
Monday, April 13, 2020

Good Shopping

My daughter said that if she had known that she'd be stuck at home for weeks, she would have stocked up on fabric to sew some dresses for herself.

Of course, we aren't going anywhere to wear a new dress, but she does need some dresses for summer, and she has extra time now.

I've never bought fabric online, but I told her to check Goods Store's website. This is a Mennonite store in Lancaster County, and I figured they would have fabric.

She found several fabrics she liked, as well as zippers to match, and we placed the order on Saturday. Today, two days later, they arrived in the mail. My daughter is stitching a dress as I type.

Good selection. Reasonable prices. Fast service. Though I like to support my local fabric stores, right now, this is a way to support another business that may be struggling since their doors have closed.

Goods Store has much more than fabric. A few years ago I reviewed their website but today they have no idea I'm writing this post.


  1. Thank you for this post. I also need a few new dresses and our local shops are closed. It's a good time to get some sewing done.

  2. The fabric is pretty! I decided that since I would just go ahead a wear a Sunday dress to watch our live stream service. I could use some new dresses myself but I've never sewn a dress before. I'm not sure if I can.

  3. Thank you for providing the link to Goods Store. I just ordered hand sanitizer that I am unable to find anywhere! Also, I am always thinking of you and your family and keeping you in my prayers.

  4. is the best for fabric prices


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