
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Apple Fritter Day

If you have been reading here a while, you know that every winter my mom, sisters, and sister-in-laws get together for a doughnut making day. We always have the fun fellowship while making bowls full of yummy calories. 

My parents are in the midst of moving, so we decided not to have our big annual doughnut day this year. But Ed mentioned that he never gets to eat a warm doughnut. He suggested that we make doughnuts sometime at our house. Maybe this year would be the perfect time to try it.

I borrowed my mom's electric skillet and pulled out my largest dishpan. We decided to make apple fritters, since that is our family's favorite. The dough is easy to make, just takes lot of elbow grease to mix such a large amount of dough. I was glad the dough doesn't need to be kneaded.

An hour later, the dough had risen to almost fill the bowl and we started cutting the fritters with a large biscuit cutter.

One batch of apple fritters made about five dozen large fritters. Next time, I might cut them smaller since as they raised, they really got large.

My children, especially my boys, enjoyed helping. Usually on doughnut day at Grandma's, they are busy playing with their cousins and don't get a chance to help.

I found out how little I know about making doughnuts even though I help every year. I had to google "what temperature to fry doughnuts." The first ones were too brown on the outside and still raw dough in the inside until I got the temperature adjusted. When frying, they puffed up into nearly round balls.

We glazed the apple fritters. 

I was surprised how well the day went. One batch of doughnuts seemed like so little work compared to our big doughnut day. We were finished long before the children were tired of helping. The success makes me willing to attempt it again.

And Ed got his wish of sampling a warm, just-fried apple fritter.


  1. Yummy! Sounds like so much fun -- will have to try that recipe out really soon :)

  2. do you have the recipe posted some where so we all can try them. They look really good. thanks

    1. You can find the recipe here.

    2. thanks you so much Gina.

  3. Hello Mrs. Gina,

    What a warm and fun family day!

  4. Good job, family! Dad looks very happy indeed!!

  5. Oh, they look soooo good! Your family looks pleased with the effort as well as the result!!

  6. Memories your children will treasure! About twice a year, I will make doughnuts with them. We also have the problem that Tony doesn't get a warm one! So I want to do it on a Saturday, but keep putting it off cause I don't like to make the house too dirty on Saturday. Well, I need to just do it!

  7. I just found your blog today! I just finished reading to posts about modesty. I can't even begin to tell you how much it has blessed me to find your blog. Thank you for being a light in this dark world. I am a young, newlywed wife and I was seeking someone to look up to and who had similar ideals to me...thanks again and may God bless your family this year! P.s. Those apple fritters look AMAZING!

  8. Do you use whole (white) wheat flour?

    1. I used a mixture of white all-purpose flour and whole wheat flour.

  9. They look so good. We don't make doughnuts here in England so I'm going to give it a go.
    Thank you Michelle

  10. How many apple fritters did your Mom's electric griddle hold at one time?

    1. We could get five fritters in the electric skillet at the same time.

    2. YUMMY!!.I may try these :)

  11. Your blog always brings me joy :)

  12. Hi Gina, I just have to tell you a little story, I told my daughter I wanted a pressure cooker one year for Christmas. My wonderful thoughtful daughter bought me an insta Pot, thinking it was a pressure cooker...well it is but it isn't...I had that gift, in the box for 18 months till I finially said to myself, you are being just plain silly, use it! so I did, and you are so right, they are amazing cookers and the meat that comes out of them is so juicy and tender. The only thing I have had a problem with is pasta, but we eat gluten free pasta, so that may be part of the problem. Also I have just ordered tow books you recommended and I have introduced you to my covenant daughter and she is thrilled by your book lists. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us.


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