
Friday, June 1, 2012

How To Make Your Own Baking Powder

One of my bizarre "make-it-myself" items is baking powder.

I say bizarre because it may sound like a futile act. What value is there in mixing up baking powder?

I've heard that making your own baking powder is cheaper than buying aluminum-free baking powder, but I've never figured it out myself.

I started mixing up my own baking powder when I was given a large container of cream of tartar and didn't know what to do with it.

That container of cream of tartar is used up now but I continue to mix up my own baking powder. I like that I can mix up as small or large as amount as I wish so that my baking powder always stays fresh. I buy cream of tartar at my bulk food store. I keep a slip of paper with the ratio in the cream of tartar container so that I can mix up a new batch in minutes.

The ratio for baking powder is -

1 baking soda to 1 cornstarch to 2 cream of tarter

Mix together whatever amount you wish. You can use teaspoons, tablespoons, or cups. Mix well and seal in air tight container. I use an old baking powder container for ease of measuring.

What is the most bizarre item that you make yourself?


  1. Homemade baking powder? That's a first for me, but I'm going to try it! We go through SO MUCH baking powder and I'd be tickled to find a way to do it cheaper!!!! Thanks so much for sharing this! I found your blog recently through my cousin's wife, and have been so blessed, inspired, and encouraged! Blessings!!!

  2. The most bizarre thing I make myself is probably pan spread. I got the "recipe" from an old Spry (a type of shortening) cookbook. You mix equal parts of shortening, cooking oil, and flour (I use my mixer) and then use this to grease and flour baking pans in one fell swoop. I store this in a small Tupperware container in the refrigerator.

    1. That is a new idea to me! Sounds like a good one though!

  3. Amazing! I have never heard of making my own baking powder but I want to give it a try. Thanks for sharing. God bless.

  4. I had no idea there was aluminium in baking powder - I am off to check our UK brand now. Lily. xxx

  5. Probably laundry soap unless you count the baking soda shampoo I use at times or the homemade air freshener I tried once (that was a huge fail)! I will try my hand at making almost anything!:-)

    I am looking into making my own deodorant though!

    1. There are a few things that I've been embarrassed to admit online that I've used. Yes, baking soda shampoo and homemade deodorant are included!

  6. i had no idea you could make your own baking powder!!! I will be trying this. The most bizarre thing I make is...well my face wash. It's a combo of castor oil and olive oil. I guess it's only bizarre b/c most people don't wash their face with oil. =) Thank you for sharing your baking soda formula!

    1. I'm trying to imagine how your old works as a wash!

  7. I tried making deodorant but did not like it. I like to make my own chap stick.

    1. Homemade chapstick! That is something I want to try someday! Do you share your recipe?

  8. This is a wonderful idea, I will have to pass it on to my wife, Anne will love this, thank you Gina!

  9. haha, I had no idea! I mix up detangler for my girl and keep refilling the spray bottle - that's not too odd, is it? I make lots of things because I like projects.

    1. Margo -
      You make detangler? I need to try that!

  10. I make baking powder too; my recipe is 2 parts arrowroot powder, 2 parts cream of tartar, 1 part baking soda. (I think this is a recipe for those who are sensitive to corn or grain. I got it from my endometriosis cookbook.)

  11. This is wonderful! I try to make everything I can from scratch. I don't know if any of it is strange, but it is fun!


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