
Monday, March 12, 2012

A Day Later

Maybe I should add a footnote to the garden planting post.

On Sunday morning, every leg muscle screamed. Walking up steps or kneeling to put shoes on a child was agony. I knew I had not got out much this winter, but I didn't expect it to be this bad.

So take a tip from me on what NOT to do.

Start your spring work gradually. Don't overdue it on your first day out.

And stock up on Motrin.


  1. I love it!! Not that you are in pain, but that you're human. :-). I hope your muscles acclimate quickly today, and that the motrin will help!

  2. Sorry if this is a duplicate comment - I keep getting an error message.

    I had to giggle at your post today. Motrin? I think I need some of that. My husband keeps us busy on the weekends with one project or another (no garden though. We still lack finishing our "shop" - which I am sure we'll start back up on this month. I get so sore from actual physical labor over the weekends, that it's a blessing to come to work on Monday's becasue I sit all day!


  3. I'm so jealous that you can get in the garden already. We're still buried in snow and the last frost isn't until the end of May. With the mild winter, I'm hoping we'll have an early spring though and I'll get some seeds in early than usual. Some fresh green by May would be so lovely!

  4. I know exactly how you feel. We worked in the yard this Saturday. When I woke up on Sunday morning my knees and back were killing me. My walk into church was alot slower than usual.

  5. I agree. I just did a little today. Fortunately we will have 70 degree weather all week so I may do a little each day.

  6. My husband and I put in 25 man hours between what we did on Saturday and what we did on Monday in yard and garden. Ouch! My Tylenol bottle is close at hand at all times. But, what fun we had!

  7. you need a vinegar bath! soak in - 2 cups vinegar added to the very hot water works amazing wonders on sore muscles or if you know your going to be sore after hard work. - jan

  8. This is cute- thanks for the reminder! :-)

  9. It was so nice here yesterday and today that we did some cleaning up outside and of course running around/playing with the children...and yes I was sore as well! I kept telling myself that it is good for me to get going once:)

  10. I know exactly what you mean. I think we all have been there at one time or another. I hope you are feeling less sore now. Enjoy your day and God bless.


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