
Friday, September 6, 2013

Potato Digging


We finished harvesting our potatoes this week.

A real treasure hunt!

And when the potatoes are this plentiful and beautiful - what fun!

One of the children took the camera and stole this picture of me. Five months pregnant and packing on more pounds than with any of my other babies! I'm hoping it is because of all the good seasonal eating I've been doing and that fall weather will slow it down! (And just so you know - Ed did most of the digging on an evening that the camera was not in the garden!)

Our final result was six bushels of potatoes. And many of them were huge.

With our potatoes rough start with the cold weather in May, I never expected this abundance.

Thank you Lord.


  1. That looks like a terrific potatoe harvest! I recently discovered your blog while looking for sourdough bread recipes, and have really enjoyed your blog. : )

  2. Love your little guys hat :) Potatoes look wonderful

  3. Your babies are beautiful! And an awesome harvest! Our regular potatoes didn't do too well, but our red potatoes are fun to harvest!

  4. We grow a red potato here in Texas. What kind is yours and why did you choose it? Would you ever grow more than one kind? I love potato digging; brings out the little girl in me.

    1. We planted Kennebec potatoes. We sometimes plant some red ones just for early eating but they don't store as well here.

  5. Our potato harvest was so amazing! They looked a lot like yours! We planted 3 kinds: Red Norland, Yukon Gold, and Kennebec. The first 2 did well, but the Kennebec were the super sized ones. I think it was all the rain, don't you?

    1. We planted Kennebec too. And I am guessing too it was the abundant rain.

  6. Are there any twins in your families, Gina?
    - - Philippa

  7. How wonderful to get so many! May I ask how do you store your potatoes through the winter and how long will that many last for your family? I am trying to figure out how many to grow here. Thanks!

    1. Good question...and one we don't have figured out. This amount would last most of the winter for us, I think, if we had a good place to store them. Our basement is too warm to keep potatoes well so they start to sprout and wrinkle mid-winter. I'd love to have a true root cellar. Usually we don't have many potatoes to worry about storing.

  8. Hello Gina, We also have gotten a big potato crop this year!
    Our God does want to bless us with His provisions. I think you look very sweet working along side your children.
    I took the time this morning to start a new batch of Vanilla for baking and gifts that will be here soon. My girlfriend just got back from Alaska and she brought me back a dry package of sourdough starter. Sending a big hello your way hope you're feeling well!
    Blessings, Roxy

  9. Oh how nice, glad you had a good crop!

  10. Wow what a great harvest! Our potato harvest was a disappointment but that was God's will.Then just this week the Lord gave us 50# of potatoes (a friend called and asked me if I wanted them) so we've been enjoying them.God is good and we still haven't had to purchase potatoes nor will we for the foreseeable future! Blessings to you!

  11. Beautiful! I have not had success growing potatoes. They are always small and full of ant holes.

  12. Wonderful harvest! I have fond memories of digging potatoes as a girl.

    Have you ever canned any? I can't seem to store them well long term (in coastal NC) but I can them and use them all winter long.

    1. If we get a lot of small potatoes, I do can some. But I prefer them uncanned, though they do make a quick meal since they are already cooked!

  13. that first photo is just precious.

  14. wonderful harvest, I am hoping our potatoes will do better then our garden. love the photo's....


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