
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One Hundred Years Later

Thank you for your interest in New Mules in Pennsylvania. I thought I'd share a little more about my grandfather's family.

My great grandfather, Joe Hawbaker, grew up in Iowa. I always assumed he moved to Pennsylvania for good farming land. I love my state and thought I could understand why a person would want to move here! But I didn't understand the difference between farming in Iowa and farming in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania has rocks. I've been told that our area here in Pennsylvania contains a specific kind of limestone that is far harder than general rock. Joe, accustomed to the deep Iowa soil, had a real challenge adjusting to farming in Pennsylvania.

It was only this year that I learned the probably purpose that led Joe to move his family to Pennsylvania. Joe recognized that near his home in Iowa was some evil influences that was affecting the young men of the community. Joe chose to move his young sons to a different area.

I never met Joe. He died many years before I was born. I'm sure he wasn't perfect, no father is. But I'm grateful for his willingness to make a life changing choice to protect his family.

Was the sacrifice worth it? Today, many of Joe's descendants are following the Lord. There is a huge contrast with Joe's family and the descendants of his brothers who remained in Iowa.

I can't help but wonder, a hundred years from now, what will my great-grandchildren say about the choices Ed and I make for our family. Will they point out area of compromise? Or will they gratefully remember the wise direction that we led our family?


  1. What a wonderful legacy! I've so enjoyed you sharing about your family these past couple posts. I think it's wonderful that you actually put together a book to pass the history down.

  2. What a neat story to pass on. We are in PA too and wouldn't want to live anywhere else :)

  3. Thank you for sharing some of your family history. It is very interesing. I think we sometimes forget the decisions we make now will have lasting results. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  4. It's interesting to think about the choices we (and our family) make in life - and the impact that is seen generations later!
    What a blessing you have!

  5. Wonderful post! What a blessing to have that legacy- how inspiring! As a first generation Christian, I'm feeling quite challenged & convicted by it! :)

  6. I hadn't heard this part of the story before, thanks!
    Do you know if Joe was born in Iowa? I tried to find out once, but no one seemed to know who or when the first Hawbaker moved to Iowa.

  7. Carolyn -
    Joe's father moved from Welsh Run, PA to Iowa and Joe was born in Iowa. You really do need this book! :-) I included some historical info in the back. Can't wait to see you at Christmas!

  8. Thanks for the inspiration to write down family history in a children's book!! We have a book written by my great-great aunt about her parents and grandparents. I have been using her story to write a story for my children. We also have some stories passed down from other sides of the family that I hope to write in the future.

  9. Thanks for sharing this- I love history and what we can learn from our past. You sure have some rich heritage to glean from!

  10. Hi, I've ordered a copy of Animal Friends magazine for my little guy, and right now they have a 3$ off discount code for a subscription on their website which is good until Dec 31, 2012 ~ they invited people to blog about the code as well, I thought you might like to know. I enjoy your blog very much, thank you for sharing your life with us.

  11. I can't wait to read your book! My neighbors bought a copy. =)

  12. your book arrived today; i sat down right away & read it! =) very well done, gina! it was very interesting, & the layout was so professional! definitely a treasure to pass on; i'm sure your father was delighted w/ his birthday present! =)

  13. We have really enjoyed the book. I jsut wonder what those old timers would think of the present day Old Order River Brethrenn!? Makes me think about the choices I make. If it was something they thought was biblical and important we probably should think so too.

  14. Beautiful account of making life decisions based on right values, and the far-reaching impact it can have. I love this and it makes me examine my life. Thank you for sharing.


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