
Thursday, July 24, 2014


Popping in with random glimpses of our summer activities.

As usual, summer is busy. With our abundant rainfall we could be kept busy every day just pulling weeds.

But I'm thankful for a husband who has decided that sometimes we need to ignore work.

Fourth of July found us biking a short portion of the Alleghany Passage. We started at Frostburg, MD...

...and peddled to the top of the mountain at the Eastern Continental Divide.

The down-hill trip back to our van through a couple old railroad tunnels was the best part of the trip.

Ed pulled the "princess carriage" while the five year old piggy-backed on my bike with a tag-along bike.

And like many five-year-olds, she never ran out of questions or commentary on the entire fourteen-mile ride.

I have done very little bike riding in the last fifteen years. By evening I ached so badly I could barely walk. But the day ended with our van breaking down. And this was no small, simple repair. Thankfully, we were only twenty miles from home and were able to get off the interstate safely. My parents rescued us with their van so we could get home.

Other July activities...



...Where we enjoy the beauty but catch no fish.

Catching crayfish in the creek (and bringing them home to eat!)

This past weekend we attended the Berean Mennonite Bible Conference for the first time.

The campground included these cute little cabins under tall shade trees.

Thankfully it was an abnormally cool weekend for July in PA so we were able to enjoy a few days without AC.

The overflow crowd listened to the services outside. The messages and fellowship (including meeting some of you Home Joys readers!) were just the encouragement that we needed.

And always these blue eyes and smile are my joy bringer.


  1. Gotta love the summer! The bike trip looked like a lot of fun and oooooohhh! that BEAUTIFUL baby!!

  2. Oh my goodness... I haven't seen "pics" or have been to the Berean in years. In fact, I must have skimmed the line, in reading, that that's where you were... and I'm noting the pictures of "that looks like the Berean Meetings?" - sure enough.

    Just a little FYI. The Calvary Cassettes ministry that sets up there, every year and does the recordings, etc. ... they are my Aunt and Uncle/family. Eunice is my mother's sister. :)

    Have you picked up the Newest Cookbook from Bald Eagle - Homemade Goodness? It's pretty nice!! My sister has done a lot to get that going and put together.

    1. Small world....

      I haven't seen the cookbook - but I'll keep my eyes pealed for it now!

  3. That bike ride looks like so much fun!! (Altho I would def be in the "hardly able to walk" department afterward!) :) Love making memories with our little family!

  4. Love all your adventures Ms. Gina!! Thanks again for sharing!

  5. What a pleasant, restful-looking conference grounds. Is it Mennonite-owned? I'm always on the look-out for family conferences, and would love to know more about it!

    1. It was held at the Mt Zion Campground. It is not Mennonite owned. I think the church that owns it is also called Mt Zion - but I'm not sure. It is located in southern PA not far off the turnpike and I'm sure you could find information by googling.

  6. Not sure where my comment went...I wanted to say that we also really enjoy biking. We have a bike trailer and tag-a-long, too, although my husband attaches the bike trailer to the tag-a-long and pulls both! We love it! Isn't it great what options like that there are for families now days?

    1. Now that is an idea that I like! I'll have to suggest that to my husband!


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