
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Sisters' Summer Reading Challenge

 A new season means a new list of book! Yeah! Summer tends to busy, but we still want to read, so we kept these goals lighter.

1. Read a book by a favorite author that you have never read before.

It might be a new book by an author, a sequel to a favorite series, or a back-listed book by the author.

2. Read a book that contains less than 200 pages.

In the spring we chose a long book (Confession: I'm still working on mine) so this is a chance to choose  a short book. Maybe there is a middle-grade novel that you've wanted to read. 

3. Pick out three books that you'd like to read. Turn to the first word in each book, and read the book whose word comes first in alphabetical order.

I have a whole shelf of books that I want to read and I can become paralized on which one to read next. This is a way to force myself to just get started. You can choose an e-book, audio, or physical book.

4. Read a book of the Bible and a write down the key idea from each chapter.

Short or long, pick the book that is best for you in this season. 

I hope you have an excellent reading summer! I'd love to hear what you plan to read.


  1. Ooh I love the idea of picking out three books and then finalizing on the first in the alphabet. Great idea for someone like me who has an abundance of unread books on my shelf!

  2. Going to try your reading plan!

  3. Oh these are great challenges! Thank you Gina!

  4. Thank you for posting a picture of Jamie Langston Turner's newest book! I've read and loved all of hers (Winter Birds is a little hard) and always wished she'd write more. I had no idea there was a new one!

  5. I'll just work at my TBR stack that I recently replenished on a thrift shopping day. I don't even know what's all on there, myself. :)

  6. I always get such good ideas from your booklists - I'm looking forward to reading your booklists when you're done with this challenge!

    Let's see... For children's books, I'm finally getting around to reading the "Little Britches" series. I also read several books from the "Cherry Ames" series, which is about a girl who trains to be a nurse. For read-alouds, the Moffats series and "The Fellowship of the Ring." For adult reading, I recently finished two great ones: "Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters" (Shrier) and "Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation" (Hegseth). I also just re-read C.S. Lewis's "That Hideous Strength" - so good. I also enjoyed reading a book of Oscar Wilde's comic plays. I'm starting another that looks to be great - "How to Save the West: Ancient Wisdom for 5 Modern Crises" (Klavan).

    So many good books out there!


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