
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Choosing His Words - Part 9

For the first week or two of the new year I asked some friends to share on the topic of Bible reading. Often we women feel guilty and frustrated about our Bible reading habits and I hope this can bring inspiration.

This is something that I have struggled with over the years…. For me, the very best time is if I get up ½ hour before the rest of the family. But it takes discipline to read my Bible and not spend my time filling in my planner book or something else. I enjoy writing, so the reading and journaling comes easier than concentrated prayer. It takes double discipline to stay sitting and "do nothing." (When in reality, I might be moving mountains.)
I’ve used devotional books some over the years but when I do, I prefer to read the Bible passage first, before I read what the author's interpretation is or I feel like I’m reading processed food.

At the beginning of last year I took the Fruit of the Spirit, one per week, and a Strong's Concordance and looked up various verses, the meaning of words, etc. I did the same with other passages such as Titus 2 on the woman’s role. (If I take a week or more per word, I’m not so overwhelmed on any single morning.) Maybe I should do it on the Virtuous Woman in Prov 31 next.

I also enjoy finding ‘twins’ and ‘triplets’ in Scripture – such as “mercy and truth”, see how many times they show up together and study them out. What other twins are there? Triplets are more rare, but such ones as “do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with thy God.”
Having a specific passage that I am reading or topic that I am studying is much better than randomly opening my Bible and saying “Hmmmm, what should I read today?”-Jenelle S.

1 comment:

  1. Strong's Concordance is a great idea for this series! I haven't got mine out in forever. A person can really get wrapped up comparing references :)


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