
Monday, June 30, 2014

Morning Praise

For the last week or two, when my feet touch the floor in the morning, my first response is thankfulness.

This isn't typical. Normally I stagger out of bed thinking such things as...

"What should I make for breakfast?"

"I am so tired...why didn't I go to bed earlier?"

"I should throw a load of laundry in the washer right away."

"The baby is crying. If I get her quick, maybe she won't wake the other children."

All these are practical mundane thoughts of a mother stuck on herself and her duties. I never thought to start my morning with gratitude that I was able to rise from my bed.

Until, several weeks ago, when I sat up in bed only to drop my head back on the pillow as the room started spinning. In a few minutes I tried again, finding that I could slowly rise to standing and the dizziness departed.

But the next morning the baby woke early. I leaped from the covers only to collapse onto the floor as the floor fought with the ceiling over which would stay under my feet.

And for two weeks, though I felt great all day, each morning I had to grip the bed's headboard until my head stopped spinning. Staggering around my bedroom wasn't an encouraging way to begin my day.

I figured my dizziness was the result of low blood pressure and anemia - two problems that I typically can keep on top of. But a few months ago I had finished my iron supplements and, weary of pill popping, I had quit taking iron and my prenatal vitamins (which my mid-wife said I should be taking since I'm nursing). A few days after going back onto my iron and prenatal vitamins the dizziness disappeared.

But I haven't forgotten.

So now, every morning, when I lift my head and all is right with my world, I find my heart singing "Thank you, Lord."

And I have found that praise is a much better way to start a day than reciting the "to-do" list.

I just wish I could appreciate God's gifts before they are taken away.


  1. Thank you for the reminder! Two years ago I woke up with a similar lack of balance and dizziness - it was benign positional vertigo, and it lasted for a week or so. I'd never had anything like this before, and I was so grateful when it slowly dissipated.. This is a good reminder to praise the Lord for the ability to get up easily; each breath is a gift! - Suz

  2. Dear Gina,
    I have been reading your blog for awhile, and I have received encouragement here in my journey as a mother and a Christian. Please pop by my blog sometime, I hope I can offer you the same encouragement. God is good. The things we take for granted are the things we should most praise him for, but it is not always easy-- I know !

  3. I am 58 and am still having to be reminded to be grateful first, I have decided to just give thanks that God does not get too tired of my ingratitude and he still sends me the little reminders! (although once in awhile the reminders are a little painful - sigh - I really can't complain!)

  4. Some years ago (before menopause) I experienced terrible fatigue and heavy periods. I found that my hemoglobin was 6.5. It happened so gradually, I just got used to living with low energy. ( I was a great ice-chewer, and didn't realize at the time that an urge to chew ice was a symptom of anemia!) The iron made a BIG difference for me. I'm glad you are back on your feet. I'll pray for continued strength for you.

  5. Just a note to let you know how inspired I am by your life and family.
    I did not grow up in the kind of environment your loving family is nurtured in. Your children will truly call you blessed.
    I wish I had had, the example of your family, when I was raising my own children.
    I hope the new mothers in your social circles will take advantage of the learning experiences they can glean, just from watching and learning from you and your wonderful extended family. You are truly above rubies.
    God bless,
    Debbie, in California

  6. I try to never forget the long list of reasons to be grateful, sometimes when I am in the throes of yet another sciatica attack it is harder. Even when doped up with painkillers I have so much to thank God for.

  7. I like this! So thankful your frightening "problem" was so easily solved, and you are enjoying good health. I too often wake up reciting task lists or self-rebukes; thanks for the encouragement to refocus.

  8. Thank-you for this reminder, I needed it.
    Glad you are feeling better.

  9. I too can struggle with feeling a bit cranky when the alarm goes :) A good reminder!

  10. Oh Gina, I know exactly how you feel/felt. It's absolutely awful. I am expecting our 2nd child in a week, but 4 months ago I had a virus attack my inner ear, resulting in dizziness, vomiting & losing my sense of balance. I ended up in the hospital for a week & I wasn't able to walk for a week & a half w/out help. It took 3 1/2 months for me not to be dizzy anymore. Thank God for family & church family. God is faithful. I like to "check up" on your blog & see what your cooking & growing. Glad your better!

    1. Kim -
      That sounds rough! I hope you continue to feel well - and will be holding that precious baby soon!


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