
Saturday, October 22, 2011

3rd Anniversary

 I had not really been thinking about it, but this week marked the third anniversary for this blog. I didn't plan any celebration - but I do hope to host a giveaway next week. I won't spoil the surprise, but we are enjoying some wonderful fragrances at our house.

I didn't want to let the opportunity slip by to thank all of you for stopping by Home Joys. I also noticed this week that the number of subscribers has doubled in the last two months. I am honored that so many of you take the time to visit, comment, and enjoy this little corner of the web. If you want to join the subscribers, sign up by email or feed reader on the right column.

In the past few weeks, I had the privilege of meeting several of you in person. I admit to a few butterfly flutters whenever a lady walks up to me and says, "I think I read your blog." I find a bit of security behind the a computer screen. To learn that a stranger knows me well enough to pick me out of a crowd is rather intimidating. But I love learning to know the smile behind a reader's name and your words of encouragement  inspire me to keep writing.

Thanks so much for the dozens of ways you have blessed my life in the past three years!


  1. Oh, do keep writing! I feel like I've learned so much from reading your tips. As I told you, I learned a lot about baking whole wheat bread from you. I love reading about your daily grind, as well. It's right where I live, too, and many times I find myself nodding in experiential knowledge with your posts, especially this one.

  2. Three Years!!! Congratulations. Only on the web can a fat old southern boy learn how to bake bread from a young Mennonite Mom.
    Keep up the good work and may God continue to bless your family.

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary! I really enjoy your stories.


  4. Every time I visit, I am blessed. Thank you for sharing your home, family and life with us.

  5. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary!

    I always enjoy reading what you write. Keep up the good work.

  6. Congratulations!
    I so enjoy coming here and reading through your recipes or seeing what's going on in your neck of the woods.
    Like many of the others have commented, you are a blessing in so many ways and I hope you will continue writing!
    It's a joy to be here! :)

  7. I have learned a lot from you, Congratulations!

  8. Congratulations!! That is so cool, I know how much time it takes to keep a blog going and interesting. I am really enjoying yours very much. God bless you

  9. Congratulations! I recently discovered your blog and I am really enjoying it. You are helping me stay inspired and get things done. Thanks!!

  10. I don't have time for reading a lot of the blogs any more that I signed up for to follow. I deleted a whole bunch but not yours. I like the fact that you come across as neighbor that I would be chatting with across the back fence. In fact I consider you a neighbor here on the net. So keep chatting with us your neighbors for more years to come. I have tried many of your recipes because they use simple everyday food one has in our cupboards so please continue to share those too. Your neighbor NatalieJoy from the mitten state of Michigan.

  11. Happy #3 Anniversary on your blog.. I enjoy reading about your daily happenings.

  12. Yeah, three years! I so enjoy your blog, thank you for all the time you give to it. I know that feeling when someone tells you they read your blog, too! I almost don't know how to talk to them thinking about what they already know. :)

  13. If it has to do with fragrances, I'm entering the giveaway! My bathroom needs something to mask the smell. It's not bad, just a lingering, doesn't-go-away-no-matter-how-often-you-scrub odor.

    Happy Anniversary! =) I love your words of wisdom and encouragement. I have to join the throngs and say, 'Don't stop writing!"

  14. Gina, thanks for taking the time to blog. I have often been inspired and blessed by reading Home Joys. And I especially applaud you for the times you've been transparent about things you struggle with.

    (And I know what you mean about finding a certain security behind the computer screen!)

  15. Wow!! Three whole years--that seems like a long time. I always enjoy my visits here. I come away from them feeling like I just chatted with a friend.

  16. Congratulations on 3 years! I haven't been reading here that long, but I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts ever since I stumbled upon your blog.

  17. congrats on your anniversary! I love your BLOG:) May you have a Blessed day.


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