
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sharing Others' Words

I have half-written posts that I'd like to share, but Ed had a short seizure last night, and I'm not in the writing mode this morning.

Some of my favorite websites have shared posts recently that were so good I wanted to save them to reread. Enjoy their insights.

Anita shares some profound thoughts on loneliness and our longing for God in the Seduction of the Sehnsuht Part One and Part Two.

The Mullet family has experienced far more physical illness than most, and Cindy shares on Finding Hope in Suffering

Shari Zook's words brought me to tears in What I Saw: Good Friday Reflections.

Sara shares a poem she learned as a youth that echoes today in Dying to Self.

Katrina Hoover Lee shared some of her favorite Easter poems including the poignant Gethsemane.

Desiring God shares on How To Make Urgent Medical Decisions for Your Loved One.

May these words inspire you.


  1. So sorry to hear of Ed's seizure. God is truly with you all, His love is so amazing & comforting. We continue to pray for your family. Thank you for sharing these articles, I will definitely read them! God bless you all & comfort you all on this medical journey. Love conquers all & your family's love & caring is an inspiration to us all.

  2. Much love and many blessings dear GIna. May you feel His wonderful love and peace as you continue on this journey.

  3. I am a longtime reader who does not usually comment. I just wanted to let you know I am keeping your family in my prayers that God will bring you peace & comfort. Thank you for sharing your journey with us readers.

  4. Dear Gina, I don't really know you but we've met. I always enjoy reading your blog, and the spirit you have. I have been praying that you and Ed would be able to make final decisions about care together. Maybe you're past that already. I pray also for you as you talk about things with your children. Grieving for you and with you probably doesn't help. Just keep on trusting and moving forward. This whole situation makes no sense to me. I don't know why God takes the good daddies home early and lets mean daddies hurt children and batter women....But I do know that God is God and God is good. praying for you and yours and also that God would be glorified and exalted. Sarah

  5. I am so sorry! Reading your brave story brings back memories of my mom's journey with glioblastoma 13 years ago. The helplessness to change the inevitable is so painful. God will carry you and your dear children. He promises to be a father to the fatherless. I lost my daddy in an accident when I was 9, forty years ago. God is Faithful!

  6. May God surround you with His perfect love and peace. May God hold you all in His loving hands and carry you through this valley of sadness. May God stand with you as you hold hands, wipe wee person's noses, and kiss wee people's faces. And, may God whisper to you His promise that He lives.

  7. Gina, I hope you know that your family is in my thoughts frequently. I know that this is the case with all your blog reading family. I know that nothing I write will sound the way I mean it to. So just know we are here for you, to be your sounding board.

  8. I am a longtime follower of your blog and I want to thank you for continuing to share your life with us. You are a blessing to so many of us here. Keeping your family in my daily prayers and wishing you God's peace.

  9. Thank you for continuing to share your life with us, Gina. I am blessed and encouraged as I see how God's grace is enabling you to walk through this hardest of trials. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

    Mary Beth Martin

  10. I am so sorry to hear of Ed's seizure. Such a sorrowful time for you and the children and your families. You are thought of and prayed for so often at our house.
    Merciful Father, please carry this hurting family.

  11. Gina
    So sorry to hear of Ted's seizure. I have been following your family's story for a couple of years now. I work in healthcare at a large faith-based hospital. You and your family are on many, many prayer lists. You are being lifted up in prayer.
    MaryE Osborne
    San Pedro CA

  12. Thanks for keeping us updated so we can pray specifically for you and your family. Even though I have never faced a situation like you are going through this has been my favorite song through difficult illnesses and hospital stays we have faced.
    He giveth more grace when the burdens grow greater,
    He sendeth more strength when the labors increase,
    To added affliction He addeth His mercy,
    To multiplied trials, His multiplied peace.
    His love has no limit, His grace has no measure,
    His power no boundary known unto men,
    For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,
    He giveth and giveth and giveth again.
    When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
    When our strength has failed ere the day is half-done,
    When we reach the end of our hoarded resources,
    Our Father’s full giving is only begun.
    May God bless you with His grace today, Praying!


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