
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Daily Prayer for Daily Needs

It is August. 

And for many of us that means more tasks to do than hours of the day. 

As one friend told me recently, "August is a tyrant. Every morning it tells me what I must do, whether peaches or tomatoes or corn."

To the gardening tasks is added school preparations, summer traveling, and all the regular laundry/cleaning/cooking - it is no wonder August is busy for a homemaker.

I've talked to some of you and heard of your burdens. Sick babies. A husband taking cancer treatments. Relationship difficulties. Church stress. Financial strain. Increasing evil in our society. 

There is much we can worry over. The future looks scary. If August is overwhelming - the next year, or ten years - can appear even worse.

But I found this quote that blessed me.

“True prayers are born of present trials and present needs. Bread for today is bread enough. Bread given for today is the strongest sort of pledge that there will be bread tomorrow. Victory today is the assurance of victory tomorrow. Our prayers need to be focused upon the present. We must trust God today, and leave the morrow entirely with Him. The present is ours; the future belongs to God. Prayer is the task and duty of each recurring day -- daily prayer for daily needs.” 
- E.M. Bounds

God provided manna for each day, but only enough for that one day. There was no need to stockpile manna for the next day. I too I can trust God for today and leave tomorrow with Him.

My worries don't help Him take better care of the future. I can read in the Bible that ultimately God will overcome. He doesn't win by a slim margin but He is total Victor. Every knee will bow before Him. No evil will stand before His power.

He gives me grace for today's task. He doesn't ask for my help for the future.

And that is hope for August.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. That quote is exactly what I needed to be reminded of today, and your thoughts blessed me as well.

  2. Thanks so much for sharing the quote! So true. I definitely needed to read it and feel like I will be coming back to read it often. I made your pizza sauce recipe today and think we will really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing it. God bless.

  3. Very true! It is hard to be faithful when the work and "worries" pile up. My grandpa always reminded us that we have no cause to his words,"It will serve you no purpose..tomorrow will come if the Lord intends,and He will be there to take care of you!". I know how busy August is! I am canning and canning some more..and our hay is being done late because of the wet summer,and on it goes. I think we all need to be reminded and refreshed when we're so busy. Thanks for the quote,it is a blessing to me and I am sure it will be to others!

  4. Such a timely post...thank you so much for writing it. Just what I needed to read today.

  5. What an encouragement Gina! It is indeed easy to become weighed down with work and worry in these busy and trying days.
    " He doesn't win by a slim margin but He is total Victor. Every knee will bow before Him. No evil will stand before His power." A battle cry for us all!

  6. With my husband dying, I can see God providing for me every day, it is scary but prayer comes easily. Even when the night trains wake me up in the night, I pray for the engineers working the late shift.

  7. EXACTLY what I needed to hear today! Thank you!

  8. Thank you so much - I needed to hear this post about living in today only. It is what God has been steering me towards in general lately.
    Jo Ann

  9. Thank you so much for this lovely post. This month has been extremely painful for me, and after reading this I felt at peace. Thank you for all you do Gina. God Bless.

  10. What a great reminder. Thank you.

  11. Thank you for such a wonderful post, it is such a busy month.

  12. Tomatoes. Yes. When I am overwhelmed by the daily canning and freezing of produce from the garden, and am tempted to whine just a little, I then think to myself, "How could I possibly complain about God's provision for us?" His blessings. Thank you for this important post. When I lay my head on the pillow tonight, I will pray for you, Gina, and for all of those who have commented before me. God is indeed our refuge and our strength.

  13. Amen to all of that! It's surely enough to get through each day, build what you can for the future, and leave the rest to God. It was in that spirit, I think, the Oliver Cromwell told the parliamentary army during the English Civil War "trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry!"

  14. Thank you for this post. I have been feeling overwhelmed with all the things to do and feeling like the deadline of "back to school" is creeping up on me much too fast. This was exactly what I needed to be reminded of today. It helps hearing that others struggle too with the demands of being a housewife. Your blog is so wonderful - I enjoy it so much. I have been reading for about two months now - it has been a true gift from the Lord to read your writings and make a connection with you.

  15. I cried reading that quote today. I'm still crying. Thank you.

    It's so hard to remember that these troubles we face, no matter what they are, are actually light and momentary. I feel broken and weak and that quote is just such a powerful reminder. Just today. Just today.


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