
Monday, June 18, 2012

A Child to Call My Own

Many women have known the heartbreaking reality of infertility and miscarriage. To some, God opens the miraculous door of adoption.

A Child to Call My Own is a brand new book to share inspiration on the journey of infertility and adoption. Three adoptive moms, Marilyn Wiens, Kaylene Hartzler, and Yalonda Horst banded together to compile this book and they generously offered me a review copy.

I surprised by the size. I wasn't expecting a 300+ page book. Over 30 women shared from their heart the grief and joys on the road to adoption. Within the first few pages, I was sharing their tears and hopes on their journey.

Most of the devotionals are one page in length. Each page includes a Scripture to read and a hymn. Many of the words of the hymns ministered to me - and I'm not even an adoptive mom. In fact many of the lessons in the book on waiting on God's timing, giving up my dreams, trusting His leading, and surrendering my will are lessons all of us face in some area of life, whether in singleness, illness, or death.

Intertwined throughout A Child to Call My Own is the precious value of children, the marvelous gift of life, and God's love for the helpless and orphans. I was reminded again and again of the wonder that God adopted me into the family of God.

Though we have never considered adoption, reading the book helped me know how to give support to friends who are on the adoption journey. The authors of the book are Mennonite women who are part of churches where children and large families are valued highly.

The book is divided into sections covering infertility, the first dreams of adoption, the waiting, and the joy of "a child to call my own."

Whether you have experienced the sorrow of infertility and the joys of adoption - or just want to know more about it, I recommend A Child to Call My Own.

To purchase contact:
US contact -- Kaylene 478.357.2436
Canada contact -- Marilyn 604.794.5832
Wholesale prices and volume discount prices available


  1. I have been truly blessed. My daughters are adopted and the light of my life. Despite the fact they have been with me over a decade now I still find myself amazed that they are actually here sometimes. God has been so good to me!

  2. I will always bless the parents who took 'this stranger' in and raised me as their daughter.
    God bless.

  3. Awesome ,this is a subject that is very near and dear to my heart! We have a heartbreaking failed adoption, and just recently just shut the door. SO it is a time of grieving and moving on to the next chapter. However I am so supportive of adoption and love to hear stories. It is truly a system that needs fixing especially the foster care county system. Bless you for sharing, Gina

  4. As someone who looked forward to children while growing up, only to find out we probably wont have any (possible, but not probable), this subject is very near to my heart. Unless He intervenes here on earth, I am waiting for Heaven where maybe there will be a baby or two (or 10 or 30) for me to love and be Mama to. Thank you for sharing that we are not alone in these heartrending feelings, that there are others who have gone through it as well, and whether they have been brought through the situation or are still waiting for an answer, there is One who walks with us no matter what. We thank Him for the good days and run to Him when the bad days come.. it is hard to trust sometimes, but He is always faithful.


  5. Hello! I was happy to run across your post on this wonderful book. Recently I, too, received a copy and wanted to write a post on my blog about it. I wondered if I might have your permission to borrow your photo of the book and link to your post as well? I can be reached at miesperanza3 (at) hotmail (dot) com ... Thanks so much, and God bless!


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