
Wednesday, August 21, 2013



my tomatoes are beginning to ripen. I thought they would never start. I'm guessing that between my late planting and our cooler-than-usual summer has held them back.

Most of my tomatoes plants produce a small paste type tomato but my mother-in-law gave me three tomato plants. I don't know what kind they are. Two produce a normal round tomato of average size. But the third is giving us whoppers!

This tomato weighed in at 2 lb 13 oz - nearly three pounds! Some of these tomatoes are starting to split a little (maybe from our rains?) but still very nice. It doesn't take long for tomatoes this size to fill a bowl! Too bad I have no idea what variety it is.

Are you picking tomatoes?


  1. Goodness, Gina! That is one great big mater you've got there! I need lessons! :)

  2. Wow, maybe you should try to find out what they are. It certainly is big. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  3. They could be brandywine or brandy boy. I always plant one of these because they produce very huge meaty tomatoes. Some of ours this year must of been around 4 lbs. each. They were huge.

  4. Mine are very small this year, I got some Cherokee ones that are almost green to black on top. They have good flavor, but as I said, not very large, maybe 2 1/2" across. I purchased tomatoes from a local vendor. I am working on canning my 3rd box. I'm very thankful for these. It was not a good year here because of all the rain we had. It was a blessing to me to be able to buy some.

  5. Those look very similar to the Brandywine that we plant. Especially when you mentioned the splitting on top. They are an heirloom variety and produce BIG tomatoes.

  6. That looks like a German Johnson tomato. They are an heirloom and they do tend to split.

  7. This is my first year planting anything so I don't have a point of reference. I will say that my cherry tomatoes seemed to take FOREVER to ripen! Maybe it is because we have had a much cooler summer than anticipated. Perhaps it's because I didn't water as much as I should have. We saw the tomatoes for what seemed like weeks and weeks before they started to turn. Now it's been 2 or 3 weeks since the first ones started and we are getting 7 or 8 every other day (or so). But I'm not complaining, since I am happy they actually grew and produced! :)

    (by the by, that tomato looks yummy!) :)

  8. My friend Myrna's husband, Ray, gardens and he has a plant that is doing this too, huge tomatoes. She brought it to bible study to show and tell us about his garden... gave each of us an onion that 'will not keep'. I made paper eyes for it so the big tomato could watch us!

  9. I was also going to say they look like heirloom tomatoes-Brandywines. They get big! They are so good. Once you have those its hard to go back to eating others.
    Laura C

  10. That is one big tomatoe !!! It looks fantastic.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. My larger tomatoes haven't started to ripen yet, but I've gotten a number of little cherry tomatoes. We've had a cooler summer up here in Saskatchewan as well, but it's been much hotter the last two weeks so that should help.
    Here's to excellent tomatoes!


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