
Monday, November 23, 2015

Faces Of Syria - New Book!


We all have heard the stories and seen the photos of the Syrian refugees.

And if you are like me, you don't know what to think or what to do. I feel helpless faced with a problem of such magnitude. A problem with no easy answers.

That is why I was eager to read Faces of Syria, a new book just published by TGS International (a subsidiary of Christian Aid Ministries (CAM).

Katrina Hoover traveled to Jordan and Lebanon a couple months ago to listen and record Syrian refugees' stories. I enjoyed following along in her journey through Katrina's blog.

Katrina was joined by Rosetta Byers as photographer. Together the two made a photo book to share a perspective of the Syrian refugees that most of us will never have since we can not meet them personally.

Faces of Syria is a lovely book with full page photos on every spread. The book is brief yet poignant, sharing in a few of their own words the heartbreak and suffering these lovely people have experienced.

I want to share the needs of the world with my children in a safe way. I want them to know that not everyone has as comfortable life as they do. Since we don't have television, my children know very little about the world news. But we've been praying for the refugees and this book was a perfect way for them to get a glimpse into this crisis. With the many photos of children, it appealed instantly with my children and we were able to read about their lives in Syria and why they had to flee their homes.

The goal of Faces of Syria is to prompt us to pray for the people of Syria. To look at these photos and into the eyes of these precious children makes my heart long to bring hope to their hearts. And I know that prayer can reach through miles and borders and bring that hope.

As we near Thanksgiving and enjoy the many blessings we have been given, take time to remember those who have long for the lost days of peaceful homes and warm family times.

You may purchase Faces of Syria from TGS (which will help to support the work with needy around the world).

I was given a review copy of Faces of Syria but all opinions in this review are my own.


  1. I have found that more and more each day, Christ commands us to genuinely help those in true need.. my heart has been saddened at the current state of affairs in a way I believe must break HIS heart.. I can only take my heart ache as one that Christ gave me to have to show me these people are his people too and we must all as Christians be willing to help those in need.. do what HE calls of us and leave the rest to Him to work out.. Planting seeds where and how ever possible... via food, shelter prayer ect.

  2. I have been following Jeol Richardson lately. He has a great understanding of the situation and is doing a lot to help many o usf respond from a truly Christian perspective, He supports a charity that provides some basic supplies to families on the run...and a Bible in several languges spoken in Arab lands that is electronic and cN be used with any smart phone. He said that most do have the phones already. I recommend listening to Joel Richardson online to anyone wrestling with this well we all should be who call ourselves Christians.


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