
Friday, April 13, 2018


Confession: I am a People Pleaser.

I once thought I didn't worry about what people thought of me. I sometimes feared I leaned too far the other direction, valuing my independence and stating what I thought without concern of offending others.

I was homeschooled in the mid-80's - an unheard of educational option, and I was accustomed to being unusual. When I was nineteen I spent a couple months in a southern city and walked to a huge church on Sundays where I was the only woman wearing a head covering. I didn't mind being in unfamiliar situations and sticking out. That was a good trait when I started dating Ed and ended up in a Mennonite community where I knew nearly no one.

But maybe in the passing years I've become more concerned with others' opinions.

I've struggled with blogging the past months. I can think of topics to write about, but become paralyzed with wondering what readers will think. If I write about cancer am I being too self-focused? I never wanted to be a navel gazer. My goal for my blog has always been to be helpful to my readers. Endless litany of our cancer journey feels like gagging on yesterday's meatloaf.

And then there is the worry that someone will disagree with the medical choices we make. Cancer treatment is a much debated topic. I enjoy a good face-to-face discussion with friends, but I want this blog to be a happy place not a heated debate.

Maybe I should just share one of the many book lists I've compiled. Or chat about homeschooling. Or pictures of planting my garden. But when my husband has a terminal disease it is okay to write about something so mundane as pictures books? If I write on other topics, does it look like I'm ignoring the elephant in the room?

It has been a year since I shared a recipe, which once was the majority of my posts. I have new bread recipes I could share, but I don't feel like writing about bread when Ed can't even eat my bread anymore. But writing about the keto food I'm making for Ed will only interest very few of my readers.

So my mind goes in circles. It is ridiculous. Pathetic. Bordering on bizarre. I'm way over thinking. You all are very kind and, really, what does it matter what a random reader thinks about what I write?I can't please everyone. I can't even figure out how to write to please myself.

It is not a bad thing to evaluate my words and decide whether they are edifying. I need to delete words that I know will offend. But the Bible says that the fear of man brings a snare. I think I've been caught in it the past months.

So now you know, when I'm quiet it may be that I'm busy. It may be that I don't feel like writing. It may be that I don't know how to write what I'm thinking. But if I share a booklist or a recipe, it doesn't mean that cancer isn't heavy on my heart, it just means I want to talk about something else.

And now I think that this whole post is so self-centered that I should delete the whole thing. But a friend asked once for me to share what it means to live with cancer. I suppose this whole convoluted post is one answer, a view into the mind of one confused writer.

So the short answer (if you've managed to read this far) since I do want to be helpful and have a point to this post...If you have a friend who is going through a rough place, and you think they should act in a certain way, or grieve in a certain way, or write blog posts in a certain way - and they don't. Be patient with them.

We might talk about planting green beans just to have something normal in our upside-down life. We might talk about green beans hoping that you'll ask about cancer. We might talk about green beans because we think you want to talk about green beans and we are trying to please you. We might not know what we want to talk (or write) about.

But we are very grateful for your friendship on our mixed-ups days. Thank you.


  1. Gina, I think a person has the right to post whatever they want to post about, I know I do!

    God's Blessings to you and yours,


  2. Oh honey.....we love you and your family. Just write about your life. And Ed's life. And your sweet family. Just write what is happening. We will read and laugh and cry with you. And we will rejoice with you too. Just write....

    1. Me too
      I think your blog is gently and beautifully honest.
      And it's your blog so write whatever you need to. I'm sure your readers understand. 😊

    2. ..and me! So good to read about honesty and integrity - stay true and authentic Gina x

  3. Your words are so relatable to me as I have a sick child. An elephant in the room affects all facets of our life. You have a gift for words. I would read your blog if you wrote about soil... you would make it sound interesting. Keep writing, your words have given me hope and strength many times. Love from Arizona. - Ann

  4. Thank you for this peek into your mind and heart. That is good and timely advice, to be patient with friends who don't talk or think as I feel they "ought". After all, who am I to determine how you or any other friend ought to behave during a difficult journey? Much much grace to you, and please be very gentle with yourself. You are loved.

  5. Firstly I enjoy your blogs I check daily to see if you've wrote anything new. As hard as it is to talk about sometimes getting out the cancer fears with others and getting opinions and just sharing what's on your heart can help tremendously. I look forward to seeing how ed is progressing day to day and how the kids are doing and what the film get together are like as I also wear a veil I know different than your cap but sometimes I feel like an outcast too because I don't know many others like myself any my family is not as close as I wish we were so in your words no matter what you post I feel apart of yours. Even if everyone has difference of opinions on medical things you're doing what's best for your family and no one should fault you for that I have read the kind words the ladies leave and all seem to support you. So no matter if you write about day to day stuff gardening flowers recipes books or ed's cancer journey I'm with you all the way and support and love Ya.

    1. That was to be family not film darn auto correct

  6. Relax, Gina! Everyone has their own path to travel. Wishing you and your family courage every day.

  7. I like this post, Gina. And what you wrote reminds me of how my mind works as well. People are complex, and writers may be some of the most complicated ones out there. I agree that we must strive to be kind in what we write, yet knowing that we cannot please everyone. God is gracious to help us achieve a balance. You are doing a wonderful job of sharing your life with others through your blog. I love your honesty, the variety you offer, and the spirit behind it all. May the Lord continue to bless you and your blog.

  8. Oh, Gina! I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes...I can't even imagine what you're going through, and how something you often think is simple like writing can be so confusing. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of your life, and I'm hoping I remember it as I struggle to help my friends going through hard times! Hugs and prayers to you, friend! <3 ~Eunice

  9. Gina, That's what I like about're honest and truthful! Thanks for continuing to write your's always encouraging, no matter what the subject matter.
    Praying for you, Ed and the children! Linn

  10. I know the fear of man thing. I think it is something we all struggle with, sometimes more than others, and sometimes not all. I like to hear about your cancer journey, it helps me to know how to pray for you, reminds me to not take our health for granted, and to hug my family a little tighter. I like your recipe posts, and your book lists. I am very interested in your homeschooling advice :) Just because you post about anything besides cancer doesn't mean it isn't on your mind. I don't know how many times a month you want to post, but just an idea would be if it was 5 or 6 times, you could do 2 or 3 times on cancer,(I like your hymn posts) ,1 about recipes, 1 of books, and another on schooling .. I so enjoy opening up my emails and seeing a blog post from you.

  11. Gina, keep blogging! I love reading your blog and please write whatever is on your mind to share. We pray for your family on this cancer journey, we love seeing pics of your family and enjoy recipes when you have time to share them. Thanks again and God bless you!!

  12. I want to hear whatever is on your mind. If it's not as relevant to me as other posts, I can easily skip it, and you'll not be offended in the least =). Share your heart, whether it's something practical and mundane or spiritual or personal or cancer-related.

  13. Oh Gina..I think to a degree, we all can relate to you.I think we all have our "elephants".Some not so big as yours, yet we all have something. Whether you know it or not, your writing is still very encouraging and I look forward to it. I think you're doing just fine with matter the topic! Most likely it is touching someone who needs it at the moment. Keep up your minestry. I think it's important!!

  14. Thank you for sharing your heart with us today. I can only imagine the thoughts that whirl through your head on a daily basis. I enjoy reading whatever your heart tells you to write about. I have never thought your blog self-centered even once. Please continue to share your heart with us. Blessings, Betsy

  15. I have received so much that is wisdom and blessing from your blog since your and your family started dealing with the cancer. I am grateful for it even as I am sorry that you are having to walk this road. The wisdom and insight you are passing along is applicable not just to people who are suffering from this particular disease but in all challenging life situations. So I personally would rather that you continue to write honestly about what is happening in your life right now.

  16. This definitely made me chuckle! However, in a small way I relate. I almost felt guilty last summer going on day trips, or boating, knowing Dad and Mom were dealing with terminal cancer. But the reality is, if you only live and breathe your struggles, you suffocate. So in no way do I expect you to mention cancer or treatment in every conversation, and the reverse is also normal: while I may not always mention it or ask, that doesn't mean I've stopped praying and caring. I know you are, but continue to embrace "normal", and not one of us will think you're trivial for discussing every day topics.

  17. Dear Gina,

    Thank you so much for posting this, I think a lot of people will find it helpful !

  18. Thank you for sharing your heart. I have never had to deal with the cancer journey with a close loved one, but that doesn't mean I don't care about ones that do. However, I am in a situation where few people know what it feels like to be lonely in your journey because others can't relate or they don't understand, so I totally get where you are coming from. If you don't want to write, don't. Take a break. It's ok. Just know that you are an encouragement and uplifting breath of fresh air for people like me that benefit from what you do share, so share when you can and don't beat yourself up when you can't. Praying for you and your family always.

  19. You are not alone. I don't have cancer in my life but I can so identify with a lot of your feelings! Hugs to you as you find ways to navigate with honesty and humility. I think you're doing fine ❤❤

  20. Dear Gina,

    Thanks so much for sharing your heart. I do understand about the crippling effects of trying to be a people pleaser. I for one do enjoy your blog whether it is about recipes, book lists, gardens, or cancer. The reason is you write without trying to paint a false perfect life, you keep it real. Therefore, I find your blog encouraging and challenging to me to live better for CHRIST. Cancer is a real thing and can change a person's and familie's norms. When you let us know about cancer, the blessings and trials, it lets me know how to pray for your family. When you write about other things, it is an interest and I feel like you would be one I could sit down and have a cup of coffee or tea with and have good fellowship about the LORD and every day things. We can't please everyone, like you said, what we need to do is make sure we are pleasing the LORD JESUS CHRIST and giving grace where needed like HE does for us; Yes, easier said than done.
    I for one say write what is on your mind, if someone is not interested in that topic, they can skip it and come back next time and find a topic that interests them. Regardless, realize there are those who do enjoy your blog and find it uplifting and there will always be some one that we can't please while we are here on this earth because we are all sinful and fallen creatures and have the flesh to deal with. We all need JESUS CHRIST to live a better life here on earth and to look forward to being in heaven for all eternity, we won't be perfect like HIM until we get to be with HIM in heaven; as long as we have accepted JESUS as our LORD and SAVIOUR.
    May you keep writing as the LORD leads, lean on JESUS CHRIST, and may you and your family have a blessed week.

    Blessings, Carie

  21. Dear Friends,
    I just read through your comments and you all made me cry (in a good way.) Thanks so much for all your sweet encouragement. I'm sure I have the kindest blog readers ever.

  22. Gina, I like to read whatever you post. You always share what's on your heart and mind, and I enjoy that. You have impacted my life more than you know. I am switching my daughter to CLE this year in Bible and Language Arts, and that is because I checked into it after your post on homeschooling curriculum. Thank you for blogging about your homeschool journey.

  23. I'm sorry for everyone who has gone through a place in life that allows them to understand where you're at today. But I'm glad for you that you are not alone in this confusion and there are plenty of us out here who totally "get" what you're saying! Thank God that He is in the middle of our messed up lives and that He is guiding us through our times of confusion, even when we can't see the path ourselves.

  24. I must say I enjoy everything you write. The information you have shared about Ed's cancer has helped many people I'm sure even though it's been a difficult time in your family. I would like to see some of your recipes, keto or others. You may never know what parts of your messages are helpful or encouraging to someone. Prayers for your family.

  25. Bless you dear lady! I am so sorry and am praying for you! And I love your blog. Just write what's on your heart whenever you feel like it...I believe that no matter what happens you will be ok because you know your Father well. Much grace to you and yours!

  26. Thank you for sharing this. I agree. I just like when you share whatever it is you want to share. I too sometimes get in the trap of what others think.

  27. Hey, it’s ok if you want to talk about cancer or if you want to talk about green beans, your followers will be here alongside you. X

  28. Gina, write about whatever you want. having a family member with a serious illness can be all consuming even though you love them dearly and it helps to talk about other aspects of life. At least that is what I have found. I just enjoy your posts regardless of what you write and certainly am not judging you. We all cope in our own individual ways.

  29. Oh dear I love this post! Written by a real woman, for women! Had me chuckling and tearing up in recognition the whole way through! Don't stop being you!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. You're doing a great job, Gina, and I enjoy reading whatever you write, because it's from you! And I would absolutely love keto food posts. (It might be more popular than you think. ;)) May God's grace and strength be yours! You'll continue to be in my prayers. Karen

  32. You are refreshing in your honesty.

  33. I struggled with that too- how much "cancer talk" can I do with people - can I give them all the details, will it bore them, am I telling them the same thing everyday? I can let you know that I will "listen" to you here as you talk about Ed's cancer journey, tears spilling down my face, or just nodding in agreement. I enjoy your blog, would read every word about "green beans"! Thank you for sharing your wonderful family with us all. I strive to live a simpler life, and enjoy the "friendship" that your blog gives me.

  34. This is your blog. Why do you even take into consideration what others say? They can always go read somewhere else. I enjoy your posts. Even ones that dont really interest me, because I no longer have children at home to school. Say whatever you want. If the comments get to you, just turn them off. Got to be blunt !!!!

  35. So many before me have expressed it so well. I look forward to your updates and would love to see some of the keto recipes! I am trying to cook more healthy.

  36. I'm always relieved in a strange way, when I see that you have posted a recipe or about some ordinary event. It makes me thank God, that you are able to think about things, other than "cancer". I really appreciate your helpful point of being patient with others. Thanks for sharing your writing. I always enjoy reading "home joys" posts.

  37. I know that you are going through a terribly difficult time so I think you should be good to yourself and write about what ever makes you feel even a little bit better. It might be your feelings about the possible loss of your husband, or fears about how you will manage without him if that situation comes to pass, or it could be about the green beans out in the garden because it gives you a little grip on normal life in a very abnormal situation.

    Bless your heart you do seem to be managing really very well.

  38. Bless your kind and honest ways. May God continue to hold you and yours close as you navigate Ed’s courageous journey. Your family comes to mind often. Please know you’re being prayed for!

  39. I read because you provide a Christ centered perspective in a hard world. I pray for your family. Write what the Lord puts on your heart, even when it doesn’t feel valuable to you, it’s blessing someone. God indeed works in mysterious ways. Bless you all.

  40. Thank you for posting this instead of deleting it!:) Living/dealing with a serious sickness is a very hard thing....but life still goes on!! Sometimes it seems like 'it just can't be!' how life can just go on like normal when we're dealing with pain. That's just how it works tho and really, we wouldn't ask other people to stop what they're doing or to not do something, right? Everyone is different too and so how you deal with life these days is your way and we can learn from you. Your response to Ed's cancer has been a blessing to me and others too. Whatever you want to say in your blog will be o.k.:) May God bless ya'll and continue to lead you gently along this journey of life.

  41. Gina, I love your blog. It is refreshing and honest and God-centric. Please write about whatever you want and what moves you, be that cancer, your family, books, homeschooling, etc. Can't or don't want to do bread recipes? Perhaps explain Ed's dietary requirements instead.

    Just remember to not change to suit everyone else. This link is to a version of Aesop's Fable about the man, his son, and their donkey. I think It's a good reminder to all of us.

  42. Dear Gina Thank you for sharing with us all who follow your blog, please just write whatever you feel you want to write, still praying for you Ed and all your precious family

  43. You write or don't write whatever you want or need. You have so much on your plate that the last thing I want you to worry or think us, the readers. We like updates so we now more specifics about how to lift you and your family up to the Throne of Grace. Anything else you want to write is fine. You and your family come up in conversation at our house. We think and talk and pray and hurt for you.
    Just put one foot in front of the other...........we are here for you, asking the Father to make His dear Presence and help every minute of every day.

  44. This post helps me a lot because when my own mind goes in circles, I tend to condemn myself - but reading through this, all I feel is recognition and gentleness, so maybe I can be gentler on myself, too!

    2 Timothy 2:24 "Be gentle unto all"

    Keto is all the rage; I for one am interested in whatever you've found that is reasonably satisfying.

    "I can't even figure out how to write to please myself." Exactly! Isn't it funny.

  45. Thank you for writing this. Fear of man and misinterpretation is the no. 1 thing that keeps me from engaging online. I have long admired you and other women who, unlike me, use the public platform to create meaningful content.

    But I love how you used something all humans share (fear of man) to share a personal, intimate window into the on-the-ground reality of walking difficult or lonely circumstances.

    As always, I wish you strength and grace during these days.

  46. I like your insight into how to give grace to others going through a journey. God has extended us so much grace, why can't we extend it to others! You're doing good. ;)

  47. i LOVE your blog just the way it is. I'm in NC, and don't remember how I stumbled (or was led by God) on your blog. I pray for your family, especially your husband.

  48. Thank you for sharing your is encouraging and faith building to us as we also are going through a cancer journey...we can relate to many things that you comment on! We have made big diet changes over the last year...homeschool our young family...have a large garden...many similarities!

    At times the journey does get weary...we don't know how it will turn out but then none of us know what a day will bring! Thankfully God does know and He is weaving our life path according to His will.

    We continue to pray for your family!

  49. So I'm not the only one! Actually, I knew I wasn't or else that verse wouldn't be in the Bible. "The fear of man brings a snare..." is the verse my husband quotes at me more than any other!

    Truly, Gina, I enjoy reading whatever you post and I hope you'll post whatever you feel like and not worry unduly about your readers. Like someone said in an earlier comment, people can just not read it if it doesn't interest them. I am inspired even by your cancer posts, as I see the grace with which you travel this journey with Ed. I sympathize with your "humanity" in your down times, and enjoy the lighter posts too. I wouldn't mind reading about your keto cooking, either. It intrigues me, and I'd like to know more about it.

    All that to say...please keep writing! I was afraid the post was leading up to an announcement that you're taking a blogging break. :)I'm glad it didn't!

    Mary Beth Martin

  50. Gina -
    A couple of years ago I too stumbled upon your blog - I think through a recipe on Pintrest. I have loved reading your posts, watching your family grow and of course was heartbroken when your husband was diagnosed with cancer. Your family has become like part of my own.

    This past Christmas my 19 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. It was through your post that I decided to look into a keto diet for her in addition to her regular treatments. You will never know this side of heaven how the Lord has used your blog - but we all share this journey with you dear one. Your courage and strength are inspiring.

    Thank you for your honest words from the heart - they speak for so many of us. Praying blessings for you all.

  51. Hello sister.....i do believe it is a common writers fear especially when we are going through a difficult journey. I've been there and honestly still go there. The need to be honest without saying poor me and pity me....the huge desire to forget the hard and live a normal life....its a challenge. But i Love your writings. You are a strong women and God is your Rock. You touch and bless many lives with your courage and trust in God. Praying for y'all.

  52. Thank you for being real. God bless you and yours with all you need.

  53. Just seconding everything said here!
    I’ve not read a single post you wrote that I disliked or wondered why you wrote it.
    I think writers often worry about offending others. And we should. But, it is your honesty and genuineness that keep me coming back to read.
    “I wonder if Gina wrote today? I wonder how they’re doing? She didn’t write? Probably, spending time with her family. That’s so important. “
    These are my thoughts toward you.

    You are going through such a hard thing in life right now. I don’t blame you for feeling confused.
    Praying for you all, Beth

  54. I enjoy all your posts,Gina, please keep posting. The courage you show in your writing is a good example for me. I keep you and your family in my thoughts.

  55. Well, everyone here has already said what I was going to, so just count me as another voice to the same thoughts. I am not a religious person (I was raised Catholic), but I enjoy your blog. You touch all people, Gina, with your kind heart and by being real. You have wonderful things to share with people from all walks of life/religions/cultures/etc, be they sad or happy; real life is a mix of everything, isn't it?

    Blessings to you and your family. <3

  56. I love it all, Gina. I also love how humble you are in posting year heart... putting it all there.

  57. I just check in and am pleased to read whatever you put up just because it's interesting. Another reason I stop in is to check on Ed and his family, because I have a dog in this fight now, because I pray...for Ed and you all and I want to know how God is working in your lives...we just care that's just write what you want..and we will gain from it...don't overthink's magic when a heart communes authentically with another caring heart......

  58. Friend,

    You are in the thick of it. That's all. Your expectations of you are higher than anyone else's. I think you just don't want to be "piled on" because you can't take on another negative thing right now. You are at your fill line AND THAT IS OKAY.

    You keep being Gina. The Gina God made you to be AND BE PROUD of her. She lets God shine through!

    I just love reading about your everyday life. Whether that is talking about beans on the stove, showing a lovely picture of your family or talking the ins and outs of being in the trenches. I just

    Praying for your entire family, Gina.

  59. Gina, I live in a different continent/country (Belgium) with a different background but I love to read your posts. I can relate with many things and thoughts you share with us. Also, planning, eating, sewing, mothering, homeschooling, suffering are all part of a real and "ordinary" life. May the peace of God that transcends all understanding guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). Thanks for all, Gina!

  60. From my corner of Indiana I'll say what the others are are in a long very HARD journey. Don't worry that you need to worry much about how to please us readers! As you are honest before our Abba, may He be your inspiration and your guide. And when u cannot write because of, well, whatever reason that is quite okay!

  61. Gina, I loved this entry. You are open and wandering in your thoughts. I love your honesty. I will be honest with you; I initially started following you because of your recipes. I fell in love with your personality while following you. I am not a Mennonite, I in fact have to religious affiliation. I am very Spiritual. I love learning about Mennonites through you and I love hearing about your family and how well, or not well, they are doing. I love hearing about your pig slaughter. I am very interested in hearing about Ed's Journey in healing and health. Please, please, be you. I don't want you to try and read my mind, what does she want to read today...I enjoy the different topics, thing that make me think outside my usual box. If there is something that doesn't much interest me, I don't have to read it. Right? You are a wonderful woman, mother, wife. If someone doesn't appreciate what your are writing about one day, they can move on to the next blog. They'll come back. Because you are you. I admire you and I hope that this helps your confusion. Don't give up on writing about green beans just because someone else might prefer green peas.

  62. I love your blog. I must admit I don't read the book reviews but that's a personal preference. I love to hear how you are doing because you are on my permanent prayer list and I got my seeds in last week so gardening blogs are wonderful and my recipe box is full of your recipes. Thanks for all you write!

  63. I always look forward to reading your posts on everything from cooking, yo-yo's, break making, books, etc. You inspire me to try new things! Being a Mennonite/woman of faith I appreciate reading about how God is working in your life. Thank you for sharing from the heart!

  64. I stumbled on your blog by accident one day. Your life and mine are so different that we might as well be from separate planets. But I love the way you write, so unselfconsciously, about what is in your heart and what is going on in your life, and I found myself invested in what was happening with Ed and your family. The things you write seem to me a perfect balance of the uncertainty and joy and sadness and minutiae of life. Please keep being yourself and know that even those of us who's lives are very different from yours find comfort and interest in your narrative.

  65. Sorry about the anonymous comment, but it's the only way I can right now. It's your blog and you can write whatever you wanna' write! It is refreshing to read a blog about real life. Too much household perfection on a blog gets old!
    May God bless your family and give grace and mercy to your husband. Debbie

  66. I feel like all the things you are bringing up are a common phase when going through tough things. I started reading your blog years ago after a comment you left on mine. I stopped blogging when going through a rough period of life and felt completely unable to decide what to do or say any longer because nothing ever seemed just right and what would people think? Now I'm missing that outlet for writing out my thoughts, no matter what they are and however all over the place they are any given day, I wish I was still getting them out in writing. It forces me to organize them more clearly. I would love to see you continue to write whatever is on your mind and allow us to be adults and decide to read the parts we are interested in and skip anything that does not interest us. Besides that, even when I, lets say, skip a recipe, seeing the new post reminds me to pray for your husband and family. I'm glad there have been so many good comments on this post!

  67. Dear Gina,

    Please don't care about what other people think if they don't like it they don't have to read it. I have read your blog for many years whilst I homeschooled and know how health problems can send you on roller coasters of emotions. You have been amazing as a writer to read you are an encourager in how you deal with life and have dealt with life in the past. I have never read a pity party though you have more than enough reasons too. The stress of life can make you doubt yourself and I know from our family past hiccups we have experienced how I reacted. Please know that you are doing real good in incredibly really tough circumstances so just keep breathing. God is holding you all in this.
    Praying for you all for God's peace in all things

    shelley p
    from over the pond

  68. I get this. <3 You're doing a beautiful job.

  69. Hi! I don’t know you other then from your blog, but I enjoy reading it. I pour over pictures with people in them to see if there’s anyone there I know or can make a connection with. (Mennonite game in pictures:) ) I wonder how Ed is doing, and like when you tell us, because you’ll only share what your comfortable with, and we don’t have to decide (as in face to face conversations) should I ask or are they tired of the inquiry. “Regular” recipes are ‘a dime a dozen’ but Keto recipes are rare! I do a low carb/ low sugar diet, and keto recipes can often be tweaked to fit that (minus the high fat) it’s very interesting to see different tricks and tips to make ‘special diet’ food more palitable! Blessings to you in your difficult journey! And thanks for sharing!

  70. I completely understand and I thank you for your transparency. I have a dear Christian friend whose sibling tragically committed suicide. The women in her Bible study (surely with good intentions) were pressuring her so much to grieve in a particular way that it caused more pain. Though it was a difficult decision, she decided to step away from that group and continued to sort through this situation with church and close friends and family members. It taught me a HUGE lesson to watch her and support her going through that time, and made me realize that we can never presume to know how someone "should" react or process or grieve. Blessings to your family as you are on that journey!


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