
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Painting and Praising

I'm still painting. Which you may notice means I'm not blogging.

My progress is slow, about one room a week. When I'm in the middle of the project with one room empty and stuff sitting in all the other rooms, I wonder if the mess is worth it. Then I put the room back together and am inspired to start another room. Ed says that it was the perfect time to go on a painting binge since Lowe's has Sherman Williams paint half price with a rebate. He picked up two more gallon yesterday since the sale ends next week.

Maybe the best thing about painting a room is that I'm forced to clean a room down to the bones. I won't embarrass myself by admitting in public how long it has been since some of these rooms have been deep cleaned.

Last year I started a cleaning spree - that lasted all of one week when pregnancy fatigue hit. Recently I told Ed that I'm tired at the end of the day. He rolled his eyes. Apparently he thinks that my daily activities combined with getting up once a night with a baby should result in tiredness. And it made me stop and count my blessings.

Despite turning 40 last month, despite two babies in the last two years, I'm in better health than four years ago. I've been off thyroid medicine for several years and my thyroid levels are better than ever. After a short episode this spring, my back has been feeling great. Although I sometimes use the two-year-olds nap time as an excuse to lay down, I think most women keeping up with six children would admit to getting tired.

I know some of you would love to have better health and I don't mean to make you feel worse. I may lose my good health tomorrow but I think that today I should give God praise for my good health. I can't point to a diet or supplement on improving my health. I try to eat reasonably healthy but probably still eat far too much white sugar. Besides iron and prenatal vitamins (which I plan to take as long as I'm nursing) I am not taking any supplements. The only one I can thank is the Lord.

And plan how I can use the strength He has given to honor Him.

And that means doing more than painting walls.


  1. Yes, praise God for good health!This is well said! I am going on 38 and expecting our 6th baby in mid July. I have been in good health but I sure feel like I took the blessing of good health for granted in my earlier years (and pregnancies). There is nothing like nearing 40 to make you realize we could be doing a lot worse by now lol! Praise God for keeping our bodies strong to care for our families!

  2. I don't realize how thankful I am for my health until I get sick. It is truly a tremendous blessing that no one c

  3. Ooops....can buy, I was going to say.

  4. I am happy that you are getting your painting done! We are hoping to do some of that before winter rolls around again. It does make you feel good! On the subject of health..I think too many of us take good health for granted. May we be ever mindful ( and thankful!) from where it comes from . Sometimes we get so busy it is easy to forget.

  5. I am glad you are able to do the painting as you want. Are the children helping at all with moving things, taping, cutting in? I always put them to work for that, then I did the rollering. Freshly painted walls are such a nice visible accomplishment. I am guessing the oldest girl keeps the younger ones occupied and out of the paint etc.

    1. The children are longing to paint but since the rooms I've been painting have carpet, I haven't left them. But they have been a huge help in caring for the little ones, cleaning, and moving things. I couldn't have done it without their help.

    2. Ooh carpet. Hmmm ...We have linoleum in our rooms. So easy to clean.

  6. I'm painting, too! I have our living room/dining room/halls to do, as well as my bedroom. The other rooms I painted last fall/winter. We are doing the entire main floor since we bought the house and the colours weren't our taste at all. Its a big job. I like how painting is something that I can do and its done for a long time. Which is a big contrast to the rest of my work as a Mom and homeschool Mom. :) Enjoy the freshly painted rooms!

    1. Hmmm...I had not thought of it but that might be why I like painting too! Clean laundry and meals don't last long around here.

  7. Cleaning and painting can be daunting until you see that finished product, but it sounds like you're enjoying the process, Gina :) May your good health and joyful heart continue!

  8. Painting is an exhausting but so worth it job! If you don't mind sharing, how did you get off your thyroid meds? I have been on thyroid medication for about 4.5 years now and dislike having to depend upon it. I have hypothyroidism and have tried different things to help but mostly just the medicine. God Bless!

    1. I don't mind sharing but I don't really have anything to share. I assumed I'd have to be on meds for the rest of my life for my hypothyroidism but I was able to go off and my numbers are doing great. Maybe it won't last but I'm enjoying it. And I didn't do anything as far as changes in diet, supplement, etc. I guess I just need to thank God.


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