
Monday, February 25, 2019

Keto Chocolate Custard

Ed isn't strictly following his keto diet anymore. After a year and a half of a radical diet, he wanted a little more flexibility. But I still cook a lot of keto food for him.

This recipe is one of his favorites. I adapted this recipe from my mother-in-law's chocolate pie that we enjoy every New Year's Day. It does contain raw eggs.

Keto Chocolate Custard

1 1/2 T cocoa
2 1/2 T coconut oil
1 T heavy whipping cream
2 eggs, divided
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp pure powered stevia (could use Truvia or other sweetener to taste)

Melt coconut oil and mix cocoa and whipping cream. Stir in egg yolks well. Add vanilla and stevia and mix well. In separate bowl beat egg whites until stiff. Fold egg whites into chocolate mixture. Pour into bowl and chill. Serve with whipped cream and cocao nibs.

I place this into two small glass 1-cup bowls. The servings are small but rich.


  1. That recipe looks interesting. Thanks Gina, I will have to give it a try.

  2. I recently have been trying out a keto diet, with doctor's permission. I have been reading a book on diabetes that recommended it along with fasting. So, I am excited to see your recipe here. It has not been that long but, my blood sugar readings have been so much better and I feel better. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  3. The Lord is using your creativity in so many ways!! I can certainly understand Ed's need for a bit of change. The keto diet helps many people, but it is not easy to live on a radical diet for a very long time. It is wonderful that you have chosen to share so much with those who look in on you. I am sure you are a source of information and encouragement.

  4. I sure hear him about the diet change! I lost all the weight I could ever want on that Trim Healthy Mama diet plan and the main upside of that ended up being finding out once and for all that I'd rather be fatter! XP

  5. Sounds yummy! I will definitely try it.


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