
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Choosing His Words - Part 5

For the first week or two of the new year I asked some friends to share on the topic of Bible reading. Often we women feel guilty and frustrated about our Bible reading habits and I hope this can bring inspiration.

Setting a boundary has been the single most helpful thing in achieving a more consistent Bible-reading time. It’s easy for me to grab my phone as soon as I wake up and scroll through a number of distractions. But if I miss my quiet time in the morning, I hate myself for choosing social media over time with God.

At the beginning of 2018, I set a goal that I would not open email or any social media until I had read my Bible. I am not perfect and this self-imposed boundary has not magically solved the struggle of right priorities. But it has helped me deal with my strongest temptation, and my Bible-reading this year was more consistent than any other. I plan to continue this self-imposed boundary in 2019. - Flo F.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Last year I also set a boundary of not reviewing any texts or emails during the morning hours until after 8:00 am.I was able to keep up with my commitment and have purposed to do it again this year! This year I added Bible and hymn memorization to my day. So I do daily Bible reading in the morning and Bible memorization at night with a wonderful app called BibleMe. So far it has gone well! Thank you ladies for sharing I enjoy reading!


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