling' (my son is 8). I am finding it very hard to let go schedules and planning and I honestly don't think its working out. We are returning to a combined approach of workbooks for maths and english and then project activities based on Little Son's interests and my suggestions. Lily. xxx

    1. Gina I love Saxon math and use it from grade one on-ward. If you decided to homeschool high school you will not regret Saxon. I also used Abeka science and language skills, only Amercian English believe it or not is different then Canadian English. More then just spelling of things. Our grammar is somewhat different as well. Who knew!

  2. I was homeschooled, so I don't even know what it is like to attend school, but I loved it. My favorite curriculm is A Beka. They are the easiest to learn from and understand. Its something about the way they explain things, especially math. There science books are also wonderful, how they explain all of God's creations. I just couldn't wait to read more.

  3. I am a huge fan of Rod & Staff. The reading, Phonics and the math are in my opinion the best! I have homeschooled for over 14 years and I believe that Rod & Staff gave my boys a great foundation for more advanced work in middle school, high school and college. My son who is now in college wants to teach his future children to read with Rod &'s really that good!


  4. We have been homeschooling for seven years now, and we've used quite a variety of materials. I summarized our 2011-2012 curriculum (grades 2,5,7,8, and 10)here:

  5. Thank you Gina! I love reading about what others use and how well it does/doesn't work for them. This past year was my first year homeschooling. I left my job as a public school teacher to be with my two children (6&3). I used Sonlight for reading and history. I can't say I really enjoyed it. We also used Saxon Phonics. I was VERY impressed with the program! We also used Saxon Math. I had used it in the classroom and loved it. My daughter liked it too. We will use Saxon Math next year. I won't use the phonics program, because she developed such a strong understanding of the subject this year. We will be using BJU Press for everything else. I pieced together the complete program (except math)for second grade using and I really love that this program also has a Christian focus. I can't wait to continue reading what other readers are using! Thank you again!

  6. I was not homeschooled but I have plans to homeschool our children. The oldest was in first grade last year and we used everything Abeka which I really liked,but I love learning about other curriculum and what others like.

  7. I've been looking into Life of Fred for a fun math. I'm not sure that it has enough work problems, but otherwise I'm definately excited about it!

  8. Gina~
    Thanks for sharing about curriculum--a subject of great interest to me! We also used EMP's Beginning Steps to Reading and aren't quite finished with the Bible Blessing Readers. I wouldn't say it's the best out there, but I am satisfied with it and like that it's Bible-based. It seems to be working for our oldest and he is doing well with reading....we'll see how it goes with the others. We're using Rod & Staff Math and plan to use Rod & Staff Phonics for 2nd grade. I count it a privilege to home school, and it's a blessing to share with others who do the same!

    1. I have been loving hearing what everyone else uses in their homeschool. Like you, Karen, I'm not sure that I would call Beginnning Steps to Reading the best phonics program. I was so overwhelmed by all the options that I chose BSR just because my mom gave me all the teacher books. My oldest learned to read very well with it, but I think she would have excelled with any program. My son struggled a little more with reading, but again, I don't think it would have been natural with anything. I haven't decided yet what to use with my third, but I'm guessing I'll just keep with BSR since I have been decently satisfied.


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