
Monday, October 19, 2015

List Week - Christmas Countdown

Continuing the Christmas Countdown.

This week is List Week.

In this stage of life, I get very good at making lists, not because of Christmas, but because of the pending birth of our baby in January.

Whether it is nesting or just a good excuse to get some extra projects done, I have been making lists of all the things I wish to accomplish the next two or three months. My Christmas plans look small in comparison.

Ed pulls me back to reality by reminding me that there is only one thing that is necessary to do before this baby is born - go to the store and buy a box of diapers.

While I love my lists - and the fulfillment I get from checking things off the list - I do want to hold my lists with hands open. God might have different plans for the next months. I don't want to become so focused on my lists that I ignore the people God has put in my life, or worse, treat those people like projects to be completed and checked off.

Read last year's post to be inspired on your lists - and gain insights from David on how to hold your lists.

Prepare - List Week - last year's Christmas Countdown

List Worksheet - a free printable


  1. That makes me laugh: "treat people like projects to be completed and checked off". I am in danger of doing that all the time...its something I have to work hard at not doing! :)

  2. I have never been a "list maker". I do keep a few mental notes of ideas and such,but I guess that when I have a thought or idea,I just focus on it until I either do it or set it aside. My husband on the other hand,makes lists all the time! I do applaud those who make lists and faithfully stick to just isn't my way. Best of luck with yours!!

  3. Great reminder - also, love how practical Ed is. Enjoy your baby, Thanksgiving and Christmas preparations!

  4. Lists, lists, lists - I live by them. I have at least 15 of them scattered around this desk; some only partial. I weed them every few days or so. I also have a trash can next to me and it is always full of old lists that didn't work out. It helps me with all the ideas I want to research for our son's illness. The illness has taught me over the years to not hold too tightly to lists or anything else, but I do find lists help me to organize my life better.

  5. That's funny....making lists was the topic on another blog I read just about the same day as yours.

    I keep a running list of items to do in a steno book. Done it that way for years...bills to pay, cards to send, store coupons to use, groceries etc. A steno book is the perfect size to always have along and handy.


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