
Monday, February 13, 2012

Sourdough Potato Bread

I have learned so much from you readers. While I've adjusted and came up with a few new recipes myself, I've never taken a yeast bread and adapted it to sourdough.

But one reader took my potato yeast bread and turned it to a sourdough bread and found a real winner!

We love this sourdough potato bread. The potatoes takes a little more time but adds softness to the bread. This recipe also contains an egg so it is a little richer then the Whole Wheat Sourdough. If you have struggled to make 100% whole wheat sourdough, try this recipe. It also give the option for some dough enhancers.

Sourdough Potato Bread

Makes 3 loaves or many rolls

2 cups active sourdough starter
1 medium potato
2 cup water (or milk)
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup honey
3 tsp salt
1 T soy lecithin (optional)
1/8 tsp vitamin C (optional)
2 T vital gluten (optional)
1 egg
6-7 cups whole wheat flour, approximate measure

Cover potatoes with water and cook until soft. Drain water and save. Mash potatoes adding a little of the potato water if needed. You should have at least one cup of mashed potato. Allow to cool to warm.
Measure potato water, adding more water if needed to make 2 cups OR use milk in place of water.

Combine starter, mashed potatoes, water, oil, honey, salt, soy lecithin, vitamin C, gluten flour, and egg.
Mix well.
Add three cups of flour and mix.  Add flour until dough doesn't stick to sides of bowl.
Stop mixer and allow to rest for ten minutes.
Knead for five minutes with kneading hook on medium speed or by hand.
Place dough into oiled bowl, spray top with oil and cover. Allow to raise for 3-4 hours or nearly double.
Form into three loaves or rolls. Place in greased bread pans. Allow dough to rise until double, probably 2-3 hours.
Bake bread at 350 degrees for  30- 35  minutes. Remove from pans. Cool.

For more sourdough inspiration see my sourdough page or Yeastspotting.


  1. Gina--
    I was given amish friendship bread starter but I do not want the sweet breads all the time. It was 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar and 1 cup milk. I believe I converted it to a regular sourdough by eliminating the sugar and only feed it with equal amounts of flour and water. It seems to do what I think starters are supposed to do. It smells good (nice and sour) and has the clear liquid on the top. I keep it in the frig until Sat. when I use it to make bread. Do you think I successfully made a yeast bread starter or not? I have a small amount in my freezer in case I destroy my starter. Can I resurrect it by feeding it 2 cups of flour and water?

  2. Alice-
    I have never tried using an Amish friendship bread starter. But it won't hurt to try! Let me know how it works!

  3. Gina,

    I use a little different version of your recipe. What I do is start with 3 cups flour, warm milk, and sourdough starter as a sponge and let this ferment overnight.

    First thing in the morning I cook the potato, let it cool, and proceed with the rest. I also add 1 tsp of baking soda.

    Been very successful for me and even my wife will eat my whole wheat bread.


    It is easy to make sweet breads with a sourdough starter. What I do is eliminate the overnight sponge and simply proceed with the bread recipe in one go...never gives a chance for the lactic acid to build up as happens in an overnight sponge.

    If you want the sourness in the bread use the overnight sponge. AND the amount of baking soda regulates the acid bite so experiment a bit with more or less soda. Start with 1 tsp.


  4. This is the most awesome, easiest to make bread I have ever made and I have been baking bread for my family for over 34 years. Thank you for this recipe and your wonderful blog site. I really enjoy it. Lisa L.

  5. Hello! I found your blog while searching about sourdough. I am getting a starter going and excited to try some sourdough bread. While I know this is an old post I was wondering if you know what the measurements are in weight?

    Also wanted to let you know that I started reading other posts on your blog and I really enjoy it, especially the ones regarding your faith and family. Thanks again and looking forward to reading more of your posts!

    1. Sadye-
      Thanks for writing. Some of my recipes contain weight measurements. You can compare them to this recipe to find equal measurements.

      One of my "some day" projects is to add weight measurements to all these recipes.

  6. Gina, My son got me interested in sourdough bread baking last year and I have enjoyed playing with it ever since. I tried your recipe using the last potato in the house and it came out delicious. I have since been using about 1 1/4 cup instant potatoes and it has done wonderfully. Since this recipe makes 3 loaves at a time, I keep 2 for our family and give one away. I love the texture and taste of this bread immensely as do those who have received it as a gift. Some of these people have begun their own sourdough journeys. I have passed on your blog and recipes to others and have received their thanks in return.

  7. Hello. I received in the mail from a friend a starter of sourdough potato mixture. It is still frozen. I want to use it tonight. If I leave starter on counter, how long will it take to defrost? I live I. Southern California and it is going to be a warm day.

    1. You should feed it and let it grow before using it to bake bread. Ideally you would feed it several times over a day or two before using it for baking.


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