
Tuesday, July 2, 2013 you

Thank you so much for your well wishes and prayers. I was thinking this afternoon of how much you all have blessed my life. Thank you so much for your friendship and notes of encouragement.

As you all probably guessed, the last month has been a little crazy. Some of it I've already mentioned here, such as my daughter's eye injury. Thankfully she has had complete healing. The last time we visited the eye doctor, her vision was 20/20 - in both eyes! We are so thankful. And I was glad to hear that we didn't need to visit the eye doctor again for a month. I was a little weary of the trip - and the city traffic! There is a possibility that the scar tissue on her eye could some day distort her vision and cause her to need glasses in the future but we are thanking the Lord that it wasn't any worse.

And yes, you all guessed correctly that we are anticipating another baby to join our family. Our children think that January is much too long to wait! This pregnancy is a much anticipated answer to prayer - though I feel a little guilty being so happy - when I know that so many of you would love to have even one child. My relatively short brush with infertility has given me a tender heart toward all of you who look at the expectant bloom of motherhood with your own empty arms. If I could, I wrap all of you in a big hug and cry with you. I'm crying just typing this. I pray that the Lord will give you a special comfort today.

The month of June held several reminders of the preciousness of life and the hope found in Jesus' resurrection power. Our church family experienced three funerals within two weeks. Two were elderly ladies who had run the race of life well and were ready to leave the suffering of their frail bodies to experience the joys of God's presence.

But the other was a tiny baby, only 5 oz., a stillborn who had never experienced any of the joys or sorrows of this world. I stood at her graveside, looking at her tiny little hand prints, my heart breaking for the grief of her parents, and all the other parents who have mourned the fleeting life of their babies. I thought of how God says He knows us by name even when we are being formed in the womb (Is 49:1) and I know that not only can He carry us through our grief, He can care for our babies also. But oh how we ache for the loss of dreams and memories.

So between camping, family trips, picnics, and funerals, with fatigue sapping my energy and stealing my brain cells, I haven't felt much like writing recently. I am thankful I have felt well (I don't know what morning sickness is) but many days I am bone weary. I am hoping for a second wind in the second trimester but I remember how busy, and tiring, summer can be.

Thanks again for your love and concern for our family.


  1. You have been blessedly busy for sure...

  2. dear Gina, congratulations on your pregnancy! I wish you well. What a tender time, as you observe death and yet feel life within you. . . God bless you, and your family, as you wait.

  3. What a wonderful little miracle you will be welcoming soon. Although I don't know you personally, it sounds as though you have a tender heart for the suffering of others. May God continue to bless you with good health for both you and the baby.

  4. My youngest is also four....and I am pregnant and due in January. Exciting times to be sure!!! Thankfulness and then also sadness for those who lose loved the last week ,a baby that died two weeks before it was due and a mom with 5 children and the oldest is 13.

  5. Do pace yourself and get help when you need it.
    I sat crying about the tiny baby but know in heaven
    there will be reuniting.

  6. Gina, this last month sounds crazy to you! I am in deep sorrow to hear about the lost ones. I continue to pray blessings towards you and your family; that He will bless you according to His will, and He will bless you and your baby with good health.


  7. Oh, Gina, I am so happy for all of you! What a wonderful blessing! And thank you for sharing your tender-hearted thoughts on beginning and ending of life. It is bittersweet when the elderly go, and heartbreaking when the young leave us to be with the Lord. A loving, supportive community is so important during these times.

  8. Gina, Your easy to love and support :) Your so real and genuine. Like a breath of fresh air. I feel tired with this heat, and my three grandsons live right next door. So I am a busy Grandma. Enjoy! And rest in Him...
    Blessings, Roxy

  9. So happy for you! Praise the Lord Jesus!!

  10. I am so happy for you and your family - I have truly enjoyed reading your blog. In each experience, you have such love, compassion, and honesty. It's beautiful. I pray you can enjoy summer despite weariness and take joy in the beauty of nature and your growing family.

  11. Praise the Lord indeed that all was well! I love your blog. I stole your post that you got from a friend about making your home a was perfect for me at the time. I copied and sent it to her, I loved it. Glad all is much better!!

  12. So happy for you, Gina, and your family! Especially about your daughter's eyesight - what a scary thing! Glad the Lord is seeing you through that and has blessed her sight.

  13. I guess you must be over the nausea stage, and into the more energy stage by now. We had nine children and each one of them brought so many blessings! I truly think children are a precious gift from God, and marvel that many so called Christians don't seem to agree! We are thoroughly enjoying the addition of grandchildren, now.


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