
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blog Anniversary Giveaway - Give Thanks from Vision Quartet


The first giveaway is a cd entitled Give Thanks by the Vision Quartet.

This recording was made last year by a young man from our church and three of his friends. Most of the songs are about gratefulness and the words of these songs have blessed me repeatedly this past year. My children loved this recording and often turned it on just when I needed the reminder to lift my mind past my duties and on to the Lord.

This recording is male quartet music sung a capella. I love their tight harmony. You can go to the Vision Quartet website to listen to excerps from each song.

To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment with your email address and share how the Lord is teaching you gratefulness this year. I'll draw one name to receive a free cd.

Giveaway is open for one week and is for US residents. Winner chosen by


  1. Practicing gratefulness is an area the Lord has been teaching me in the last year or so. I found myself disgusted with my children's ungratefulness (turned up noses at meal time, whining about washing dishes and other chores, etc.) and quickly reminded them of their blessings and the ingratitude of their behavior. I came to realize that quite possibly I haven't been modeling gratitude and my action are "caught" rather than my words. Through my children the Lord is teaching me how disgusting my ingratitude is to Him.
    I listened to snippets of the songs on the CD. Some of my favorites!
    lindastoltzfus at gmail dot com

  2. Learning to be grateful for all the moments with my little ones. They are soon memories.

  3. We are very grateful this year for many blessings to our family. Our daughter had surgery for possible cancer and the growth turned out to be benign. Her husband was recently given the offer of a new job which we have been praying for for several years. Another daughter is expecting a new baby early next year. We are truly blessed and grateful for the Lord's leading and provision.

  4. Hello, Gina - - You're a lovely person to celebrate your anniversary by giving gifts to others, especially after all the gifts you've given us by way of your blog. May God bless and keep your family and you.
    (signed) Rani
    moonrani1 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. A big challenge for me is to not be "circumstantially thankful" - thankful when things go as I wish, but grumpy when they don't. It's sobering to realize that one of the first steps away from God is an unthankful spirit. I have lots of room to grow - but am so thankful for God's patient leading in my life!

    - Mary Beth Martin

  6. I'm learning gratefulness through my baby, who after 6 years of hoping for, finally came!

    seattlepiglet (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. Learning to be grateful in the small things. Learning to be grateful in the hard things. Learning to be grateful in the mundane day-to-day with my littles. :)

  8. I am grateful for my husband of 35 years. It is hard to be an empty nester Mom when all of your children live far away. My husband always shows me his appreciation for me and encourages visits to the kids whenever possible.

  9. The Lord is teaching me to be grateful in all circumstances, not just when things are going well.
    kookinkris at gmail dot com

  10. I'm learning to be grateful through/for difficulties along this journey of life. God's GRACE is sufficient!!!

  11. I have learned to be grateful through trusting in the lord. I think it has been a much needed lesson this year that I am not in control. I am grateful for that and I will continue to do the best I can.

  12. He has given me another day....

  13. God is teaching me to be grateful through all circumstances. He is truly good and there is always always something to be thankful for. Dorcas

  14. Gratefulness for the talents God has blessed me with, and not wishing for others gifts....wasn't I trying to learn this last year at this time, too??? Thank you for sharing, Gina! Happy blog anniversary! :-)

    ~eunice b
    tigergal01 @gmail .com

  15. Learning to be grateful is something we learn all through life. I a
    am especially grateful for the relationships we have with our children. Our first one will get married on Saturday, and I am so grateful we are good friends!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Being grateful is something the Lord is showing me I need to improve on. Its so easy to grumble and complain. I am amazed at the difference in my attitude toward life when I practice gratefulness. I find too that it helps me alot to write down my gifts. I can go back and see that God was there and was faithful to me. God is good and we are a blessed family. Would love to listen to this cd.
    Karisa Hochstetler

  18. Thank you for the chance to share! Last spring at about the time my husband lost a promotion again, my eldest son was failing Algebra 2, and the snow would not stop falling here in Minnesota, we found out that the little spots of mildew in our home were actually something called black mold. It is a toxic, health stealing problem that was apparently hiding unseen, in large quantities inside our walls. It was making us sick, irritable, slowly and quietly causing major health problems. We felt overwhelmed, and forgotten. We were however faithful to God and begged His provision. Although we have had to move from our home and leave tons behind to go to the dump, we have been given a house to rent, food on our table, the promotion and even another try at that Algebra class. We are getting back to healthy and all of us are safe. I learned true gratefulness this year. 'O' LORD, Our Sovereign, How Majestic is your Name!'

  19. I don't know why God chose to let me have a happy childhood and a wonderful marriage when many do not have that privilege. God recently let me hear someone's story who is an abuse survivor and her gratefulness to God for being there when the hard things happened. She has taught me that gratitude will happen when we are able to give our pain to our Father in Heaven.

  20. Hello Gina, I have enjoyed reading your blog which I receive in my email most every day. I have been working with three ladies this year who are plagued with mental illnesses. I am so grateful to the Lord that He has first of all given me the opportunity to have had Bible studies with two of them and bring the third with me to church each week. It has made me so grateful for the sound mind God has gifted me and the peace he promises when our mind is stayed on Him. I am grateful for many things including a wonderful husband and two lovely daughters and two handsome grandsons.

  21. I am fairly new following your blog. I appreciate your efforts in passing on to us things you have learned. God's blessings to you! I am grateful to God for what all He has done for me. I have learned a lot through the past couple years on trusting in Him. I am grateful for the path Ge has led me on. I've dealt a lot with anxiety with Lyme. God is good all the time!

  22. Recently God allowed me to come to the end of myself so I turn to Him more fully. Casting myself onto Him helps cultivate gratitude, although it is still a battle!! I love listening to uplifting, soul-feeding music and would love this CD. :) My email address is wesnkaren(at)gmail(dot)com

  23. What a lovely way to celebrate your blog anniversary, Gina! God is teaching me gratefulness every day. Even in the hardest of circumstances I face, He is always with me, and that is such an amazing blessing that I can't help but be grateful. I'm also thankful that even though we've faced some difficulties and are still in the midst of some, our difficulties pale in comparison with those who've endured really hard times.
    mrs_tnh (at) yahoo (dot) com

  24. ^^^^ O yes, wanted to add, I'm outside the US but have an American mailing address as well. I don't know if that's "legal". :) - Karen

  25. hi Gina I love your blog. I find gratefulness in my family and all the little things God has blessed us with. If I don't win could you please post where we can buy this CD I would love to add it to my collection Thanks Thank you again

  26. I'm thankful for my family; w/ three boys four and under, some days I feel rather frazzled, but they are a huge blessing! The cd looks great! eheatwole07atgmaildotcom

  27. Thank you, Gina for the giveaway! I want to learn to be more thankful for small things.
    Bnlmartin08 @

  28. Hi Gina.
    I especially enjoy your posts knowing that you are a very dear friend of our beloved DIL. God bless you. My first thought when I saw the CD was David Eby. :)

  29. I love reading your blog and I am thankful that people like you will share His word by the way they live. Thanks again.

  30. My husband was furloughed this summer due to budget cuts, and again this month due to government shut down. Through it all, we were always able to pay our bills, and we always had food on the table. The food part largely due to good friends who farm. We were gifted lots and lots of produce from friends who farm and frequently filled my trunk with seconds. The kids might have tired of zucchini and watermelon, but we were always thankful for the Lord's bounty!

  31. Life is much more pleasant when I am glad for what I have, instead of griping about what I don't!!!!
    I want my heart and testimony to be all about what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do!!!! Praise the Lord for His showers of blessings!!! May we open our hearts to receive His love and grace!!! He is a good Father and wants to bless us even when those blessings seem hard!!!

    The Lord has given me so much and has done so much for me!!!!
    I want my life to be a reflection of that truth!!!!

  33. I thoroughly enjoy listening to acapella male quartets, and GRATEFULNESS is definitely something I need more of!

  34. Ann Voskamp's book has impacted my life... I try to write down my list of gifts, but it doesn't happen nearly as often as I wish. Sometimes in our morning homeschool Bible time, we go around the room saying things we're thankful for. My children love it, and I'm hoping that it's helping them to learn grateful ness. Thanks for this giveaway!

  35. I'm been so grateful to God for allowing me to grow up in a Christian home even tho it wasn't perfect. I read several books lately about girls and the awful home life they had and it just made me appreciate me parents and how they raised me, also given a new desire to raise my family for God.

  36. I am overflowing with gratefulness for God's grace and mercy to me. He has taken me through some hard places, peeling away layers of who I really am, and showing me what He wants me to be. I am overwhelmed with His love!

    1. My opinion exactly. Ive head a lot of change, hardship, and growth lately, so its amazing to be able to reconize all the blessing that overcomes.
      There is so much to be gratefull for.

  37. The Lord has really been working in my life and those around me. This Spring my Mom nearly died from an infection and was hospitalized 6 times. During this time we found out my Dad has Mesothelioma and was given 2 to 12 months to live. That was in April and May. God has blessed our life in so many ways and taught us so much about gratefulness. All the sharing and pulling together and the little surprises brought our way and in other's lives around us are so awesome. We are so grateful for each day we have left and how it has brought everyone around us closer to our Lord. Thanks for the giveaway.

  38. I've come to love your blog, with all your practical tips and also the joy I see in you as your serve your little family! Being grateful has been a motto and goal in my life recently. Going through some hard things, it's easy to focus on the negative, but I've found the power of thanking God for every little thing, along with the big! We are SO blessed!

  39. thankfulness...what a life-changer! as we truly practice thanksgiving, God can & will work in our lives in a powerful way. i still feel like i'm learning this lesson, but i'm enjoying the journey! btw, i agree, gina; these guys have beautiful harmony! ~joanna

  40. There is so much I am thankful/grateful for this year! We recently took a trip to Nicaragua and saw how others are so happy and generous even when they have so little. I also saw the destruction of unforgiveness. What a blessing to have Christian family and friends! Sheldene

  41. I am so grateful for God's gift of salvation. So grateful for my family and the joy my grandchildren give me. Thankful for the beautiful October weather. Thank you for your writings! Debbie

  42. Although our year was filled with many changes; a move, a new job, adjusting to life off the farm, accepting an unexpected pregancy and just in the past two week finding out my Mother in law has a cancerous brain tumor, but through it all God has blessed us for which I am grateful for.

  43. I am so grateful because God has shown mercy on me - a sinner saved by grace. We have had a rough year losing my brother unexpectely - but God's grace has sustained our family and for that we are ever so grateful. Cindy (

  44. Gratefulness is a choice. The summer started with a pregnancy loss. We choose to travel out of state twice making many memories to cherish that would not have been possible due too inevitable bed rest. Melanie2315 at gmail dot com

  45. Just today I found myself thanking God for health and safety on the roads on a trip... Things I too often take for granted; sometimes they have to be temporarily taken away before I remember that they are not a "given," and to be actively grateful!

  46. For over a year I have been in a family situation where I had to be shown I couldn't fix it, and in fact all I have to hold on to is God. My husband is wonderful about being there to remind me to keep God the center of everything.

  47. Gratefulness does not depend on how much I have or the situation I'm in. Gratefulness is choosing to appreciate the things I do have and remembering that God is in control and has a plan in spite of what I think are negative circumstances. Lanita

  48. I'm especially thankful for friends and family.

  49. this year I have been dealing with a lot pain due to fibromyalgia. I am learning to be grateful for the good days and also realizing that pain can be a pathway to fellowship with Jesus.....He suffered intense pain for my salvation! Regina

  50. I'm thankful for the gift of health to serve my family. My family loves to sing, and would be thrilled to have another CD. Thanks for blessing someone's life in that way.

  51. I'm grateful for the gift of health to serve my family. My family enjoys singing, and would be delighted to receive a CD.

  52. God is teaching me gratefulness this coming winter by giving us the gift of our 10th child. Our whole family feels very blessed by this wonderful gift from Him! Thank you for the opportunity to win the CD you are offering!

  53. This year has been a tough year for me, and I cant really pinpoint why. Depression has been nipping at my heels quite often and discontent seems to have settled like a fog. I prayed that we would be able to move from our small apartment, but God has other plans. (evidently our next home isnt ready for us) So lately I have made it a point to be thankful for where we are (which is big enough for now) and pray to be content with what we have, becausebwe dont have room for anything else anyway. :-). Hubby and I are always looking for new Christian music and we both enjoy acapella. I would very much like to win this CD! Thank you for making it possible for someone to be blessed!


  54. Learning to count my blessings, no matter what trial is in front of me. There is always joy to be found in Him. markandannieholt at gmail dot com. Thank YOU Gina.

  55. The past two years have been very difficult since my mother was diagnosed with Dementia. This year, however, she has taken a disintegrating turn for the worse. Just this morning I was awakened by a phone call at 1:00 am. Her husband had to call me to come calm her down. She has had to be on several medications because of her mood swings and hostility. It has been very hard to watch "my mother" slip away right before my eyes. On my way back home at 3:30 am, I had to ask God to forgive me for my ungratefulness in this situation with my mom. Every day is challenging but every day God has given me strength to carry on. He is a faithful God and He has never failed me in anything I've had to face. I know in my heart God will be with me, guiding me, instructing me daily how to handle each challenge I face in caring for my mom.
    I am reminded in His Word; “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you”, 1Thessalonians 5:18 KJV. That is speaking to us as individuals to “Give Thanks” in “Everything”. Much of the time I fail miserably but I am a work in progress and I want to be “Grateful in ALL Things” and be found pleasing my Lord.

  56. I find I become ungrateful when I allow myself to be critical. When I humble myself and reconcile I find a new gratefulness to God and others.

  57. God is teaching me to be thankful for the little things as well as the big things.

  58. This morning I am thankful for Jesus and his love in saving me a wretched sinner so that I can have a clean heart and be totally acceptable in his sight. PTL! ms.stoltzfus at gmail dot com

  59. Wow. Just by reading all the comments above I feel more grateful. So many of us our going through some really tough times and are facing heavy things. I am grateful every morning that I wake that I have another day here with my husband and children. The Lord is constantly showing me that no matter the situation I am in and the trials I am facing, that He is with me always.
    I clicked on the link for the cd and my littles loved it! My email is Blessings! Jamie

  60. For life and health and a wonderful family and hubby to care for, my thanks knows no bounds! Enjoy your blog so much.

  61. I have had good health and my family always benefits from a happy healthy mom and wife. Please enter me in the giveaway! plainlady4jc@gmail*com

  62. I've been learning that in order for my children to be grateful in life I am the first to be an example to them. I feel like I have a lot to learn in showing more gratitude in my life. (

  63. We have been learning how blessed we are by doing more mission work. It is truly amazing how we have so much. A warm home, clothes and food are real blessings and not to be taken lightly. May I always be grateful for what he has bestowed on me.

  64. I am grateful for the Lord's graciousness in allowing us to pass the date in this pregnancy (today) where we delivered our stillborn daughter in early 2012. I am grateful for the prayers of our son who faithfully prayed for a sibling. I am grateful for people who pray for us as we came to this week in the pregnancy when thoughts come flooding back and who have already covered this birthday in prayer. May I be a faithful mom to teach this child to be grateful too. hallfam805 at juno dot com L. Hall

  65. I'd love to win, but even if I don't, I needed the reminder on gratefulness! We are SO BLESSED and I often take these gifts for granted. Thank you!

  66. I'd love to win; please enter me in your drawing.
    Thank you!


  67. I am challenged through my children to practice gratefulness out loud. How will they learn gratefulness if they don't hear it.


  68. This group was at our church, but we could not make it. Heard they are really good. Would love to have a CD.

  69. I am grateful for a church body that works together in many beautiful ways.

  70. Would love to win this CD. I am learning to be thankful for each moment that I am blessed with. Not always easy with 2 little boys! : )

  71. We are raising the daughter of single mom and it has been a very stretching year to say the least. From reading others stories in the same shoes I am grateful she doesn't have worse issues to work through. Some days are just crazy though. Music is always helpful.

  72. Right now I am very grateful for the precious son we were blessed with in June. We thought we had lost him at 12 weeks and continue to praise God for such a special gift.

  73. I forgot to add my e-mail address joshnikki96@gmavtdotnet

  74. I am learning to be more grateful by focusing on what is good and positive in my life rather than the negative. I have to constantly pull my thoughts back to what is good. I want so much to develop a heart of gratitude.

  75. Ooops, I almost forgot to enter this one! The CD sounds wonderful. This year I have been reminded over and over to treasure and be grateful for the precious moments with my family--and the sweet memories we are making. Back in the summer I read "Choosing Gratitude" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and it was SO good . . . definitely one I plan to re-read. I have also enjoyed "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. I love how God uses His word, as well as other books, in our lives. :) Congrats on your "blog-a-versary!"

    My email is jimandcarrie99 AT gmail DOT com.

  76. Stop by on this blogpost to reat great blog contest.
    I can't join it but good luck everyone :)

  77. I am learning to be grateful through, of course, TRIAL! : ) As I face what I perceive as imperfection and frustration in every area of life, I am constantly reminded of the verse that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. the whole book is not written for me: God sees the bigger picture and he is working things out for my good, my growth, and His glory. I do have so much to be thankful for. He has given me a good life.


I love to hear from you.